  • 地中海两年生草本植物,有长茎的紫色舌状、乳白色树汁和可食用根;已被美国广泛种植。
    Mediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized throughout United States.
  • 两年生欧亚植物,黄色,其叶芳香,用做祛风剂或调味品;广泛栽培,尤其作绿肥或覆盖作物。
    biennial yellow-flowered Eurasian plant having aromatic leaves used as carminative or flavoring agent; widely cultivated especially as green manure or cover crop.
  • 美国西南部的两年生植物,具有带光泽的白色叶柄,齿状的叶子,其暗黄色的开在早上。
    biennial of southwestern United States having lustrous-white stems and toothed leaves grown for its large pale yellow flowers that open in early morning.
  • 一个多年生或二年生草本植物属,有长圆柱状总状序,多且有时朵芬芳,地下茎;地中海地区至高加索山脉;有时归入阿斯弗得禄科。
    genus of rhizomatous perennial or biennial herbs with numerous sometimes fragrant flowers in long cylindrical racemes; Mediterranean region to Caucasus; sometimes placed in family Asphodelaceae.
  • 黄葵一年生或二年生毛状植物(黄葵秋葵属),生长于亚洲热带地区,有深红色心的黄色朵,因其种子而培植
    A hairy annual or biennial plant(Abelmoschus moschatus) native to tropical Asia and having yellow flowers with crimson centers. It is cultivated for its seed.
  • 这个被谋杀的女人;在被谋杀的林肯的棺材上放上一个圈。
    the murdered woman; lay a wreath on murdered Lincoln's bier.
  • 我们的房子比你们的小,但园比你们的大。
    Our house is smaller than yours but I think the garden is bigger.
  • 加利福尼亚中部到华盛顿北部地区的一种强壮的兰,有总状序,白色、芳香的小对称开放。
    stout orchid of central California to northern Washington having racemes of white fragrant bilaterally symmetrical flowers.
  • 有蝶形冠的,蝶形的有蝴蝶似的左右对称冠的,是大部分豆科植物所具有的特点
    Having a bilaterally symmetrical corolla somewhat resembling a butterfly, characteristic of most plants of the pea family.
  • 一系列荣誉又为成功锦上添,其中最瞩目的是1994年"排行榜最佳乡村女歌手奖"及"乡村音乐学院奖"之"最受欢迎的新女歌手"。
    That success was capped by a flurry of honors,most notably a Billboard award for Top Female Country Artist of 1994 and an Academy of Country Music award for Favorite New Female.
  • 大概她先瞧了一眼,看看有没有情书藏在束里面,不幸什么也没有找着。奥斯本笑着问道:“塞德利,在卜克雷·窝拉他们是不是也用朵儿传情达意啊?”
    Perhaps she just looked first into the bouquet to see whether there was a billet-doux hidden among the flowers; but there was no letter. “Do they talk the language of flowers at Boggley Wollah, Sedley?” asked Osborne laughing. (W. Thackeray, Vanity Fair).
  • 如果天上有可爱的白云,那么,让他们读白云而忘掉书本吧,或同时读书本和白云吧。在休憩的时候,吸一筒烟或喝一杯好茶则更妙不过。或许在一个雪夜,坐在炉前,炉上的水壶铿铿作响,身边放一盒淡巴菰,一个人拿了十数本哲学,经济学,诗歌,传记的书,堆在长椅上,然后闲逸地拿起几本来翻一翻,找到一本爱读的书时,便轻轻点起烟来吸着。金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。陈继儒(眉公)描写读书的情调,最为美妙:“古人称书画为丛笺软卷,故读书开卷以闲适为尚。”在这种心境中,一个人对什么东西都能够容忍了。此位作家又曰:“真学士不以鲁鱼亥豕为意,好旅客登山不以路恶难行为意,看雪景者不以桥不固为意,卜居乡间者不以俗人为意,爱看者不以酒劣为意。”
    If there are good clouds over one's head, let them read the clouds and forget the books, or read (he books and the clouds at the same time. Between times, a good pipe or a good cup of tea makes it still more perfect. Or perhaps on a snowy night, when one is sitting before the fireside, and there is a kettle singing on the hearth and a good pouch of tobacco at the side, one gathers ten or a dozen books on philosophy, economics, poetry, biography and piles them up on the couch, and then leisurely turns over a few of them and gently lights on the one which strikes his fancy at the moment. Chin Shengt'an regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life. The mood for reading is perfectly described by Ch'en Chiju (Meikung): "The ancient people called books and paintings 'limp volumes' and ' soft volumes'; therefore the best style of reading a book or opening an album is the leisurely style. " In this mood, one develops patience for everything. As the same author says, "The real master tolerates misprints when reading history, as a good traveller tolerates bad roads when climbing a mountain, one going to watch a snow scene tolerates a flimsy bridge, one choosing to live in the country tolerates vulgar people, and one bent on looking at flowers tolerates bad wine."
  • 在霍利斯的研究日程表上,最后一个大问题在于细胞在发光后是否能够重新设定,按照研究小组最近对手动探测仪的设想,这个问题可能并不太重要:人们拟利用光电盒读取可交换的一次性生物探测芯片发出的光子,而光电盒只需要费几美元。
    The last big question on Hollis's research agenda -- whether the cells will reset after having fired -- may not even matter in the group's latest vision for a handheld biosensor: a proposed optical-electronic box would read the photons emitted by a swappable and disposable biosensor chip, which would cost just a few dollars.
  • 做一次弥撒就得一千巴黎利弗尔④!
    cried an old woman bitterly in the crowd beneath the window.
  • 天气寒冷彻骨,而且又下着大雪,纷纷扬扬的雪直打在她脸上。
    It was bitterly cold and a heavy snow was falling beating into her face.
  • 矮小、爬行的兰,茎纤细,小而奇异呈昆虫状。
    any of several dwarf creeping orchids with small bizarre insectlike hairy flowers on slender stalks.
  • 欧洲越橘、笃斯越橘指长有可食黑色浆果的欧亚大陆的英国产欧越橘,或北美洲东部的伞房月橘两种落叶灌木中的一种
    Either of two deciduous shrubs, Vaccinium myrtillus, of Eurasia, or V. corymbosum, of eastern North America, having edible blackish berries.
  • 蝙蝠葛属任一种与防已属和蝙蝠葛属有密切联系的雌雄异体的藤本植物,开显眼的朵,结红色或黑色果实
    Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related genera Cocculus and Menispermum, having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit.
  • 北美东部长得高的每年落叶的灌木,有可食用的蓝到黑色的浆果并带独特的;是大多载植的越橘的来源。
    high-growing deciduous shrub of eastern North America bearing edible blueish to blackish berries with a distinct bloom; source of most cultivated blueberries.
  • 高大粗糙的美洲多年生草本植物,开小白,在长而下垂的总状序上结黑红的浆果;肉质的嫩茎可以食用,浆果和根有毒。
    tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy stems are edible; berries and root are poisonous.
  • 甘蓝菜:在所有抗癌蔬菜中,甘蓝菜、菜和卷心菜效果最突出,特别在抑制膀胱癌方面。
    Broccoli:Among all the cancer-fighting vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage stand out, especially in cancers of the bladder.
  • 长有黄和气泡豆荚的亚欧灌木的小的属。
    small genus of Eurasian shrubs with yellow flowers and bladdery pods.
  • 欧洲的一种开黄的灌木,因为它的黄色和有气胞的荚果作为野生油脂原料而栽培之。
    yellow-flowered European shrub cultivated for its succession of yellow flowers and very inflated bladdery pods and as a source of wildlife food.
  • 霜使花凋谢了。
    Frost blasted the blossoms.
  • 风使樱花枯萎。
    The wind blasted the cherry blossom.
  • 一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照了……紧接着轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。
    And then there came a blinding flash?? and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
  • 一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照了……紧接着轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。
    And then there came a blinding flash… and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
  • "...她(刘芳)在演奏细腻段落时,让听众感到琵琶音与音之间的呼吸,犹如蕾展开;在演奏激烈段落时,其密度和强度也会使flamenco吉他大师目瞪口呆...."
    "... She shift nimbly from sparse passages that allow the pipa's sharp tones to blossom and breathe, to blistering runs that, in their density, would make flamenco masters weep..."
  • 帝国主义的各种样直到封锁,其目的在于迫我就范,我们的斗争也在于迫使帝国主义就范。
    All the imperialists' tricks, including the blockade, are designed to force us to submit. Similarly, our struggle is aimed at forcing the imperialists to submit.
  • 该片是1996年票房巨片《101只斑狗》的续集。
    This story is sequel to the 1996 box office blockbuster,“ 101 Dalmatians.
  • 该片是1996年票房巨片《101只斑狗》的续集。
    This story is sequel to the 1996 box?office blockbuster,"101 Dalmatians."
  • 这部科幻大片以其电脑制作的特技和令人眼缭乱、接连不断的动作镜头而闻名。
    The science-fiction blockbuster is known for its computer-generated special effects and dazzling,non-stop action sequences.