| - 这些图像实际上并没有显示出黑洞,需要通过研究星体的移动来推测黑洞确实存在。
These pictures don't actually show a black hole, you need to study the motion of stars to infer that there must be a black hole. - 如果他有罪,可以推断出她也有罪。
If he is guilty, then by inference so is she. - 从他的说法中推出这种结论恰当吗?
Is that a fair inference to draw from his statement? - 引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语
Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word. - 如果他有罪,可推断出她也有罪。
If he were guilty then by inference so is she. - 观测结论从观测得出的推论或判断
An inference or a judgment that is acquired from or based on observing. - 循此继进,使用判断和推理的方法,就可产生出合乎论理的结论来。
Proceeding further, by means of judgement and inference one is able to draw logical conclusions. - 如果他有罪,可推断出她也有罪.
If he is guilty then by inference so is she, ie This conclusion follows logically from the same set of facts. - 他不由得一本正经地想道,要不是她的亲戚出身微贱,那我难免危险了。
He really believed, that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger. - 如上所述,我之相对的战略劣势和战略被动地位,是能够脱出的,方法就是人工地造成我们许多的局部优势和局部主动地位,去剥夺敌人的许多局部优势和局部主动地位,把他抛入劣势和被动。
As already explained, it is possible to escape from our position of relative strategic inferiority and passivity, and the method is to create local superiority and initiative in many campaigns, so depriving the enemy of local superiority and initiative and plunging him into inferiority and passivity. - 通过这样许多战役的局部优势和局部主动地位,就能逐渐地造成战略的优势和战略的主动地位,战略的劣势和被动地位就能脱出了。
Through such local superiority and local initiative in many campaigns, we can gradually create strategic superiority and strategic initiative and extricate ourselves from strategic inferiority and passivity. - 由此可知,战争力量的优劣本身,固然是决定主动或被动的客观基础,但还不是主动或被动的现实事物,必待经过斗争,经过主观能力的竞赛,方才出现事实上的主动或被动。
Thus it can be seen that although superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war is the objective basis determining initiative or passivity, it is not in itself actual initiative or passivity; It is only through a struggle, a contest of ability, that actual initiative or passivity can emerge. - (四七)讲到这里,亡国论和妥协论者又将跑出来说:中国由劣势到平衡,需要有同日本相等的军力和经济力;由平衡到优势,需要有超过日本的军力和经济力;
47. At this point, the exponents of national subjugation and of compromise will again rush in and say, "To move from inferiority to parity China needs a military and economic power equal to Japan's, and to move from parity to superiority she will need a military and economic power greater than Japan's. - 应该重复地指出:所谓变劣势为优势和完成反攻准备,是包括中国自己力量的增长、日本困难的增长和国际援助的增长在内的,总合这些力量就能形成中国的优势,完成反攻的准备。
It should be reiterated that the change from inferiority to superiority and the completion of preparations for the counter-offensive will involve three things, namely, an increase in China's own strength, an increase in Japan's difficulties, and an increase in international support; It is the combination of all these forces that will bring about China's superiority and the completion of her preparations for the counter-offensive. - 不要发出那种讨厌的闹声!
Don't make that infernal noise! - 自从路易斯·布朗诞生以来,援助性的繁殖技术在帮助没有生育能力的男女成为父母方面已经作出了极大的贡献。
Since the birth of Louise Brown, assisted-reproduction technologies have made remarkable progress in helping infertile women and men become parents. - 那有一个大批老鼠出没的仓库。
There is a warehouse infested by rats. - (兽医)出现大量球虫。
(veterinary medicine) infestation with coccidia. - 击出刚过内野的高飞球
To hit(a ball) into the air just beyond the infield. - 在举行闭幕式时,东道主采纳了由一个17岁的(来自台湾的)华人运动员提出的建议,打破按国家先后顺序步入体育馆的常规,让各国运动员一齐走进会场中央,以体现团结和统一的精神。
For closing ceremony, the host adopted a proposal submitted by a 17 year old Chinese athlete (from Taiwan) to break away the custom of parading into the stadium nation by nation and instead to have the athletes walk to the infield en masse in the spirit of unity and togetherness. - 虽然这四个人早已是朋友,但勾心斗角一定会出现,而猜一猜谁会在暗斗中占上风则已经成了华盛顿的一项游戏。
Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting. - 我们曾抽调一部分干部派到敌占区,企图打入伪军伪组织中去,但因为派出的干部多与当地的工作对象缺乏一定的联系,始终得不出一个结果来。
We sent a number of cadres to infiltrate the puppet troops and organizations in enemy-occupied areas, but they never got anywhere because they did not have the necessary contacts with the right people there. - 一粒沙里看出一个世界,一朵花里藏着一个天堂,把无限放在你的手上,永恒在刹那间收藏。《天真的预示》-(英)威廉布莱克
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour."Auguries of Innocence"-William Blake - 她因年老体弱而足不出户。
She's old and infirm and has to keep to the house. - 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。
Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. - 内科医生或外科医生的劳动,在被生产者利用时,应看作是社会经济作出的牺牲,用以保护固定在生产性社会成员的生命和体力脑力中的那部分生产资源,使其不因死亡和生病而消失。
The labour of a physician or surgeon, when made use of by persons engaged in industry, must be regarded in the economy of society as a sacrifice incurred, to preserve from perishing by death or infirmity that portion of the productive resources of society which is fixed in the lives and bodily or mental powers of its productive members. - 易燃物燃烧发出热、光、(经常还有)烟的过程。
the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke. - 粘膜液体排出物具有这种炎症特征的排出物
The discharge that is characteristic of this inflammation. - 因为战争经济出现了通货膨胀。
The war inflated the economy. - 经过一年的急剧变化和进展之后,internet网与pc机一起已经以一种新的数字媒体方式出现,它也是业界的一个基本转折点。
After a year of dramatic change and evolution, the Internet and PC together have emerged as the way the new digital media will be presented to people, and that is a fundamental inflection point in the industry. - 当弗兰肯斯坦博士制造出一个怪物之后,他就为是否应该让这个怪物繁殖后代这一伦理问题所困扰:"为我个人的利益,我是否有权力让世世代代都遭殃?"这类问题需要我们建立新的伦理观吗?。
When Dr.Frankenstein made his monster,he wrestled with the moral issue of whether he should allow it to reproduce:“ Had I the right,for my own benefit,to inflict the curse upon everlasting generations?” Will such questions require us to develop new moral philosophies? - 这是由于出生人数比死亡人数多28100人,以及到港人数较离港人数多167700人。
This was due to 28100 more births than deaths and a net inflow of 167700 persons.