  • 我当时不知怎样会想这样奇妙的答案,她也就算我完卷了。
    I had no idea how I could come up with this ingenious answer which seemed to satisfy her.
  • (八七)古人所谓“运用之妙,存乎一心”,这个“妙”,我们叫做灵活性,这是聪明的指挥员的产品。
    87. The ancients said: "Ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit"; This "ingenuity", which is what we mean by flexibility, is the contribution of the intelligent commander.
  • 巧妙利用时间,增进友谊时间似乎总是不够用,但稍微变通一下便可以为朋友挤时间来。
    Give the gift of time as often as time allows Time is what we don' t have nearly enough of ---and yet, armed with a little ingenuity, we can make it to give it to our friends.
  • 每当朕提一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
    Every time I fill a vacant office, I make ten malcontent and one ingrate.
  • 每当朕+提一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。
    Every time I full a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate.
  • 我看得来这新来的学生在竭力巴结老师,想得高分。
    I could see the new student trying to ingratiate himself with the teacher, in hopes of better marks.
  • 以鬼魂形式现以鬼魂或其它超自然物体的形式居住、拜访或
    To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.
  • 法国人生在法国或居住在法国的人
    A man who is a native or inhabitant of France.
  • 切尔卡西亚人生于或居住于切尔卡西亚的人
    A native or inhabitant of Circassia.
  • 格兰特又一次被困在基因克隆恐龙没的孤岛上,此时他终于得知了他被邀参加此行的真正原因。
    Once again stranded on an island inhabited by genetically cloned dinosaurs,Grant finally discovers his hosts' true reason for inviting him on this journey.
  • 另外,随着每次吸人和呼,它们交涣更多的空气。
    In addition, they exchange more air with each inhalation and exhalation.
  • 我让他闻了闻我刚才用过的嗅盐瓶。我们回到他家里时,看得他还在哆嗦。
    I made him inhale from the smelling bottle which had helped me and, by the time we reached his apartment, only the trembling was still in evidence.
  • 1994年10月,中方重申这一承诺,承担了不口内在性能至少达到300公里射程和500公斤有效载荷的地对地导弹的义务。
    In October 1994, China reaffirmed its promise and undertook the obligation of not exporting ground-to-ground missiles inherently capable of reaching a range of at least 300 kilometers with a payload of at least 500 kilograms.
  • 预期有希望来继承遗产,但是更亲近的有血缘关系的人生后,他的权利就会被剥夺的人。
    a person who expects to inherit but whose right can be defeated by the birth of a nearer relative.
  • 这份遗产超了我最漫无边际的梦想
    The inheritance passed my wildest dreams.
  • 在局域网(lan)中,一种对传输媒体访问时间的控制能力,为了防止异常长时间的输数据流,必要时需自动中断这种传输。
    In a local area network(LAN), the ability of a medium access unit to interrupt automatically transmission in order to inhibit an abnormally long output data stream.
  • 不受任何控制和约束;从压抑和担忧中解脱来。
    the trait of lacking restraint or control; freedom from inhibition or worry.
  • 那曾经荒凉的土地现在已经被开垦来了。
    the once inhospitable landscape is now tamed.
  • 开端,渗入发点或进入的机会
    An initial point of or opportunity for entry.
  • 若试图将一个变量初始化成超自身能力的一个值(无论这个值的数值形式如何),编译器就会向我们报告一条错消息。
    If you try to initialize a variable with a value bigger than it can hold (regardless of the numerical form of the value), the compiler will give you an error message.
  • 寻星镜一种低功率大视野的望远镜,附加在一台较大的望远镜上,为开始标被观察的物体位置而指向同一方向
    A low-power, wide-angle telescope fixed to the body of a more powerful telescope and pointed in the same direction for initially locating an object to be observed.
  • 甚至正相反,至少是在入世初期,由于两国贸易关系的规模和范围扩大,现摩擦的可能性还会增加。
    If anything, there is potential for an increase, at least initially, as the size and scope of our trade relationship grow.
  • 最先由秘书长在仔细审查联合国各部的要求后向大会提预算。
    The budget is initially proposed to the General Assembly by the Secretary-General, after careful scrutiny of requests from individual UN departments.
  • 把名字的首字母刻在树皮上;开创一个帝国
    Carve initials in the bark; carved out an empire.
  • 用姓名的首字母签名标或用首字母签名,尤指用于表示授权或同意
    To mark or sign with initials, especially for purposes of authorization or approval.
  • pc机用户应避免挑选单词、短语或者容易猜的数字,如生日、孩子的名字或姓名中的大写字母等;
    PC users should avoid picking words, phrases, or numbers that anyone can guess easily, such as a birth date, a child's name, or initials;
  • 起诉提和进行法律诉讼
    To initiate and conduct legal proceedings.
  • 用人工方法引导在基因复制的方法上,人工诱发或增加(酶或其它蛋白质)的产
    To initiate or increase the production of(an enzyme or other protein) at the level of genetic transcription.
  • 毛泽东同志发动这样一次大革命,主要是从反修防修的要求发的。
    In initiating it Comrade Mao Zedong was actuated mainly by the desire to oppose and prevent revisionism.
  • 诱导以基因复制的方式激发或增加酶或其它蛋白质产量的过程
    The process of initiating or increasing the production of an enzyme or other protein at the level of genetic transcription.
  • 尽管你方价低于我方水平,但考虑到初次与你方交易,我们破例接受这一订单。
    Although your bid is below our level, we accept this order as an exception, with a view to initiating business with you.
  • 中国人民愿同世界各国人民一道,为促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业,开创人类美好的未来,作不懈的努力。
    The Chinese people are willing, together with the people of the other countries in the world, to make unremitting efforts for the lofty cause of promoting world peace and development, and for initiating a glorious future for mankind.