  • 我不了解这年轻人的脑子里想的是什么。
    I don't understand what's going on inside these young people's heads.
  • 鉴于这些事实...
    In view of these facts...
  • 尝试为那会对你的个人能力形成挑战的人工作
    Try to work for someone who'll challenge your powers.
  • 裁员的时候,最先离开的就是那没什么朋友的人。老板们喜欢并尊重那有能力的人。
    On downsizing, the first to go are those with few friends. Bosses prefer competent people whom they respect
  • 经常健身来保持良好的体型。除非是那极具经验的员工,一般来说,不健康的人都处于一种相对不利的状态。
    Workout to get in good physical shape. Unless exceptionally skilled, the unhealthy are at a comparative disadvantage
  • 不要清楚用事。如果有人对你不满,那是他们的问题。但是记住,你自己要尽力做到最好。
    Don't take things personally. If some people are unhappy with you, it's their problem. But always strive to give your best
  • 如果对某细节有意见的话,请提出来。
    If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.
  • 想要知道实际情况,就和那已经在你的理想行业工作的人士谈谈。你可以通过大学校友会,专业社团,或该行业的培训学校那里找到这样的专业人士。
    To get the real story, talk to people who work in the field you're targeting. You can find them through your college alumni association, professional associations, and schools with programs in the field.
  • 东西都是私人用品。
    it's all personal effects.
  • 美国人力资源协会最近对近500名人力资源经理做了一项新调查,发现应聘者在面试过程中有很多地方容易把事情搞砸,其中一可能会让你大吃一惊。
    According to a new survey of nearly 500 human-resources professionals released by the U.S. Department of Labor, there are plenty of ways to derail a job interview and some of them may surprise you.
  • 基本的错误不要犯:参加面试不要迟到,不要贬低以前的雇主。不过有招聘经理表示,有时候甚至连久经沙场的应聘者也会在阴沟里翻船。
    The basic don'ts: arriving late to an interview or trashing a previous employer. But some hiring managers say even experienced professionals have made other slip-ups.
  • 该调查显示,在面试过程中,一应聘者过早地向人力资源经理提出诸如福利奖金、休假时间和工作灵活性等问题。(30%的招聘经理表示,招聘者在面试结束后的双方交流中问起薪水问题是可以的。)约39%的受访招聘经理表示,应聘者根本不应该询问待遇水平,除非是面试官主动提起。
    Job seekers have also been blasting HR managers with questions about benefits, vacation time and schedule flexibility much too soon in the interview process, according to the survey. (Thirty percent of hiring managers say it's okay for applicants to inquire about salary in post-interview follow-up conversations.) Some 39% of hiring managers surveyed said applicants shouldn't bring up salary at all unless the interviewer brings it up first.
  • “有应聘者一开始就问他们能不能在家上班。”维罗比说,“正确的顺序是,等我们决定你适不适合这份工作,再来讨论你愿意在办公室里呆多久。
    I've had candidates ask if they can work part-time from home right off the bat, " Ms. Willoughby says. "Let's figure out if you're the right person for this job before we discuss how little you want to be in the office.
  • 一家猎头公司VitalityGroupExecutiveSearch的总裁肖恩·戴斯格罗斯勒建议应聘者参加面试时手上一定要拿点东西--随便什么都行,这样能让你保持专注。(他建议拿一支笔、一本笔记本或一份自己的简历)“两手空空走进面试地点会让人有手足无措,”他说道。
    Shawn Desgrosellier, president of Vitality Group Executive Search, coaches job candidates to go into an interview with something anything in their hands. The step maintains focus. (He suggested a pen, a notepad or your résumé.) "It's just awkward going into an interview with nothing, " he says.
  • 从小处着想。不要总是认为应该花几个小时去解决一个大而艰巨的任务中。列一份工作清单,然后按照清单来一项项的完成工作。除非有十万火急的事情,否则执行时就不要间断。就拿求职者来说,不是说你今天下午要找很多份工作,而是应该检查以前投递的简历是否有了回复,浏览一适合的工作网站,写几分求职信,并认真修改你的简历,使之切实可行。
    Think small. You can't always spend several hours working straight through on a single big job. Don't think in those terms. Use a simple to-do list, and take each item to completion without interruption, unless something's literally on fire. An example for the job-seeker: It's not "I'll look for jobs this afternoon, " it's checking email for replies to previous applications, scanning preferred job sites, writing cover letters, and tweaking your resume for each solid lead, etc.
  • 与他人良好的合作。如果你在一个团队中的工作是做好一重要的零件,那么你应该优先做好你的工作,以确保生产线能正常运转。没有比要其他人等着你的工作完成才能进入下个工序更糟糕的事情了。在找工作时,优先回答那等待你答复的人
    hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.
  • 聘用经理时寻找那能主动做事的人(谁不是呢?),这样大家一定会明白并记住你的高效率。
    Play well with others. When you're working as part of a team, make sure you're prioritizing what you do to get the most important parts into the production line. Nothing's worse than having people stand around waiting for you to produce. In a job search, prioritize anyone who's waiting to hear from you
  • 聘用经理时寻找那能主动做事的人(谁不是呢?),这样大家一定会明白并记住你的高效率。
    hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.
  • 立刻让你的上司知道任何突然出现的问题,要是你给上司足够的时间来解决这问题,他/她会很感激。
    Let your boss know immediately about any problems that crop up, he will be grateful if you give him enough time to solve it.
  • 主动接手这任务,你的上司会因为从这繁杂事里脱身而心怀感激。
    Volunteer to take on the nasty tasks that annoy your boss.
  • 由于这产品质量低劣,所以我方把20箱全部退回,并务必请贵方更换这产品。
    As the goods are inferior in quality, we are returning the whole of the 20 cases and must ask you to replace them.
  • 运动。如果你知道你的行程安排不允许你到健身室做运动,那想办法让你自己在一天里多动。与其是发电子邮件给你的同事,不如走到她的办公桌前。尽管你很累,但今天走走楼梯也是一个挺好的主意。但是尽量明天去健身室做做运动,经常做运动的人会比那不常做的得到更多休息睡眠,而且感觉更有精力。
    Exercise. If you know that your schedule does not allow for a visit to the gym today, find a way to move around during your day. Instead of sending an email to your coworker, walk to her desk. It may be a good idea to take the stairs today, even though you're tired. But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't.
  • 当布什总统来到新闻发布会上,他不会担心记者们会问什么样的问题,因为对这问题,因为不管是什么问题他心中都已有了答案。这样的回答称之为“谈话点”
    When President Bush walks into a press conference, he doesn't worry what journalists are going to ask him because he already has the answers he's going to provide -- no matter what the questions are. Such answers are called talking points.
  • 好吧。我们可以在一收欢迎的报纸上登广告并且记录好从哪地方得到的订单,这样咱们就可以知道那种广告最有效。
    Yes. We can make advertisements on some popular newspaper and remember to keep good records of where you are getting orders from, so we can know which advertisements are the most effective.
  • 我想和你们的顾问谈谈,我需要一有关如何销售我公司产品的建议。
    I'd like to talk with one of your consultants. I need some suggestions on how to market my product.
  • 我们可请顾问对韩森专案作建议。
    We can ask our counselors for advice about the Hansen Project.
  • 澳大利亚。如果我想了解我们合作伙伴的资信问题,我们应该做什么?
    Australia. What should I do if I want to get the credit information of our cooperate partner?
  • 希望这噪音没有打扰您。
    I hope the noise isn't bothering you.
  • 机器似乎是同类中最新型的。
    These machines seem to be the most modern ones of their kind.
  • 如果你有兴趣的话,我可以寄一简介产品的小册子。
    I will send you some brochures, if you are interested.
  • 现在大多数的工人和公职人员从上午9:00工作到下午5:00点,一人甚至从上午8:00或8:30工作到下午5:00,但是根据由英国睡眠(调查)委员会所做的全球外戚农工商调查,地中海国家的午间小憩一直(被认为)是个好主意.英国睡眠(调查)委员会要求老板们结束朝九晚五的工作方式,而选择灵活的时间.他们相信真正能够提高工人生产积极性的是一个很好的午间小睡而不是那奖金和鼓励.
    Now most of the workers and public servants work from 9 am to 5 pm. Some of them even work from 8 am or 8:30 am to 5 pm. However, according to the global Internet survey done by the UK Sleep Council, the Mediterranean siesta was the right idea all along. The UK Sleep Council called on the country's bosses to end nine-to-five working in favor of more flexible hours. They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives.
  • 有女上司的女职员中,百分之四十认为她们能比她们的直接上司干得更好。
    It also emerged four out of ten women who have female bosses believe they could do a better job than their immediate superior.