  • 老师型。要成功委派工作,你将需要有具有合适技能的人,而他们也许要从你那里学一技能。
    You are a teacher. In order to delegate successfully, you will need people with appropriate skills -- and they may have to learn some of those skills from you.
  • 喜欢工作。和那创业神话相反,并非一定要是工作狂才能成功。许多企业家都认为建立合理的工作节奏更重要,在工作和个人生活之间建立平衡。除非对工作热爱,否则不要创业,因为今后会有很多的工作。
    You like to work. Contrary to myth, you don't need to be a workaholic to start a successful business. Many entrepreneurs find that it makes more sense to establish a reasonable working pace -- one that lets them strike a balance between work and their personal lives. That said, don't start a business unless you enjoy work. There's going to be plenty of it.
  • 不轻易放弃。你将会遇到可能让人停步不前的障碍。如果你是一个喜欢这种挑战的人,那么你会取得更多的成功。一乐观主义会有帮助的,它将帮助你处理每一个企业中都存在的不确定性。
    You don't quit easily. You'll encounter obstacles that might stymie some individuals. You'll have more success if you are the type of person who relishes such challenges. A dash of optimism helps it will help you handle the uncertainty that is part of every venture.
  • 也许你和你老板相处得很好,但总是会有一特殊的场合,你想说的话多于你应该说的。下面是你不该和老板说的10句话。
    You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss.
  • 有时老板让你去他办公室的时候,你正好要做一你一直等着要做的事情。事实上老板们并不把我们个人的需要看成是工作中一个重要的因素,所以当你的老板叫你去见他的时候,最好别说等一会过去。
    Sometimes you'll get called into the boss' office just as you're about to do something that you've been waiting to do. Bosses don't often view our personal wants as an important factor to the job, so when your boss calls you in to see them, it's not good to say you'll be there in a minute.
  • 当我们很忙的时候,我们不可能记得所有的事情,但是有事情当我们说忘了的时候,老板们也许就会不高兴。所以,你可以说,“我正在做,但是还没有完成”而不是直接说你忘记了。这就像是说玻璃杯里的水是半满着而不是半空着一样。它们的意思是相同的,只是另一个听起来更好。
    And we do get so busy that we can't remember everything, but some things may not be well received when we say that. So, instead of saying you forgot, try, "I"m on it but I haven't got through to them yet'. It's like saying the glass is half full instead of half empty. They mean the same
  • 当我们很忙的时候,我们不可能记得所有的事情,但是有事情当我们说忘了的时候,老板们也许就会不高兴。所以,你可以说,“我正在做,但是还没有完成”而不是直接说你忘记了。这就像是说玻璃杯里的水是半满着而不是半空着一样。它们的意思是相同的,只是另一个听起来更好。
    one just sounds better.
  • 大多数老板觉得自己懂得所有的东西,尽管你和办公室的其他同事也许会在一件事情上和你的老板有不同的观点。试着这样去说,“你或许已经知道这个”。这就让你的老板感觉到你尊重他的想法,即使你知道的更多一
    Most bosses like to feel that they know everything, although you and the rest of the office may differ in opinion on that issue. Try beginning your sentence with, "You probably already know this ". This shows your boss that you respect their intelligence, even though you know better.
  • 也许有时候你的老板戴了世界上最丑的领带,但是这并不是你应该告诉他们的。他们知道自己穿衣服的风格,也许这个领带是一个他们不能不戴的礼物。或者他们只是有很差的品味,但那是他们的特权。
    There may be times that your boss wears the ugliest tie on earth but it is not your place to tell them. They are aware how they dress and maybe the tie was a gift that they couldn't say no to wearing. Or maybe they just have bad taste, but that is their privilege.
  • 我们都想去知道这个问题的答案,也许有老板并不介意去讨论它。但是总体来说,这是一个很不合适的问题。
    We all would love to know the truth about that one, and maybe some boss' are free to discuss it. But generally, it's a big no, no.
  • 大多数公司关于涨薪有自己的一套程序,你要了解这个程序,以至于自己不会很傻地要求额外的涨薪。如果你觉得自己有涨薪的资格,那么要确保做一调查,然后找出最合适的时机提出要求。
    Most companies have a set program for raises and you need to understand that plan so that you don't look foolish and ask for a raise out of turn. If you feel you're entitled then make sure you do a bit of research and find out the best time to ask.
  • 一个更为现实的做法是遵循一策略来让自己缓慢进入职场。可许多人直到三十岁后才开始去尝试这策略。学校也许教会了你许多东西,但是职场这套独一无二的法则可能漏掉了。
    A more realistic challenge is to ease yourself slowly into the work world by following a few strategies that many people don't try until they're well into their 30s. School probably taught you a lot of things, but the business world's unique set of rules may not have been part of the story.
  • 你可以先作个自我评估,这会让你了解许多你不曾注意到的事情--例如,你喜欢怎样的工作环境、讨厌的工作环境又如何.你认为怎样才算是成功.什么样的工作会让你宁愿忍受几小时的交通堵塞、仅仅为了出现在办公室?了解这能帮你决定那职业适合你。
    Start by doing a self-assessment that teaches you things about yourself that you might never have thought about -- for example, what you like and don't like in a work environment, what defines success for you, and what type of work would make you want to sit in traffic for hours just for the privilege of showing up. Knowing these things can help you determine which occupations could be a good fit for you.
  • 如果你开始把自己看成“受害者”,或是长期消极,受伤的只会是你自己。烦恼到生病、吸毒或不承认自己遇到了僵局,这都是没有帮助的。最好的办法是承认现实、承认自我感受,找一个有富有成效的方法来解决问题。向支持你的人寻求帮助,考虑休息一段时间--毕竟,将来你不会再有这种不用上学也不用工作的自由了。
    If you start thinking of yourself as a victim or allow yourself to lapse into prolonged negativity, you won't be hurting anyone except yourself. Worrying until you get sick, abusing drugs or denying that you've reached an impasse won't help either. The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively. Reach out to your support systems, and consider taking some time off -- after all, you'll never have the freedom of being between school and work again!
  • 你可以调查你所在行业的公司,或者,加入在线社交网站,或是问问父母的朋友和参加相关的职业组织。这都能帮你建立联系。可以先用电子邮件和别人取得联系,不要明确地提出想获得工作,这会使对方心生戒备。对他们的职业生涯表示好奇
    Learn about new contacts by researching firms in your industry, joining social networking sites like LinkedIn, asking your parents' friends, and joining relevant professional associations. Approach individuals by e-mail first, and don't put them on the defensive by asking for a job outright. Instead, show curiosity about their career path and see if they'll agree to lunch or coffee.
  • 企业那事,学校教不了一书作者AlexandraLevit建议求职者在面临经济不确定时改变找工作的策略。
    Alexandra Levit, author of "They Don't Teach Corporate in College, " suggests job seekers may want to alter their approach due to economic uncertainties.
  • 旧金山劳动发展专家DavidBach说,求职者能”对那热门雇主多加关注,提高自己的竞争优势“。他还说,可以赶紧关注那受经济变化影响较少的领域,例如教育、医疗和能源。
    David Bach, a workforce development specialist in San Francisco, says job seekers can "improve their competitive edge by becoming more aware of the top ongoing employers." Fields that are less affected by the evolving economy -- such as education, health care, and energy -- make an ideal focus right now, he adds.
  • 虽然大约有1300万的美国人现在没有工作,不过那有工作的人现在可能要去担心一件奇怪的事情:根据一项新的研究显示,升职可能对你有害。
    While some 13 million Americans are out of work these days, those still with jobs might have a strange new thing to worry about--getting a promotion can be bad for you, a new study suggests.
  • 雇佣最杰出的人员。无论公司处于顺境还是逆境,员工都是最重要的资产。雇佣那踌躇满志雄心勃勃的人,他们是团队建设者和优秀的上传下达者,在企业面临困难的时候,他们也能引领企业奋斗于惊涛骇浪之中而不惊慌失措。
    Hire the best. Your staff is your most important asset -- in good times and in bad. Hire ambitious people who are team-builders and good communicators, who can lead the organization in turbulent times without panicking.
  • 注意保持多样化及社会责任感。从那讨厌的规化演说中解脱出来,而把你的价值观贯彻到怎样把公司经营得更好上面
    Commit to diversity and social responsibility. Get beyond your dreaded mission statement and make these values central to how you do business.
  • 培养未来的领导人。每年挑选出25名最优秀的员工,给他们4到5个月的时间像下地狱一样去完成一非常艰苦的具体任务。
    Groom future leaders. Select 25 of your best people each year and put them through hell together on specific projects for four or five months.
  • 以身作则。坚持自己的道德准则,特别是面临困难抉择的时候。你应该建立一个可以完全信任和尊重的管理小组。有这么一条金科玉律:只要你能照顾好自己的客户以及那照顾客户的员工,那么,公司的成长和利润就会自然而然照顾到你。
    Lead by example. Keep your moral compass at all times especially when you need to make a difficult decision. Make sure you also have a management team that you trust and respect. Operate on the credo: Take care of your customers and the people who take care of your customers and the growth and profit will take care of themselves.
  • 如果你能做到所有这,你就一定会拥有一个引以为豪的企业。
    Do all of that, and you'll have an organization that will make you proud.
  • 你可能会觉得,面对恐怖,打莲花坐不会有效果。但是很多活动都可以缓解焦虑,从锻炼到按摩。这技巧有很多已使用了几十年,甚至数百年
    now advances in science are showing they can reduce the hormones associated with stress and even affect brain activity. The common trait among all: maintaining control and recognizing that our concerns are a natural response to the world we live in.
  • 现在,随着科学的进步,它们能减少与焦虑有关的荷尔蒙含量,甚至能影响大脑活动。所有这方法的共同点:保持控制,并认识到担心只是我们对我们所生活的这个世界的一种自然反应。
    You may find the lotus pose hopelessly warm and fuzzy in the face of terror. But there are a host of activities, from working out to going for a massage, that can temper the anxiety. Many of these techniques have been used for decades, if not centuries
  • 现在,随着科学的进步,它们能减少与焦虑有关的荷尔蒙含量,甚至能影响大脑活动。所有这方法的共同点:保持控制,并认识到担心只是我们对我们所生活的这个世界的一种自然反应。
    now advances in science are showing they can reduce the hormones associated with stress and even affect brain activity. The common trait among all: maintaining control and recognizing that our concerns are a natural response to the world we live in.
  • 最近,Wisconsin-Madison大学的RichardDavidson发现由心神贯注研究中心首创的一种冥想呼吸法能够对大脑产生影响。在一个小范围进行并即将发表的研究中,Davidson对一家生物技术公司的25名员工的大脑进行了成像,这员工每周练习冥想6天,共练习了8周。他发现他们大脑额叶前部的左侧激活的情况有所增加,而这一部位与较低的焦虑水平、积极的情绪和大脑恐惧中心扁桃核的抑制相关。
    Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently found that a form of meditative breathing pioneered at the Center for Mindfulness can affect the brain. In a small, soon-to-be-published study, Davidson took brain images of 25 members of a biotech firm who practiced meditation six days a week for eight weeks. He found increased activation in the left side of the prefrontal part of the brain, an area associated with lower anxiety, positive emotion and inhibition of the amygdala, the brain's fear center.
  • 如果你无法做到保持一种姿势坐5分钟以上,那么你可以试一试瑜伽。《瑜伽学报》医学编辑TimothyMcCall博士说,集中注意力于不同姿态的身体的复杂之处可以迫使你过滤掉那“如磁带卷一般无休止的战颤和恐惧”,从而使你回到现实中来。这样,你就开始从脑海中清除对未来的担心。
    If sitting in one position for more than five minutes sounds impossible, you might try yoga. Concentrating on the physical intricacies of different poses forces you to filter out the "endless tape loops of chatter and fear, " says Dr. Timothy McCall, medical editor of Yoga Journal, allowing you to be present in the moment. In so doing, you begin to clear the mind of future worries.
  • 科学家发现彻底不考虑这问题很有帮助。迈阿密大学触觉研究所所长TiffanyField在对由于安德鲁飓风而受到心理创伤的60名在校儿童的研究中发现,连续一个月、每周接受两次30分钟按摩的孩子其忧郁情况有所下降,而那看放松内容的录像片的孩子则没有什么改观。作为人的压力标记的皮质醇水平在接受按摩的一组中也出现了相当程度的下降。如果你不喜欢按摩,那也可以出去好好走一走、游游泳或骑骑车。锻炼不仅有利于保持身体健康,而且能减少焦虑和忧郁。
    Scientists are finding that it can help to get outside your head completely. In a study of 60 schoolchildren traumatized by Hurricane Andrew, Tiffany Field, director of the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute, found that depression dropped in kids who received 30 minutes of massage twice a week for a month,kids who watched a relaxing video showed no improvement. And cortisol levels, the body's marker for stress, declined significantly in the massage group. If massage isn't your thing, go for a vigorous walk, swim or bike ride. Exercise is not only good at keeping you fit,it reduces anxiety and depression, too.
  • 研究者们说,尽管做起来很难,但是在多事之秋,人们需要从生活的最简单的快乐中获取安慰。在Rochester大学医学院进行的一次小范围调查中,O.J.Sahler博士发现在骨髓移植病人中,那听音乐的反应感到的疼痛和恶心程度比较轻,而且他们移植的骨髓也更早就开始工作。另外,笑可能确实是良药。LomaLinda大学公共卫生学院的LeeBerk博士发现一组看了一小时喜剧录像的学生其肾上腺素和皮质醇水平都出现了显著下降。“如果你非常害怕,”Berk说,“那就看小丑表演吧。”这才是值得我们好好考虑的东西。
    It may be difficult, but in troubled times, researchers say, people need to take comfort from life' s simplest pleasures.In a small study at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, Dr. O. J. Sahler found that bone-marrow transplant patients who listened to music reported less pain and nausea, and their transplants took less time to become functional. And, yes, laughter may be good medicine, too. Dr. Lee Berk, of the Loma Linda University School of Public Health, discovered that a group of students who watched a comic video for an hour had marked reductions in epinephrine and cortisol levels. "If fear is too great, " says Berk, "send in the clowns." Now that's something we can all meditate on.
  • 多想想“如果”。变化可能突如其来,不给你留一点时间来适应。如果你明天就有一个新老板了怎么办?如果你得到了晋升怎么办?如果一名同事离开了,你被要求承担额外的任务怎么办?仔细考虑你会如何处理这情况会有助于做好准备迎接改变
    Think through the "what ifs." Change can come without notice, leaving you little time to adapt. What would happen if you got a new boss tomorrow? If you were offered a promotion? If a colleague left, and you were asked to assume additional tasks? Considering how you would handle these types of scenarios will help you prepare for them.
  • 了解实情。在你的部门、公司或者职位上发生的变化你是第一个还是最后一个知道的?理想情况是,你想要靠近信息源,为了能处于那个位置,加强你和同事的人际关系吧。认识各个部门的人能帮助你了解公司内部的新发展。阅读行业刊物能让你知道雇主寻求的技能中那是你应该掌握的技术,还能知道你工作的领域里在经济下滑中行情怎么样
    Be in the know. Are you the first or last to learn what is happening in your department, company, or profession? Ideally, you want to be near the front of the pack. To be in that position, work on strengthening your relationships with coworkers. Getting to know others throughout your organization can help you stay apprised of new developments within the company. Reading industry publications can help you determine the skills employers seek, which technologies you may need to learn and how your field is weathering the current downturn.