  • 在教室里一直待到该你们回的时间。
    Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
  • 待在家里。
    To stay at home.
  • 没有一件事比待在里听音乐更愉快的了。
    Nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to music.
  • 我要呆在家里。
    I'm staying at home.
  • 你住在哪一大饭店啊?
    Where hotel are you staying at?
  • 他现住在一个朋友里。
    He's staying with one of his friends.
  • 他和某个艺术逗留于巴黎。
    He's staying with some artist in Paris.
  • 今晚我呆在里看电视。
    I'm staying in tonight to watch television.
  • 一个半世纪以来,中国有无数的仁人志士,为了国富强,为了疆土完整,前赴后继,奋发图强。
    Indeed, over the past century and a half, many compatriots, driven by lofty ideals and steadfast conviction, have devoted themselves to the advancement of our people and safeguarding the territorial integrity of our nation.
  •  我确信,我们的军队能够始终不渝地坚持自己的性质。这个性质是,党的军队,人民的军队,社会主义国的军队。
    I am convinced that our army will be able to steadfastly maintain its own character, that is, that it will continue to belong to the Party, the people and our socialist country.
  • 中国政府始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,主张在和平共处五项原则和其他公认的国际关系准则基础上,同所有国建立和发展友好合作关系,并愿同各国一道,为维护世界和平、促进国际安全与稳定作出不懈努力。
    The Chinese government steadfastly follows an independent foreign policy of peace, and stands for establishing and developing relations of friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and other commonly recognized international relationship norms. China is willing to make unswerving efforts to safeguard world peace and promote international security together with other countries.
  • 中国改革开放20多年来,始终坚持对外开放政策,大力发展对外贸易,积极吸引外商投资,中国对外贸易总额已居世界第七位,吸收外资连续八年居发展中国首位。
    Two decades since it inaugurated reform and opening-up, China has steadfastly adhered to the policy of opening to the outside world, developed foreign trade in real earnest and actively attracted foreign investment. China's trade value now takes the 7th place in the world and its foreign capital attraction has been ranking as the foremost among all developing countries for 8 years in a row.
  • 这个国家的经济稳定
    The economy of this country is steady.
  • 他们到了一牛排馆。
    They are at a steak house.
  • 偷窃行为会使人蒙羞。
    Stealing reflects dishonour on your family.
  • 乔迁新居,我们大都很兴奋。
    We're all steamed up to move to our new house.
  • 当地的这钢铁厂越来越不景气,有可能在三年内关闭
    The local steelwork is running down and is likely to close within three years
  • 当地的这钢铁厂越来越不景气, 有可能在三年内关闭.
    The local steelworks is being run down and is likely to close within three years.
  • 这些显著的成果促使郑决定在美国开设首现代汽车公司的工厂,尽管具体日期尚未确定。
    The stellar results have prompted Chung to authorize the opening of Hyundai's first U.S. plant, though no date is set.
  • 她现在被一美国公司雇为速记打字员。
    She is now a stenotypist in the employ of an American firm.
  • 他向回家的路走去。
    He directed his step towards home.
  • 当我们到时,我把肖安抱到屋里,然后躺在斯蒂芬旁边和他说起话来。
    When we arrived home, I carried Sean in, then lay down next to Stephen to talk.
  • 最近我听到一个有关史蒂芬·葛雷的故事。他是个曾经有过重要的医学成就的科学
    I recently heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs.
  • 我们快活地走出门去呼吸清新的空气。
    we stepped out into the clear air buoyantly.
  • 随着经济的恢复和发展,在全国范围内兴起了妇女走出门参加社会生产的热潮。
    Along with the economic rehabilitation and development, there appeared a nationwide upsurge of women stepping out of their homes to take part in social production.
  • 我们朝家走去.
    We directed our steps towards home.
  • 它可与庭立体声系统中的简单扬声器直接连接
    It provides a direct connection to simple speaker of the type used for home stereo system
  • 据对全国150大型商场统计,一季度25寸以上彩电销售增长49.5%,冷热水机增长161.1%,燃气灶增长62.1%,用消毒柜增长39.5%,洗碗机增长50.3%,加湿器增长54.7%,电热水器增长21.9%,t恤衫增长439.5%,西裤增长31.5%,女装增长27.8%。
    According to statistics from the nation's 150 large markets, in the first quarter the sales of color TV sets of 25 inches and above grew by 49.5 percent, cold and hot water machines by 161.1 percent, gas stove by 62.1 percent, household sterilizing cabinet by 39.5 percent, dish-washing machine by 50.3 percent, humidifying chamber by 54.7 percent, electric water-heater by 21.9 percent, T-shirt by 439.5 percent, Western-style trousers by 31.5 percent, women's clothing by 27.8 percent.
  • 其货币与英国的货币英镑联系在一起的国群。
    the group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling.
  • 在英国的一旅馆的客房中过一夜可能要花20英镑,买一台日本的收音机要花4000日元,而买一件中国的丝绸衣服则要花500元人民币。
    A night in a hotel room in Britain may cost 20 sterling pounds, a Japanese radio 4, 000 yen, and a Chinese silk dress 500 RMB yuan.
  • 然而两天后,国际奥委会就剥夺了他的金牌,并将他打发回老,因为他在赛后被检查出使用了类固醇禁药。
    Two days later, however, Johnson was stripped of his gold medal and sent packing by the IOC when his post-race drug test indicated steroid use.
  • 温道斯,阿道夫1876-1959德国化学,因研究固醇及固醇与维生素的联系获1928年诺贝尔奖
    German chemist. He won a1928 Nobel Prize for conducting research on sterols and their connection with vitamins.