  • 你们的保险公司一承保哪些险别?
    What types of cover does your insurance company usually underwrite?
  • 年轻投资人士一从股票的资本增值中获益,因为他们通常是长线投资,不太在意眼前的收益。
    Younger in-vestors will benefit from equity capital growth because they are generally invest-ing for the longer term and not unduly concerned at the lack of immediate yield.
  • 由一市场因素引起的财产市值的自然增长。
    an unearned rise in the market value of property resulting from general market factors.
  • 那个餐馆的饭菜一都不错,可昨晚的菜差不多吃不进口。哪里总是有那么好的口福!
    The food at that restaurant is usually very good, but last night it was almost uneatable. You can't win them all.
  • 太岳、太行区一应在今年内克服不平衡,完成发动群众与组织群众的任务。
    In the Taiyue and Taihang areas we should solve the problem of uneven development and arouse the masses and get them organized, for the most part, during this year.
  • 虽然床已摔成碎片,这个年轻人却奇迹地没有受伤。
    Although the bed was smashed to prices, the man was miraculously unhurt.
  • 由于长期被困于填鸭式与单向教学的教育制度,一的新加坡大学生都不爱在课堂上发言、发问。
    Due to prolonged exposure under an education system which emphasises crammingand unidirectional teaching, most university students here do not like to speak out or ask questions in class.
  • 豆瓣绿草一在热带生长茂盛的草,属于豆瓣绿属长着简洁、完整、掌状且有纹理的叶子和很多呈现紧密的圆柱形重穗状花序排列的无性小花
    Any of numerous succulent tropical herbs of the genus Peperomia, having simple, entire, palmately veined leaves and numerous minute, unisexual flowers densely grouped in cylindrical spikes.
  • 使特殊化使变得相对于一或普遍较为特殊
    To make particular as opposed to general or universal.
  • 性;普遍性成为普遍的性质、事实或条件
    The quality, fact, or condition of being universal.
  • 据专家们称,一来讲,unix被认为更安全和更可靠,但在过去几年中,对windowsnt作网站服务器平台的信任在增加。
    According to experts, Unix has generally been considered more secure and reliable, but trust in Windows NT as a Web-server platform has grown stronger during the past couple of years.
  • 人相信十三日星期五是不吉利的日子。
    Friday the thirteenth is believed to be an unlucky day.
  • 于:一任期四年,如果不合适,可以撤换。
    Their term of office is four years. They could be dismissed and replaced if anyone of them is proved to be unqualified.
  • 新政府自信能击退这席卷全国的动乱浪潮。
    The new administration is confident of rolling back the tide of unrest which is weeeping the country.
  • 烯,烯烃,链烯一系列不饱和的,有两个或两个以上碳碳双链的开链烃,其一分子式为cnh2n
    Any of a series of unsaturated, open chain hydrocarbons with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds, having the general formula CnH2n.
  • 风景断断续续,时有时无,宛若梦境一
    The landscape is divided and unsteady which makes it like a dream.
  • 在自习时间学校维持着无人监管的学习制度;可信赖的工人在一情况下无需监管。
    the school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods; reliable workers are generally unsupervised.
  • 体操运动员需要钢铁的意志和百折不挠的精神。
    Gymnasts need iron will and unswerving spirit.
  • 我想,一个体操运动员需要钢铁的意志和百折不挠的精神。
    I suppose gymnasts need iron will and unswerving spirit.
  • 程度或者数量不同一的大。
    unusually great in degree or quantity or number.
  • 房客修缮房屋超出一保养和维修的修缮以增加房产的真实价值
    An improvement beyond normal upkeep and repair that adds to the value of real property.
  • 带有悬浮的座位在旋转时能保持垂直的大的垂直旋转轮;一在游乐园提供。
    a large upright rotating wheel with suspended seats that remain upright as the wheel turns; provides a ride at an amusement park.
  • 各省、自治区、直辖市的参选率一都在90%以上。
    Generally speaking, upwards of 90 percent of the voters participate in the elections held in the various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
  • 二十世纪末,为何这着急?
    But why this urgency at the end of the 20th century?
  • (像引座员)引领;护送
    To serve as an usher to; escort.
  • 随情况而变,一是一年。
    It depends, usually one year.
  • 高利贷年利率一都很高,向寺庙借钱利率为30%,借粮为20%或25%;
    The annual interest rate for usurious loans was very high, while that for money borrowed from monasteries was 30 percent, and for grain 20 or 25 percent.
  • 农协的领导成分,一适用贫雇农占三分之二、中农占三分之一的原则,并须防止流氓、坏人篡夺领导,使正派忠诚的劳动农民当权。
    In general, peasant association leadership should be composed of two-thirds poor peasants and farm labourers and one-third middle peasants. We should prevent hooligans and scoundrels from usurping leadership and see that honest, faithful working peasants hold power.
  • 唯物主义者并不一地反对功利主义,但是反对封建阶级的、资产阶级的、小资产阶级的功利主义,反对那种口头上反对功利主义、实际上抱着最自私最短视的功利主义的伪善者。
    Materialists do not oppose utilitarianism in general but the utilitarianism of the feudal, bourgeois and petty-bourgeois classes; they oppose those hypocrites who attack utilitarianism in words but in deeds embrace the most selfish and short-sighted utilitarianism.
  • 象水蒸气易于消散。
    tending to vanish like vapor.
  • 消失,逝去使如气体消失
    To pass off in or as vapor.
  • 这个条件已因中国领土广大和敌人兵力不足,一地提供于中国的游击战争了。
    By and large, the vastness of China's territory and the enemy's shortage of troops provide guerrilla warfare in China with this condition.