  • 整个首届立法会将有六十个议席,其中二十个为直选议席,三十个通过功能组别间接选,馀下十个则通过一个选举委员会间接选
    This first full legislature will have 60 elected members - 20 will be directly elected, 30 indirectly elected through functional constituencies and the remaining 10 indirectly elected through an Election Committee.
  • 第二届立法会议员将於二零零零年选,任期四年,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至二十四个。到了二零零四年,我们会进行第三届立法会选举,届时由直选产生的议席数目,会增至三十个,馀下半数议席则由间接选举产生。
    The second legislature, to be elected for a four-year term in the year 2000, will have 24 directly-elected seats while the third legislature from 2004 will have 30, directly elected seats, the other 50% being indirectly elected.
  • 八十年代初以来,中国劳改机关对罪犯的考核、奖惩普遍实行了计分的办法,即对罪犯的日常改造表现用分数来反映,根据规定的基础分,对积极改造的给予奖分,对有违规违纪行为的给予扣分,并按月公布每名罪犯的奖、扣分情况,罪犯有权对所得分数提质疑和申辩。
    Since the early 1980s', a system of points has been generally adopted by all Chinese reform-through-labour institutions for assessment and determination of reward and punishment, wherein day-to-day behaviour of the prisoners as they undergo reform is translated into points. On the basis of a fixed number of points, those who show a positive attitude towards reform will be awarded additional points and those who show indiscipline or break regulations will have points deducted, with results of additions and deductions of points made public every month. Prisoners have the right to question or protest their scores.
  • 他话一口,就后悔自己不谨慎,不该说这些话的。
    No sooner had the words come out than he regretted his indiscretion in speaking them.
  • 比如去年我们疏忽了一点,了一股滥发奖金风,奖金一项发了约五十亿。
    For example, because we were somewhat negligent in our work last year, bonuses were issued indiscriminately to the tune of over five billion yuan.
  • 我同意一条好的销售渠道对顺利口是至关重要和必不可少的。
    I agree that a good marketing channel is important and indispensable to the success of export.
  • 很小的声音发一种或者一系列的低微、连续、含糊的声音
    To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or succession of sounds.
  • 咕哝发低低的、不清晰的、痛苦的声音,尤指野鸽子咕咕低鸣
    To make a low, indistinct, mournful sound. Used especially of a dove.
  • 这两个标本实际上彼此是不同的,但这些不同的地方几乎辨别不来;区别不开的双胞胎;苍白的人道精神中完全辨认不来的白人。
    the two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are almost indistinguishable; the twins were indistinguishable; a colorless person quite indistinguishable from the colorless mass of humanity.
  • 零星的雨点;请标个人纪录;他们走他们自己的路。
    individual drops of rain; please mark the individual pages; they went their individual ways.
  • 并且还须指,骄傲还可以发展到另外一种结果,如同少奇同志的报告中所说的,只要党内现了个人主义的骄傲的人们,只要这种人的个人主义情绪不受到党的坚决的制止,他们就会一步一步地在党内计较地位,争权夺利,拉拉扯扯,发展小集团的活动,直至走上帮助敌人来破坏党分裂党的罪恶道路。
    It should also be noted that conceit may have another result, as Comrade Shaoqi has pointed out in his report. When Party members' conceit and individualism are not resolutely reined in by the Party, these members will eventually begin to argue over their position in the Party, fight for power and personal gain, trade flattery and favors, form small cliques and even go to the extent of treacherously helping the enemy undermine and split the Party.
  • 如果你真正意识到了这一点,你就会明白,活在世上,最重要的事就是活你自己的特色和滋味来。
    A full awareness of this will point out to you that the most important thing in your existence is your distinctive individuality or something special of yours.
  • "数字奥运"的总体目标是:保障北京2008年奥运会的色举办,建立以人为本、个性化、符合国际惯例、体现中国特色的综合信息服务体系,加速"数字北京"建设,带动产业发展,展示中国信息化水平和成就。
    The following is the overall objective of "Digital Olympics": ensuring successful hosting of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, establishing a comprehensive information service system based on individuality and tasking people as a dominant factor, conforming with international norms and demonstrating Chinese characteristic, speeding-up construction of "Digital Beijing", promoting industrial development and showing the standards and achievements of China's informatization.
  • 一个列表;单个命名;给……的名字。
    give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of.
  • 56.相互般配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比单独售好得多的价钱。
    56. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls told individually.
  • 戴尽力了解每一匹马是很重要的,这样才能从中选良马。
    It's important to try and get to know them individually, so that you can get the best out of them.
  • 个体、私营等非公有制经济较快发展,在发展经济、增加就业、活跃市场、扩大口方面发挥了重要作用。
    Individually-owned businesses, private enterprises and other non-public sectors of the economy developed fairly fast and played an important role in stimulating economic growth, creating more jobs, invigorating the market and expanding exports.
  • 生在邦加岛,离开印尼快50年了,离别和思念,使我永远忘不了这个第二故乡。
    I was born in the Indonesian island of Bangka. Although I have left Indonesia almost 50 years ago, the nolstagia for my birthplace has made it impossible for me to forget my second homeland.
  • 生在邦加岛,离开印尼快50年了,离别和思念,使我永远忘不了这个第二故乡。
    I was born in the Indonesian island of Bangka. Although I have left Indonesia almost 50 years ago, the nostalgia for my birthplace has made it impossible for me to forget my second homeland.
  • 虽然后来有读者指这些照片反映的是印尼军人在东帝汶的暴行,而与五月暴乱无关,但由于印尼华妇遭强暴已是不争的事实,照片张冠李戴并没有使华人的满腔怒火降温。
    Although the photos were later said to be taken of Indonesian soldiers' atrocities in East Timor, and not related to the anti-Chinese riots in May, the indignation of Huaren remained unabated. There is no denying that the rape of Chinese women happened in May in Indonesia.
  • 从而长达几十年“用黑人奴隶开矿的美国模式”的辩论终告结束,台了“本地土人不适于重体力劳动,应由中国劳工进行开矿”的不成文规定。
    It also ended a debate which had lasted for several decades over whether or not to follow "the American model of using Negro slaves to excavate the tin mines."An unwritten rule was propagated that "Chinese laborers should work at the mines because local Indonesian natives were unsuited for heavy labor".
  • 乐池,舞台音乐家或其他表演者的室内演
    An indoor stand or platform for musicians and other performers.
  • 今天我不出门了。
    I'll stay indoors today.
  • 晚上大多数人都不门。
    It is in the evening that most people stay indoors.
  • 医生建议父亲呆在家里,等咳嗽好了些再去。
    Father was advised to stop indoors until his cough was properly better.
  • 当母亲咳嗽似乎好一些后,别人建议她一个星期不要外
    Mother was advised to keep indoors for a week after cough seemed better.
  • 尽管外面下着雨,这孩子还是要门。
    The baby did not want to stop indoors althought it was raining outside.
  • 你最好在家里呆几天,等感冒好些了再门。
    You'd better stay indoors for a few days until your cold is better.
  • 他大大吸了一口气,无意中流露他吃了一惊.
    All that betrayed his surprise was a sharply indrawn breath.
  • 他大大吸了一口气,无意中流露他吃了一惊。
    All that betrays his surprise is a sharply indrawn breath.
  • 我们在辩论中提的不容置疑的证据,击败了对方。
    The indubitable evidence we produced bore down our opponents in the debate.
  • 当时,要想诱使伊拉克士兵阵交战几乎是不可能的。
    It was almost impossible to induce the Iraqi soldiers to fight a pitched battle.