  • 首先,国家对於进入内地市场的资金,提了要有更多高科技技术含量的要求。
    First of all, our country demands a higher technological content from the inflow of capitals.
  • 每当有人向货币发行局售与港元挂恥的外币(即美元)以套取港元(即资金流入港元),货币基础便会扩大。
    The monetary base increases when the foreign currency (in Hong Kong's case, US dollars) to which the domestic currency is linked is sold to the currency board for the domestic currency (inflow into Hong Kong dollars).
  • 如有人向货币发行局售与本地货币挂?的外币(就香港而言即美元)以套取本地货币(即资金流入港元),货币基础便会扩大。
    The monetary base increases when the foreign currency (in Hong Kong's case, US dollars) to which the domestic currency is linked is sold to the currency board for the domestic currency (inflow into the Hong Kong dollar).
  • 我们禁绝了一切奢侈品,限制了非必需品的输入,同时组织根据地非必需品和多余物品如药材、草帽等等的输,以换取外来的物资。
    We have banned all kinds of luxuries and restricted the inflow of nonessentials. At the same time, we have organized the outflow of nonessentials and surplus goods from the base areas, such as medicinal herbs and straw hats, in exchange for goods from the outside.
  • 施加影响或者作控制。
    exercising influence or control.
  • "他的影响超了菲亚特。
    " His influence stretched beyond Fiat.
  • 没有铁一般的和在斗争中锻炼来的党,没有为本阶级全体忠实的人所信赖的党,没有善于考察群众情绪和影响群众情绪的党,要顺利地进行这种斗争是不可能的。”
    Without an iron party tempered in the struggle, without a party enjoying the confidence of all that is honest in the given class, without a party capable of watching and influencing the mood of the masses, it is impossible to conduct such a struggle successfully."
  • 显要人物都席的社交盛事
    A fashionable affair attended by all the great and the good, ie important and influential people
  • 中国作为世界上具有重要影响的国家,应该为奥林匹克运动在全世界的发展做应有的贡献,举办奥运会则是这种贡献的最为集中的体现。
    China, one of the most influential countries in the world, is willing to do its best to promote the Olympic sport.
  • 不时现一些流行性感冒的病例。
    A few cases of influenza cropped out every now and then.
  • 詹姆斯夫人的流感一定是完全好了,因为昨天我看见她外了。
    Mrs.Jameson must have got over her influenza, for I saw her out yesterday.
  • 他们所感染的病毒与从香港市场家禽身上取得的化验样本分离的h9n2流感病毒有密切的关系。
    These viruses were closely related to H9N2 influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Hong Kong markets.
  • 一方面考虑到法律上的问题,考虑到人道方面的问题,一方面也要考虑到香港社会承受的能力,在这几方面的大原则之下我们现在经已展开研究,希望在很短的时间内和国内有关单位会坐下来谈,最后研究一个比较详细的方案。
    When we consider this issue, we have to take three factors into account:1) The legal implications.2) The humanitarian aspects of the matter.3) Hong Kong's ability to cope with such an influx in terms of education, housing, social welfare and medical facilities.With these principles in mind, we hope that we can sit down shortly with the relevant authorities in the mainland to formulate more detailed ways to tackle the problem.
  • 他婉拒了王室对他工作的表彰,这显然是于谦逊--他已故的妻子说"他不想要奖章"--友好、不拘礼节的气氛不仅表现在他所拍的照片中,而且也表现在这对王室夫妇直称他为"埃迪"。
    He apparently refused royal recognition for his work out of modesty--his late wife claimed that " he didn't want medals" --and a tone of friendly informality prevailed,not only in his pictures,but in his being simply "Eddie" to the royal couple.
  • 有关单位说,他们正在调查一个线民的秘密指控:海关和移民局官员接受贿赂[对赃车口]佯作未见。
    Authorities said they were investigating a confidential informant's charge that Customs and Immigration officials were bribed to look the other way.
  • 和哈德尔一样,另一些美国科学家的研究也得了类似的结论。但研究所的分析认为,他们的调查"信息不够充分",一方面跟踪调查的时间太短,癌症患者的人数太少,另一方面调查方法也存在着局限性。
    The review said Hardell's study and some U.S. research with similar findings were "non-informative, either because the follow-up was too short and numbers of cancers too small, or because of serious methodological limitations."
  • 消息灵通人士;基于可靠信息做的见解
    Informed sources; an informed opinion.
  • 我们中间有一个告密者,头儿决定要把他查来。
    There’s an informer among us and the chief is determined to smoke him out.
  • 在生产的时候了些问题,他半天都不肯来。结果,在吸产和挤压都无效的情况下,医生最后不得不硬生生地把他拽来,并告诉我们他纤细的锁骨可能已经折断了。
    There were problems with his delivery and he was"stuck" for a long time, so after suction and pushing without any luck, our doctor finally had to literally yank Noah out, informing us that he might have to break his little collar bone!
  • 在生产的时候了些问题,他半天都不肯来。结果,在吸产和挤压都无效的情况下,医生最后不得不硬生生地把他拽来,并告诉我们他纤细的锁骨可能已经折断了。
    There were problems with his delivery and he was "stuck" for a long time, so after suction and pushing without any luck, our doctor finally had to literally yank Noah out, informing us that he might have to break his little collar bone!
  • 易手,失球把球丢给了对方球队,如现失误或犯规
    A loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team, as by a misplay or an infraction of the rules.
  • 水龙卷和冰雹偶有现,降雪和陆龙卷则属罕见。
    Waterspouts and hailstorms occur infrequently, while snow and tornadoes are rare.
  • 版社侵犯了他的版权。
    The publishing house infringed his copyright.
  • 该署就投诉进行调查,并采取行动对付制造、分销、售卖及进口侵犯知识产权的货品的活动。
    It investigates complaints and takes action against the manufacturing, distribution, sale and import and export of goods which infringe intellectual property rights.
  • 如果证据充分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提公诉。
    We take suitable legal action against such infringement if sufficient provided.
  • 如果证据充分,我们将采取适当的法律手段对这种侵权行为提公诉。
    We'll take suitable legal actions against such infringement if sufficient evidence is provided
  • 我们必须指,气愤是完全正当的,哪有看了这些严重情形而不气愤的呢?
    We must say that their fury is entirely justified, for how can anybody help becoming infuriated in the face of such a grave situation?
  • 让茶多泡几分钟使泡味道来。
    Let the tea stand a few minutes to infuse.
  • 液一种用于制革的植物搀和剂,如从橡树中抽的物质一样,
    An infusion of vegetable matter, as from oak bark, used in tanning.
  • 心裁对习语或思想作有创意或巧妙的转用
    An ingenious or witty turn of phrase or thought.
  • 华族的调解人还运用一种别心裁的人际交往策略来修复关系。
    Chinese mediators also use the ingenious strategy of social exchange in restoring relationships.
  • 设计如此巧妙的方案需有极大的想像力
    It takes a lot of imaginations to come up with such an ingenious plan.