  • 他看了一下相簿。
    She gave him a look at her album.
  • 她寄我一些明信片、几本书和一套画片。
    She sent me some post-cards , a few books and an album of pictures.
  • 我的照像簿不在手边,以后我再拿你看。
    I haven't my photograph album at hand, but I'll show it to you later.
  • 德国神话中的炼金术士,将灵魂出卖魔鬼换取知识。
    an alchemist of German legend who sol his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge.
  • 浮士德在德国传说中的一个魔术师和炼金术士,他将灵魂卖魔鬼,以换取力量和知识
    A magician and alchemist in German legend who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for power and knowledge.
  • 一个女仆我们端来了麦芽酒。
    A serving wench brought us our ale.
  • 来给我倒杯啤酒!
    Come birl the ale, please.
  • 我来点淡麦芽洒。
    Just a light ale for me, please.
  • 侍者用大酒杯盛着啤酒我端了过来。
    The waiter brought me the ale in a black jack.
  • 热饮料含有葡萄酒或淡啤酒的微热饮品,混有糖、鸡蛋、面包和各种香料,有时病人饮用
    A warm drink consisting of wine or ale mixed with sugar, eggs, bread, and various spices, sometimes given to ill persons.
  • 放置在钢琴里的物品这段乐曲加了一些偶然成分
    An object placed inside the piano added an aleatory element to the piece.
  • 亚历山德拉是一个俄罗斯女孩,她在文章中称赞林肯是一位“心胸宽厚、不牟私利和体贴入微”的人。她长大成人后嫁了沃纳先生,改名亚历山德拉·沃纳,成为一位毕生向善,助人为乐的纽约人。
    Alexandra, a Russian girl whose essay praised Lincoln as "Kind, unselfish and thoughtful," grew up to become Alex Werner, a compassionate New Yorker who lived to give.
  • 给我代数不及格
    Failed me in algebra.
  • 这艘轮船正式移交了阿尔及利亚政府。
    The ship was formally handed over to the Algerian Government.
  • 为了某人掩盖罪行找借口或托辞。
    provide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt.
  • 爱丽丝格林钱,又他忠告。
    Alice gave Green money as well as advice.
  • 转让,让渡将(财产)转让其他人;让渡
    To transfer(property) to another; alienate.
  • 离婚妻子的赡养费,等于死马买燕麦。
    Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse.
  • 赡养费按照法庭判决离婚后的原配偶--通常为夫妻中收入较多的一方另一方的供养补助。赡养费亦可付并未离婚的双方中的一方,如在合法分居时
    An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse, usually the chief provider during the marriage. Alimony may also be granted without a divorce, as between legally separated persons.
  • 离婚妻子的赡养费,等于死马买燕麦。
    Alimony likes buying oats for a dead horse.
  • 离婚妻子的赡养费,等于死马买燕麦。
    Alimony is like buy oats for a dead horse.
  • 当法庭判他太太离婚赡养费时,克尔不得不付。
    When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Kerr had to ante up.
  • 在民事事项中,规定法律援助的范围是:请求付赡养费、抚育费、抚养费、抚恤金、救济金的法律事项;除责任事故外,因公受伤害请求赔偿的法律事项。
    The scope of legal aid for civil matters is stipulated as follows: legal matters in connection with claims for alimony, nurturing fee, fostering fee, pension and relief fund and civil matters in connection with claims for compensation for injury while on duty except for accidents due to negligence.
  • 匪徒给活捉了。
    The bandit was caught alive.
  • 我把所有的钱都了他。
    I gave him all the money I had.
  • 这种下等错综的思想所迷惑,所纠缠,是很需要一服中国人所谓“定心剂”,以压低他的热度的。
    Perplexed and dazzled and harrassed by such thoughts of inferiority, he has great need of what the Chinese call a medicine for "calming the heart" to allay his fever.
  • 他宣称这笔钱是个远房亲戚留他的,其实是他玩彩票赢的。
    He alleged that the money had been left him by a distant relative, when in point of fact he won it in a lottery.
  • 虽然到目前为止,对于星期五晚上发生惨案的原因,尼泊尔官方已经出好几种不同的版本,其中最为流行的仍然是:王储爱上了一位前部长的女儿,但他的家人都表示坚决反对,心灰意冷的王储便开枪射杀了自己的父母和其他几位皇室成员,随后又想了结自己的生命。
    There are differing official statements about the killings Friday but the most prevalent version of events is that Crown Prince Dipendra allegedly gunned down his parents and other relatives because they objected to his plans to marry Devyani Rana, the woman he had fallen in love with.
  • 寓意画通常与诗歌或警句刻在一起人道德教育的具有隐喻的图画
    An allegorical picture usually inscribed with a verse or motto presenting a moral lesson.
  • 正如人们所预料的那般,那四个寓意人物跑遍了世界的三大部分,有点疲乏不堪,却没能金贵的嗣子找到般配的佳偶。
    As one might very well suppose, the four allegorical personages were somewhat fatigued after having travelled over three parts of the globe without finding an opportunity of disposing suitably of their golden dolphin.
  • (我不把佛教的观念包括进去,因为这种观念太悲观了)这些观念,由它们较深的讽喻的意义上说来,终究没有多少分别,尤其是在具有更精深的生物学和人类学的知识的现代人,与它们以一种广义的解释的今日。
    (I do not include the Buddhist view because it is too sad. ) Deeper down in their allegorical sense, these views after all do not differ so much from one another, especially when the modern man with better biological and anthropological knowledge gives them a broader interpretation.
  • 请你把我介绍正在跟mrs.allen说话的那位年轻女士。
    Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs. Allen?