| - 这些温和的拆息升幅,已足以吸引资金流入,抵销原本资金流出的情况。
These moderate increases in interest rates were sufficient to induce capital inflows that offset the original outflows. - 驱风的,减轻胃肠气胀的引导气体从胃部和肠子里排出的
Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. - 数更多的数学集合中的一元,如负整数或实数,通过归纳正整数而得出
A member of any of the further sets of mathematical objects, such as negative integers and real numbers, that can be derived from the positive integers by induction. - 表现出或者惯于纵容,具有纵容的特点。
showing or characterized by or given to indulgence. - 连我都喝了3瓶啤酒(第二天早晨我就为此付出了代价。
I even had three beers. (I paid for that indulgence the next morning. - 对我们的近亲和好朋友,我们表现得关心、和蔼、宽容、和慷慨,也不吝于施出援手。
To our close relatives, kiths and kins and friends, we are caring, kind, helpful, indulgent and generous. - 坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子。
It is, therefore, necessary to persist in using IT to propel industrialization, which will, in turn, stimulate IT application, blazing a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of advantages in human resources. - 有一项提案提出把理事国数目从15个增加到24个,即增加五个没有否决权的常任理事国(三个发展中国家和两个工业化国家)和五个非常任理事国。
One such proposal would increase membership from 15 to 24, by adding five permanent members without veto power (three developing States and two industrialized States), as well as four non-permanent members. - 据ubs沃伯格投资银行公司最近的一份研究报告,中国加入wto将促进亚洲其它新兴工业化经济体出口产品的需求增加,这些经济体的收益预计将达它们2000年gdp的1.1%。
According to a recent study by investment bank UBS Warburg, thanks to China' s accession Asia's other newly industrialized economies are projected to benefit by 1.1 percent of their 2000 GDPs as China's demand for their exports increases. - 它们之所以能生产出除食物以外的许许多多其他物品,仅仅是因为上一次收获结束时储藏的食物不仅足以养活农业劳动者,而且还能养活大量的工业人口。
They are only enabled to produce so many other things besides food, because the food which was in store at the close of the last harvest suffices to maintain not only the agricultural labourers, but a large industrious population besides. - 这一事件的发生不是勤劳、勇敢和善良的印尼人民的过错,更不是为了印尼国家的繁荣昌盛而英勇拼搏、将自己的智慧和汗血、甚至于生命,完完全全奉献出来的印尼华人应得的报应。
This tragedy was not the fault of the industrious, brave and kind Indonesians. This tragedy is not the kind of reward that the Chinese Indonesians, who have fought brave and hard, devoting their wisdom, blood, sweat, even their lives, for the prosperity of Indonesia, deserve. - 台湾省出版业
publishing industry in Taiwan - 万维网工作风格使我们得以扩大与我们合作的电子网,防止出现我们在错误领域内的扩张以及消耗大量管理费用的低效率工作。
The Web work style enables us to extend our electronic web of partnerships and keeps us from growing big in the wrong areas and becoming ineffective through too much overhead. - 但最终又找不到任何证据,所以他们不得不多次承认,“还没有证据来证实由于发射场安全措施无效而出现向中国转让受控信息的事件”。
However, having failed to produce any evidence, they were forced to repeatedly admit that the Select Committee has "found no witness to confirm that a transfer to the PRC of controlled US technology has occurred as a result of ineffective launch site security". - 因此,“教学=授受”这公式很快地就要失效,“教学”应该另下定义解释成“教学生怎样学”;“学问”是“学怎样提出问题”;而“学识”是“学怎样求新的知识”。
Thus, the formula "teaching-learning=giving-receiving" is fast becoming ineffectual. We need to re-define teaching-learning as "teaching students how to learn, learning to ask questions, and learning to acquire new knowledge". - 这次调查反映出管理效率不高。
The investigation showed up the inefficiency of the management. - 研究人员还指出,随着手机和电脑的日益普及,人们同时处理多项任务的现象也将日趋普遍。但这也许是意味着我们将要浪费更多的时间和降低工作效率。
So called "multitasking" is becoming increasingly common because of cell phones and computers, the researchers point out, but it may just be adding wasted time and inefficiency to our days. - 我们大多数人都不应该为这些统计数字所体现出的不平等而吃惊或恐慌。
Few of us should be surprised -- or threatened -- by statistics on inequality. - 无色无味的气体,在真空管中能发出红光,六种惰性气体之一,在空气中含量较少。
a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts. - 实际上,长征三号乙的这次失利故障虽然出在惯性平台上,但其故障性质仅属于元器件的质量问题,根本不涉及平台的设计方案,更不涉及所谓对制导系统的改进。
In fact, although the LM-3B had a failure in its inertia platform, the main cause was the quality of component, which had nothing to do with the platform design scheme, to say nothing of an "improvement'' of the guidance system. - 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原则和国家利益之间作出取舍。
There is an inescapable tension faced by all governmentsin reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state. - 这是各国政府都必须面对的问题,如何在国家原则和国家利益之间作出取舍。
This is an inescapable tension faced by all governments in reconciling their commitment to principles and the interests of the state. - “中国内战不祥的结局超出美国政府控制的能力,这是不幸的事,却也是无可避免的”;
"The unfortunate but inescapable fact is that the ominous result of the civil war in China was beyond the control of the government of the United States. - 艾奇逊在他的信中说:“中国内战不祥的结局超出美国政府控制的能力,这是不幸的事,却也是无可避免的”;
Dean Acheson lamented in his letter: "The unfortunate but inescapable fact is that the ominous result of the civil war in China was beyond the control of the government of the United States. - 艾奇逊在他的信中说:“中国内战不祥的结局超出美国政府控制的能力,这是不幸的事,却也是无可避免的”;“这种结局之所以终於发生,也并不是因为我们少做了某些事情。
Dean Acheson lamented in his letter: "The unfortunate but inescapable fact is that the ominous result of the civil war in China was beyond the control of the government of the United States.... Nothing that was left undone by this country has contributed to it. - 对于敌人,对于日本帝国主义和一切人民的敌人,革命文艺工作者的任务是在暴露他们的残暴和欺骗,并指出他们必然要失败的趋势,鼓励抗日军民同心同德,坚决地打倒他们。
With regard to the enemy, that is, Japanese imperialism and all the other enemies of the people, the task of revolutionary writers and artists is to expose their duplicity and cruelty and at the same time to point out the inevitability of their defeat, so as to encourage the anti-Japanese army and people to fight staunchly with one heart and one mind for their overthrow. - 聪明的政治家能预测出不可避免的反应。
The wise states-man can look ahead for the inevitable reaction. - 应该指出,这是当时必然会出现的现象。
It should be pointed out that this was an inevitable phenomenon at that time. - 出门在外、认识新的朋友时,总能听到这句问话。
is one that will inevitably pop up. - 凡是没有社会和文化痼疾的国家,也都必将出现这个过程。
The process will inevitably continue in all countries which do not have intractable social and cultural handicaps. - 这种所需的细节使描述业务过程变得很困难,最终不可避免地导致出错和不够精确。
The level of detail required makes it difficult to describe business processes, inevitably leading to errors and inaccuracies. - 因此,他们的最终制成品,多是高档的合乎最高标准的物品,再出口至外国销售。
The end-products are inevitably of top quality and highly specialised, keenly sought after by consumers all over the world.