Chinese English Sentence:
  • 助飞器一种用于起飞时增加推力的辅助喷气
    An auxiliary jet-producing unit providing additional thrust for a takeoff.
  • 微调置精密仪器上被设计用以增进精密校准或测量的一个辅助
    An auxiliary device designed to facilitate fine adjustments or measurements on precision instruments.
  • 从辅助存储器中取得入模块,并将其入主存储器。
    To obtain load modules from auxiliary storage and load them into main storage.
  • 从辅助存储器将入模块入主存以便执行。
    To bring a load module from auxiliary storage in to main storage for execution.
  • 在虚拟存储系统中,将入模块或程序段从辅助存储器移到虚拟存储器中。
    In virtual storage system, to bring load modules or program phases from auxiliary storage into virtual storage.
  • 收乙方提供的元件和辅助材料等将从日本运至河南。
    The components and auxiliary materials, etc, supplied by party b are to be shipped from Japan to Henna.
  • 整流置运载工具(如飞机的)用以减少阻力的一种附件或外部表面
    An auxiliary structure or the external surface of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, that serves to reduce drag.
  • 加工贸易是指一国从国外进口主要原材料、零部件,加工配后复出口的一种贸易方式。
    Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiliary parts to be processed or assembled and re-exported.
  • 机械系统用来工作的系统或置,如汽车或手持式凿岩机,包括其动力源和辅助设备
    A system or device for doing work, as an automobile or a jackhammer, together with its power source and auxiliary equipment.
  • 可用性应该通过附着在广域网接口上的服务等级证实置,如智能dsu/csu,进行系统监测。
    Availability should be systematically monitored through service-level validation devices attached to WAN interfaces, such as intelligent DSU/CSUs.
  • 如果必需时可用到的辅助置。
    a supplementary pump available if needed.
  • 由于武器备和担负的任务不同,各类航空兵团编制飞机数量,通常在20架至40架之间不等;
    Due to differences in weaponry and tasks, the number of aircraft in an aviation regiment ranges from 20 to 40.
  • 在过去的20个月里,她几乎改革了雅芳经营中的每一个环节:如何做广告宣传、生产、包以及如何销售其产品。
    Over the past 20 months she has overhauled nearly everything about the way Avon does business: how it advertises, manufactures, packages, and even sells its products.
  • 恭候贵公司的销售确认书及船通知。
    We await to receive your confirmation and the shipping advice.
  • 请认真对待这一订单为盼,早日得到货通知。
    We recommend this order to your particular attention, and await your early advice of shipment.
  • 身后可能留下一种自动信息通讯置,以等待高级文明的可能的萌发。
    It have left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization.
  • 我们乐于通知你方,所订之货物已准备好,并在本公司厂房中等候运。
    We are pleased to inform you that your order is completed and await shipping at our plant.
  • 请电告船通知或请来函告知最早运期。
    I await your advice of shipment, or the earliest time you propose to ship, by return of mail.
  • 他假不知道我在那里。
    He made believe not to be aware of my presence.
  • 内部饰学科的课程很少而且发展滞后;没有发展起来的社会意识。
    courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped; undeveloped social awareness.
  • 由于修理要花点时间,今天下午晚一点我们会送一套更换置给您们使用。
    As the repairs will take awhile, we will send over a replacement unit for you to use later this afternoon.
  • 可是天天却躲在有空调的房间里美美地睡午觉去了,睡醒之后自然也会有一顿冰镇地美味佳肴等着他。
    Tian Tian took a nap in his air conditioned grotto and was to have his frozen treat after he awoke, Spelman said.
  • 他用斧子武起来以防万一。
    He equips with arms with the axe being ready for any eventuality.
  • 有磁带的盒子,磁带由转动轴驱动,使用时不必把磁带和盒子分开。
    A container holding magnetic tape, driven on axes, that can is processed without separating it from the container.
  • 同轴的有或上共同轴的
    Having or mounted on a common axis.
  • 至少一个轮轴围绕另外固定轴旋转的传动置系统。
    a system of epicyclic gears in which at least one wheel axis itself revolves about another fixed axis.
  • 轴装得不准。
    The axle is out of true.
  • 他把轮子装在轴上。
    He set the wheel on the axle.
  • 排挡一传递置,适于一马达与轮轴转距有具体比例的马达,用于机动车辆
    A transmission configuration for a specific ratio of engine to axle torque in a motor vehicle.
  • 把汽车发动机的能量通过主动轴传送给有效轴的传动置。
    the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle.
  • 轮轴,枢轴在车辕或车轴某端的枢轴或轴颈,车轮或其它置绕其旋转
    A metal pivot or journal at the end of a shaft or an axle, around which a wheel or other device turns.
  • 我们头顶上是尖形双拱屋顶,木雕贴面,天蓝色彩绘,饰着金色百合花图案;
    Overhead, a roof of double Gothic arches, panelled with carved wood, painted azure blue, and diapered with golden fleur de lis;