  • 二、以贯行动执行确切的计划。
  • 强加艰苦或续的工作的人。
    someone who imposes hard or continuous work.
  • 墙基层支撑一堵墙的一组续的石块
    A continuous course of stones supporting a wall.
  • 大气污染续自动监测系统
    continuous and automatic monitoring system for atmospheric pollution
  • 水污染续自动监测系统
    continuous and automatic monitoring system for water pollution
  • 电话铃声续响了五分钟。
    The telephone rang continuously for five minutes.
  • 一个星期又一个星期;一数周
    Continuously for many weeks
  • 他连续工作了三天。
    He continuously worked three days.
  • 函数是续可微分的。
    The function is continuously differentiable.
  • 这台机器续运转了8天。
    The machine ran continuously for eight days.
  • 续变量作为输入和输出的计算机。
    A computer with continuously variable inputs and outputs.
  • 这个戏(一)演了6个星期。
    This show has been running for six weeks(continuously).
  • (指轻武器)能够续的自动填装和开火。
    (of firearms) capable of automatic loading and firing continuously.
  • 续体或某一过程中的具体能辨认的位置。
    a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process.
  • 真实数值可以为零至一的续数的一种数理逻辑。
    a form of mathematical logic in which truth can assume a continuum of values between 0 and 1.
  • 从过去到现在甚至到将来的依次发生的事件的绝对续统一体。
    the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future.
  • 词典对时间的定义是:"时间是一个续统一体,其中的事件一个接一个发生,从过去到现在到未来。
    The definition from the dictionary says: " Time is a continuum in which events succeed one another from past through present to future."
  • 当然,其原因可能是如此大的波动只不过是发电机过程中波动续体的极端例子,一个外核气候中的厄尔尼诺现象。
    Indeed, it may be that such fluctuations are simply extreme examples of the continuum of fluctuations in the dynamo processes, an El Niflo in the weather of the outer core.
  • 数学中的一种逻辑形式,其中变量被认为是在0和1之间的续值。当逻辑规则把输入数据和判定与目标或子目标联系起来时,它可用于专家系统,但此时数据常常是用似然语言而不是用确定语言表示。
    In mathematics, a form of logic in which the variable may assume a continuum of values between1 and0. It is used in expert systems when logical rules relate the input data and assertions to goals and subgoals but the data is often expressed in terms of likelihood rather than certainty.
  • 海拔相同的地方用等高线相的一种地图。
    a map having contour lines through points of equal elevation.
  • 把两个续的元音或音节收缩或紧缩成一个双元音。
    the contraction of two vowels into a diphthong.
  • 把矛盾的词语起来(如震耳欲聋的沉默)。
    conjoining contradictory terms (as in `deafening silence').
  • 由控制装置(群集控制器)和与它相的终端组成的一种站。
    A station that consists of a control unit(cluster controller) and the terminals attached to it.
  • hdm是指驱动程序与特定的控制器和硬件设备接的部分。
    The HDM is the part of the driver that interfaces with the particular controller and hardware device.
  • 中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,000
    A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai. Dalian and L黶hun form the conurbation of L黡a. Population,1, 380, 000.
  • 进行一次不贯的漫谈
    Engaged in a desultory conversation.
  • 用来修饰说明某种应用软件,其中每一输入都会从系统或程序那里得到响应。如查询系统、飞机订票系统。一个交互系统也可以是会话式的,即用户和系统之间的续对话。
    Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls forth a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying a continuous dialog between the user and the system.
  • 修饰一种对话式系统,通过该系统,用户和计算机之间能够进行续的对话。
    Pertaining to a conversational type system in which a continuous dialog can take place between a user and the computer.
  • 相反,无接的网络不依赖于具体的链路,而是依赖于主机之间或者程序之间的消息交换。
    Conversely, connectionless networks don't depend on specific links, but rather on message exchanges between hosts or programs.
  • 珠缘常为一串小圆球成的装饰线,用于凸形边缘上
    A decoration consisting of a usually continuous series of small spherical shapes, as on a convex molding.
  • 传送带续的带或链,用以把运动,动力或物品从一个轮子或轴传导或传送到另一个
    A continuous band or chain for transferring motion or power or conveying materials from one wheel or shaft to another.
  • 有一次当他们车队正在翻越祁山时,碰到了大风雪。
    Once a snowstorm hit their motor convoy when they were crossing the Qilian Mountains.