  • 我到全世界各地跟执行人员讲课,则多次用它来辩论,说一般所讲的swot析法,并不是西方世界的现代"发明",而是源自2000多年以前的中国。
    In my lectures to executives around the world, I have often used this phrase to argue that what we now commonly called SWOT analysis is not a modern "invention" from the Western world. Rather, it originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.
  • 在2000米悉尼奥运会时,他仅用340.59秒就游完了400米。
    At Sydney 2000, he covered 400 meters in 40.59.
  • 悉尼奥运会采用了一种新的举重员级别划制度。
    The Sydney Olympics adopted a new system of categorizing the weightlifters.
  • 至于中国语文科和英国语文科(课程乙),考获e级或以上成绩的考生别占全体学校考生的64.8%及61.5%(一九九八年则是62.4%及60.3%)。
    The percentages of grade awards at grade E and above for school candidates in the subjects of Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) were 64.8 and 61.5 respectively (62.4 and 60.3 in 1998).
  • 至于会考中国语文科和英国语文科(课程乙),考获e级或以上成绩的学校考生别占全体学校考生的66.9%及67.8%(二零零零年则是66.1%及64.6%)。
    The percentages of grade awards at grade E or above for school candidates in the subjects of HKCEE Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) were 66.9 and 67.8 respectively (66.1 and 64.6 in 2000).
  • 多看课外书,多写课外文,并鼓励与协助他们把佳作与其他同学们享,或送往华文报,学生报刊与教师会的刊物投稿。
    Teachers should also encourage them to do more reading and writing outside the school syllabus, and help them share what they have written with their classmates. Teachers could also send these works to the Chinese press, as well as to students' and teachers' publications.
  • 她们是一对奇特的朋友,西尔维亚老是抑制不住胡言乱语,而波利却十庄重严肃。
    They're an odd pair of friends, Sylvia always bubbling over with nonsense and Polly as sober as a judge.
  • 用来分类的符号。
    A symbol that classifies.
  • 任意一种等长码,它不需要任何符号来表示码字之间的间隔。这可通过下述方法做到:保证两个相邻码字的部组成的任意符号序列与任一有效码字至少有一个符号不同。
    Any equal-length code in which no symbols are required to indicate the separati on between the code words. This is achieved by ensuring thatany sequence of symbols formed by portions of two adjacent code words differs in at least one symbol from any valid word.
  • 子式表示化学物质成或组成方式的符号表达式
    A symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and structure of a compound.
  • 分子对称性
    symmetric properties of molecules
  • 使平衡,使对称形成带有平衡或对称的各部
    To form the parts of with balance or symmetry.
  • 对于广大的同情我们的党外知识子,则应该同他们建立适当的联系,把他们组织到抗日和民主的伟大斗争中去,组织到文化运动中去,组织到统一战线的工作中去。
    We should maintain suitable contact with the huge numbers of non-Party intellectuals who sympathize with us and organize them in the great struggle for resistance to Japan and for democracy, and in the cultural movement and the work of the united front.
  • 他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。
    Often they show heartfelt sympathy for intellectuals of petty-bourgeois origin, to the extent of sympathizing with or even praising their shortcomings.
  • 在我党我军的思想基础和组织基础已经巩固地建设成功的现在时期,大量地吸收同情子(当然决不是破坏子),不但没有危险,而且非此不能争取全国同情和扩大革命势力,所以是必要的政策。
    Now that the ideological and organizational foundations of our Party and our army have been firmly laid, not only is there no danger in drawing in large numbers of sympathizers (not saboteurs of course) but it is indeed an indispensable policy, for otherwise it will be impossible to win the sympathy of the whole country and expand our revolutionary forces.
  • 文艺服从于政治,今天中国政治的第一个根本问题是抗日,因此党的文艺工作者首先应该在抗日这一点上和党外的一切文学家艺术家(从党的同情子、小资产阶级的文艺家到一切赞成抗日的资产阶级地主阶级的文艺家)团结起来。
    Since literature and art are subordinate to politics and since the fundamental problem in China's politics today is resistance to Japan, our Party writers and artists must in the hrst place unite on this issue of resistance to Japan with all non-Party writers and artists (ranging from Party sympathizers and petty-bourgeois writers and artists to all those writers and artists of the bourgeois and landlord classes who are in favour of resistance to Japan).
  • 又一方面,积极发展全国党政军民学各方面的统一战线,力争国民党中的大多数,力争中间阶层,力争抗战军队中的同情者,力争民众运动的深入,力争知识子,力争抗日根据地的巩固和抗日武装、抗日政权的发展,力争党的巩固和进步。
    On the other hand, it must actively develop the united front of the political parties, the government organs, the armed forces, the civilian population and the intellectuals;it must do its utmost to win over the majority of the Kuomintang, the intermediate classes and sympathizers in the armies fighting against Japan, to deepen the mass movement, to win over the intellectuals, to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas, expand the anti-Japanese armed forces and the organs of anti-Japanese political power, and consolidate our Party and ensure its progress.
  • 在交响乐两个较大的部中间的一个小的乐章。
    a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony.
  • 具有精神裂的的症状。
    characterized by symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia.
  • 如果我们对搞清楚有关不同宗教团体的情况有举趣,大部教堂、犹太被教堂以及寺庙是欢迎参观者的;
    As for those groups, if you're interested, you can catch some of their programs on television. If you' re interested in finding out about different religious groups, most churches, synagogues, and temples welcome visitors.
  • 在美国,忍受娩的疼痛被看作对自己的挑战,一个与“新时代”哲学相符的颇能产生满足感的经历。
    Withstanding the pain of birth is presented in the United States as a personal c hallenge, a deeply satisfying experience in synch with New Age philosophy.
  • ldap通过提供一个公共接口,方便了布在电子邮件和其他数据服务器上多个目录的同步。
    By providing a common interface, LDAP facilitates synchronization of directories across distributed E-mail and other database servers.
  • corba对象的布式本质意味着应用程序可以共享信息和同步多台机器上动作,以获得更好的性能、可扩展性、容错性能和灵活性。
    The distributed nature of CORBA objects means that applications can share information and synchronize activity across multiple machines for better performance, scalability, fault tolerance and flexibility.
  • 能够使所有的内在组成部同步的能够产生稳定高频信号的计算机内部的电子电路。
    an electronic circuit in a computer that issues a steady high-frequency signal that synchronizes all the internal components.
  • 曼波曲跳这种舞所用的切音乐,节拍为4/4拍
    The syncopated music for this dance in4/4 time.
  • 这便产生了切音的效果。这种切音是爵士音乐的另一个特征。
    This produces an effect called syncopation another characteristic of Jazz.
  • 检获毒品的数目下跌,是由于贩毒集团将大量毒品储存在内地,然后成小批运入香港应付本地需求。
    The decline in seizures was attributed to unlawful syndicates' practice of storing drugs in bulk across the border and then bringing supplies in small quantities into Hong Kong to meet local demand.
  • 外资银行参与银团贷款的资金来源,一部由其营运资金筹措解决,一部可以在中外资银行按自愿和商议的原则谈判的基础上,由外资银行向参与银团的中资银行借款。
    Foreign banks obtain the fund for loan syndication partly from their own working capital and partly from loans provided by Chinese banks through voluntary negotiations between the two sides.
  • 捏造的空话捏造的无意义的言语,尤指恍惚或精神裂综合症状态下的言语
    Fabricated and nonmeaningful speech, especially such speech associated with a trance state or certain schizophrenic syndromes.
  • (提喻法)身体一部用面对人。
    (synecdoche) a part of a person is used to refer to a person.
  • 安纳托利亚土耳其的亚洲部,一般认为等同于小亚细亚
    The Asian part of Turkey. It is usually considered synonymous with Asia Minor.
  • 在一些类中被认为是田鼠属的同义词。
    in some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus.