Chinese English Sentence:
  • (三)在军事战略面,是战略统一下的独立自主的游击战争,基本上是游击战,但不放松有利条件下的运动战。
    As far as military strategy is concerned, our policy is guerrilla warfare waged independently and with the initiative in our own hands within the framework of a unified strategy;guerrilla warfare is basic, but no chance of waging mobile warfare should be lost when the conditions are favourable.
  • 两岸同胞为反对外国殖民者侵占台湾进行了包括武装起义在内的各种式的斗争。
    The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits waged various forms of struggle including armed insurrections against the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by foreign colonialists.
  • 一种商定如赌注,被一所做的事取决某一不肯定事的发生。
    Bargain (such as a wager) where what is done by one party depends on something happening which is not certain to happen.
  • 当寡妇们大声非议再婚的时候,我敢打赌,要不是婚礼日已定好,就是男绝对已经定好了。
    When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages, I would always lay a wager that the man, if not the wedding-day, is absolutely fixed-on.
  • 他从两条街以外的地就能听到那微弱的哭泣声。
    From two blocks over he could hear the thin wail.
  • 上腹部人体正前面的中部,大致从胸正下延伸至腰
    The middle outer portion of the front of the human body, extending roughly from just below the breast to the waistline.
  • 你们同意放弃索赔,这充分说明你的友好态度和密切合作。
    You agree to waive the claim, which speak well for your friendly attitude and close cooperation.
  • 由于该盘已自动放弃,现对双无约束力。
    As this offer has been waived, it is not binding upon us now.
  • 另一面,这些债券投资者承担的绝对风险却又低于股东,因为息票的付款是不能勾销的,而在公司无法还债时,债券持有人的债权,有很高的优先权。
    On the other hand, absolute risk is lower than for equities because coupon payments cannot be waived and, in the event of a default, bondholders are ranked highly among creditors.
  • 发达国家应该从提供资金、减免债务、转让技术、平等贸易等面支持和帮助发展中国家振兴经济,提高人民生活水平,这也符合发达国家的长远利益。
    The developed countries should help the developing countries by providing capital, reducing or waiving debts, transferring technology and conducting trade on equal terms, with a view to revitalizing their economy and improving their people's livelihood. This also serves the long-term interests of the developed countries.
  • 年轻人穿着“北京”出门,说明了新加坡人已经用了新的视角看待这个北大国。
    When young people start leaving home in T-shirts bearing the word “Beijing”, it is evident that Singaporeans have begun to view the waking dragon in a fresh, new perspective.
  • 步行可至的距离;有停车场的工厂……比步行可至的工厂更便。
    walking distance; the factory with the big parking more convenient than the walk-to factory.
  • 指指我的裤袋笑而不语地走开了,我看着他的背影,后悔慌忙中没说声谢谢。
    He pointed at my pocket and walked away with a smile. As I watched him walking away from me, I kicked myself for having not thanked him in my state of confusion.
  • 地方材料墙
    wall with in digenous material
  • 调查结果:20个接受调查的洛杉矶警官来自全市不同的地、不同的种族,他们每个人都如数送还了钱包,里面的钱一分不少。
    The Results:Of the 20 Los Angeles police officers who were given wallets and purses, every single one turned in the wallet and the money. Not a penny was missing from the wallets, which were given to officers of all races, throughout the city.
  • 五十吨核桃仁已由“东风”轮运往你
    The 50 tons Walnut meat have been consigned to you per S. S."East Wind".
  • 我们会留心你对核桃仁的需求,一俟可供,即与你联系。
    We will keep in mind your requirement for Walnut-meat and shall contact you once it is available.
  • 虽然双都未负伤,华代尔先生对他的勇气却极为赞赏。
    Though neither he nor his opponent was injured, M. Walter was pleased with Duroy's spirit.
  • 自从莎士比亚时代以来,华尔兹是第一种允许舞伴双身体靠得很近,以托住对旋转的宫廷舞蹈。
    The waltz was the first court dance since Shakespeare's time where the couple were allowed to spin round holding each other very closely.
  • 但是,这种有弹性的网络可用性法在关键任务应用遇到昂贵的公共广域网服务时就有问题了,在以网络为中心的组织中广域网的失效会影响生意。
    However, this elastic approach to network availability gets strained when mission-critical applications meet expensive public WAN services.The failure of a WAN in a network-centric organization can hurt business.
  • 流浪的从一个地漂泊到另一个地的,并且缺少任何面的支持的
    Wandering from place to place and lacking any means of support.
  • 他千百计想钻入委员会中。
    He was trying to wangle his way onto the committee.
  • 他千百计想钻入委员会中。
    He is trying to wangle his way onto the committee.
  • 骗取了一个她根本没有受过有关面训练的工作
    Wangled a job for which she had no training.
  • 这种法曾经试过,但发现不合用。
    The way has been tried, and found wanting.
  • 生活奢侈以一种放荡的式表演、生长或移动;放荡
    To act, grow, or move in a wanton manner; be wanton.
  • 在北约继续狂轰滥炸的情况下,不可能在联合国讨论任何政治解决案。
    No political solution can be discussed at the United Nations under the circumstances where NATO's wanton bombing continues.
  • 而《考克斯报告》却称,“当美国制造的卫星、相关设备和文件都在中国时,如果中国不利用美国监控的某些疏漏,这是令人奇怪的”,找不到任何证据说明中国通过商业发射“窃缺美国敏感技术,就采取这种主观臆断的法妄加推测,才是真正怪事!
    However, the Cox Report claims, "It would be surprising if the PRC has not exploited security lapses while US-built satellites and associated equipment and documents were in the PRC.''This is really surprising to wantonly make such a subjective assumption, especially when it is unable to prove that China has stolen sensitive US technology through commercial launches.
  • 政府领导作战的式受到越来越多的批评.
    There was growing criticism of the Government's conduct of the war.
  • 医院里帮助病人戒毒瘾或酒瘾的地
    the hospital ward or clinic in which patients are detoxified.
  • 斜坡朝着湖岸的向平缓地向下伸展。
    The slope eases off to- wards the edge of the lake.
  • 这衣橱太占地方了.
    The wardrobe takes up too much space/room.