  • 真怪,一头40尺长的太平洋母灰鲸及其幼崽随即就在游艇旁浮出海面,甚至还让兴高采烈的观者抚摸。
    Lo and behold,a forty?foot female Pacific gray whale and her calf surfaced right next to the boat,and even allowed the delighted whale?watchers to pet them.
  • 真怪,一头40尺长的太平洋母灰鲸及其幼崽随即就在游艇旁浮出海面,甚至还让兴高采烈的观者抚摸。
    Lo and behold,a forty-foot female Pacific gray whale and her calf surfaced right next to the boat,and even allowed the delighted whale watchers to pet them.
  •  如果说国人曾时常有机会向别的国家致送礼物,它致送时的形式是种种不一的,而且有时也并不是出于它的自愿,但是作为一个接受礼物的国家,对于这种礼物应不应当接受,事前总得仔细考虑一番。
    If the English very often find occasion to offer presents to foreign nations, very different are the forms in which this is done; it is not unfrequently done against their will; always does it behove foreign nations well to consider whether or not the present should be accepted.
  • 他本来只想跟家人一起过平静生活;而当他的妻儿在贝尔法斯特被一军士兵意外开枪打死时,情况就发生了根本变化。
    He just wanted to live quietly with his family but whole thing blew up in his face when his wife and child were accidentally shot dead by a British soldier in Belfast.
  • 2002年整个欧洲的巧克力销售额是192亿美元,国几乎占了其中的三分之一。而在以制作巧克力工艺著称的比利时,人均消费巧克力却只有8.4千克。
    While Europe as a whole spent $19.2 billion on chocolate last year, Britons made almost one in three chocolate purchases, while in Belgium, considered by many to be the home of the chocolate-maker's art, Belgian put away only 8.4 kilos per head.
  • 比利时、瑞典和国是君主国。
    Belgium, Sweden and Britain are monarchy.
  • 爱因斯坦逃离德国以后,先是到了法国,然后到了比利时,最后到了国。
    Fleeing Germany, Einstein went first to France, then to Belgium, and then to Britain.
  • 而马拉多纳在赢得锦标赛的过程中对格兰和比利时所进的球却将永远留在人闪的脑海中。
    The ones Maradona scored against England and Belgium on the way to winning the tournament will live in the memory forever.
  • 王平:当时参加大会的有八个国家:国、美国、瑞典、西班牙、意大利、比利时、俄国和希腊。
    Wang Ping: At that time, eight countries attended the congress.They were the United Kingdom, United States, Sweden, Spain, Ita-ly, Belgium, Russia and Greece.
  • 身处不列颠勇的岛屿的、身处法兰西和比利时废墟城市的,甚至可能是身处德国和意大利的人们
    The people on the heroic island of Britain, in the ruined cities of France and Belgium, yes, perhaps even to people in Germany and in Italy.
  • 新加坡华人取文名并不在少数,但在需要使用华文名的场合,若连华文老师都对之如此菲薄,不能不令人感叹。
    While there are many Singaporeans with English names, there are occasions when it is appropriate for one’s Chinese name to be used. It is thus truly sad to know that even a Chinese-language teacher should belittle her Chinese name.
  • 国人属于白色人种。
    John Bulls belong to the white race.
  • 福特是全球妇女崇拜的性感偶像,同时,因其扮演了电影史上最受人喜爱的雄形象,人们都认为他是个出色的演员。
    Revered as a sex symbol by women worldwide, the person behind the most beloved heroes in film's history is regarded as an excellent actor by both sexes.
  • 我们在快车道上飞驰了近100里,然后不得不在小路上慢吞吞地行进。
    We belted along the motorway for nearly a hundred miles, and then had to travel at a crawl along the minor roads.
  • 他在高速公路上以每小时90里的速度疾驶.
    He went belting up/down the motorway at 90 mph.
  • 当我6月份到达那个地方时,20几头幸存的白鲸——每头都至少有12尺长——大都聚在一个16尺长10尺宽的冰窟窿旁。
    When I arrived at the site in June, most of the 20 or so surviving beluga whales each at least 12 feet long were clustered near a hole that measured about 10 feet by 16.
  • 我们走了一里路以后一屁股坐到长凳上休息。
    After walking a mile we plunged down on a bench to rest.
  • 格兰和威尔士高等分院分为三个庭:王座庭、大法官法庭和家事庭。价值超过5,000镑的多数民事权利要求案由它审理。
    In England and Wales, the high court is divided into three divisions: the queen's bench, the chancery and the family divisions; the court hears most civil claim where the value exceed??5,000.
  • 他说:“在这里,大家都想方设法为达不到标准的学生找借口。在俄罗斯,人们住集体公寓,没有薪水将就度日,父母还经常喝醉,但这都不是成绩不好的借口。在国,教师有时不敢公开鼓励聪明的孩子,因为这也许会冒犯那些学习不好的孩子。”
    "Here everybody bends over backwards to find excuses for the underachievers. In Russia people live in communal flats, go without wages, and parents are frequently drunk, but that is not an excuse to underperform at school. In Britain teachers can be afraid to encourage bright kids openly because it might offend the underachievers," he says.
  • 受俸牧师推荐权国教会法中推荐担任空缺圣职的权力
    The right in English ecclesiastical law of presentation to a vacant benefice.
  • 语)一所牧师住宅(它是作为牧师俸给之一部分土地)。
    (British) a parsonage (especially one provided for the holder of a benefice).
  • 律师把那100镑分开,结果每个受惠者得到12镑10先令。
    The lawyer shared out the £100 so that each beneficiary had £12.l0s.
  • 道德与知识是相辅相成的,在迈向先进国之列的康庄大道上,我们不啻需要培养一批精理、通工商的精,更需要一群仁智兼备的有学之士。
    Knowledge and wisdom complement one another. In our quest to become a developed country, it is not enough to train people to be proficient in science and technology. What is more important is that we must have a group of people, who are not only experts in their respective field, but also have the moral wisdom and a benevolent outlook to take us there.
  • 道德与知识是相辅相成的,在迈向先进国之列的康庄大道上,我们不啻需要培养一批精理、通工商的精,更需要一群仁智兼备的有学之士。
    Knowledge and wisdom complement one another. In our quest to become a developed country, it is not enough to rain people to be proficient in science, technology and commerce. What is more important is that we must have a group of people, who are not only experts in their respective field, but also have the moral wisdom and a benevolent outlook to take us there.
  • 伊洛瓦底河缅甸一河流,全长1,609公里(1,000里),向南流入孟加拉湾和安达曼海。它是这个国家的主要河流
    A river of Burma flowing about1, 609 km(1, 000 mi) southward to the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. It is the chief river of the country.
  • 如果国人想迁居国外,或者想把他的资本投放到国外地区,他宁可到比较辽远的、他的语言、法律和规章已经有了基础的那些地区,而决不会选中欧洲大陆的那些落后国家,他现在就是这样做的。
    If the Englishman took it into his head to emigrate,or to invest his capital elsewhere than in England, he would as he now does prefer those more distant countries where he would find already existing his language, his laws, and regulations, rather than the benighted countries of the Continent.
  • 像里纳德·伯恩斯坦一样,格兰的本杰明·布里顿也帮助许多青年人更好地理解音乐作品。
    Like Leonard Bernstein, England's Benjamin Britten has helped many young people to understand music better.
  • 倘使班纳特太太发觉吉有什么危险,那她真要伤心死了;
    Had she found Jane in any apparent danger, Mrs. Bennet would have been very miserable;
  • 不久以后,彬格莱和他的姊妹跟洁·班纳特成了朋友,彬格莱与洁之间的恋情似乎热乎了。
    Soon after, Bingley and his sisters become friends with Jane Bennet, and the romance between Bingley and Jane seems to flourish.
  • 格兰南部的伯克郡泰晤士河畔的一个城市。
    a city on the River Thames in Berkshire in S England.
  • 柏林的一部分,年以前被美国、国和德国共同控制。
    the part of Berlin under United States and British and French control until 1989.
  • 哈弗尔河德国东部一条流经柏林并注入易北河的流程约346公里(215里)的河流
    A river, about346 km(215 mi) long, of eastern Germany flowing through Berlin to the Elbe River.