  • “活体细胞内含有非常神奇的分子机器,它们对dna和rna信息编码分子的操作方式与计算原理大体相似。”研制出dna计算机的研小组主任沙皮罗说,“由于我们尚不知如何有效修改这些分子机器或创造新的分子机器,解决捷径就是从既有分子机器上寻找那些经过组合后能进行运算的分子机器。”他补充说。
    "The living cell contains incredible molecular machines that manipulate information? encoding molecules such as DNA and RNA in ways that are fundamentally very similar to computation," said Shapiro, the head of the research team that developed the DNA computer." Since we don't know how to effectively modify these machines or create new ones just yet, the trick is to find naturally existing machines that, when combined, can be steered to actually compute," he added.
  • 在过去三年中,(美国)国家标准与技术局(nist)已在研开发一种新的加密标准,以确保政府的信息安全。
    For the past three years, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working to develop a new encryption standard to keep government information secure.
  • 为确保地下输水设施得到妥善保养和维修(这些设施如漏水会影响斜坡安全),该署研了508幅填土斜坡,结果共发出18份勘测/修葺令。
    To ensure proper maintenance and repair of buried water-carrying services, leakage from which might otherwise endanger slopes, 508 fill slopes were studied, resulting in the issue of 18 investigation/repair orders.
  • 西藏医学科研机构对危害西藏人民健康的高原病等疾病进行重点研,取得了重要成果。
    Scientific research institutes of Tibetan medicine have put more efforts into the study of plateau sickness and other diseases which endanger the lives of Tibetan people, and have achieved important research results.
  • 加拿大濒危野生生物状况研委员会的一个科学家小组整理出一个最新的统计表,里面包括了291种濒危或受威胁的物种,还有另外23种已经灭绝。
    A group of scientists on the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada put together and updates the list, which now includes 291 endangered or threatened species, with another 23 already extinct.
  • 自然保护区的建立,使一批具有代表性、典型性、科学研价值的自然生态系统和珍稀濒危物种得到有效保护。
    The establishment of nature reserves has put a number of representative and typical natural eco-systems with scientific research value as well as rare and endangered species under effective protection.
  • 朗讯公司在1997年发布了它的inferno技术。ibm也有一个叫tspaces的研项目,而(美国)橡树岭国家实验室的技术称作并行虚拟机(pvm)。
    Lucent Technologies unveiled its Inferno technology in 1997, IBM has an endeavor called T Spaces, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a technology called Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM).
  • 第九条 国家鼓励草原畜牧业科学研,提高草原畜牧业的科学技术水平。
    Article 9. The state shall encourage scientific research in animal husbandry on the grasslands in order to raise the scientific and technological level in this field of endeavour.
  • 所以资本主义国家中一切要求社会进步的政治力量也在努力研和宣传社会主义,努力为消灭资本主义社会的各种不公道、不合理现象直至实现社会主义革命而斗争。
    That is why the progressive political forces in the capitalist countries are trying to study and propagate socialism and are fighting to eliminate the injustices and irrational phenomena endemic in capitalist society and to carry out socialist revolution.
  • 神经内分泌学研神经系统和内分泌腺及其分泌物之间相互作用的科学
    The study of the interaction between the nervous system and the endocrine glands and their secretions.
  • 莎士比亚似乎是赞成一夫多妻制的:他曾提到“温莎的风流娘儿们”;竟温莎先生有几位太太呢?
    Shakespeare endorse polygamy: he speak of the merry wives of windsor; how many wives do Mr. Windsor have?
  • 复杂税务案件的公断人)。在运动中referee和umpire都指执行规则并且解决争议点的执法人
    Umpires studying complex tax cases). In sports referee and umpire refer to officials who enforce the rules and settle points at issue.
  • 坚持有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必
    We must see to it that there are laws to go by, the laws are observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers are prosecuted.
  • 对犯罪,犯罪行为,与法律制裁的科学研
    the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior and law enforcement.
  • 此外,克隆在医学研中应用基因工程控制的老鼠比目前采用的繁殖方法所需要的成本要低。
    Cloning the genetically engineered mice used in medical studies should also be cheaper than current breeding methods.
  • 新泽西州高级研所物理教授弗里曼·戴森说:“经过遗传学设计的树木可以生产汽油、酒精以及任何来自于阳光的化学物质,只要想想我们从树上采枫蜜的办法,就会知道从树上获取化学物质的可能性是巨大的。”
    "Genetically engineered trees could produce gasoline or alcohol or almost any other chemical from sunlight," says Freeman Dyson, a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. "Think of tapping trees for chemicals the way you tap them for maple syrup the possibilities are marvelous."
  • 北京控制工程研究所
    Beijing Institute of Control Engineering
  • 当英国人只不过觉得不愉快之时,他会认为自己是讲道德的。
    An englishman think he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.
  • 我那套讲的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。
    My one good suit is at the cleaner's.
  • 基础研工作得到加强,国家技术创新取得新进展。
    Basic research work was enhanced and new progress was achieved in national technical innovation.
  • 语文教育及研常务委员会于一九九六年成立,负责就一般语文教育事宜向政府提供意见,以及识别有助提高语文能力的研发展项目。
    The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) was set up in 1996 to advise the Government on language education issues in general and to identify research and development projects which are necessary for the enhancement of language proficiency.
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的预算案中公布对证券及期货市场推行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研,并提交具体的改善建议。
    As part of the three-prong strategy announced in his budget speech in March for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the SAR's financial infrastructure.
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的财政预算案演词中,宣布就证券及期货市场推行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研,并提交具体改善工作的建议。
    As part of the three-pronged strategy announced in his Budget Speech in March 1999 for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure (SCEFI) to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the financial infrastructure in Hong Kong.
  • 语文教育及研常务委员会于一九九六年成立,负责就一般语文教育事宜向政府提供意见,而特别关注的是定出各个教育阶段语文学习的目标,以及识别有助提高语文能力及语文教育质素的研及发展项目。
    The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) was set up in 1996 to advise the Government on language education issues in general and, in particular, to set goals for language learning at different levels of education and to identify research and development projects which are necessary for the enhancement of language proficiency and language in education.
  • 此项研的公开发表将不仅会扭转公众对这个问题的认识,它还将促使那些力劝近亲夫妻不要生育的医生摆脱偏见。
    Publication of the study will do more than tweak public awareness; it will enlighten doctors who have urged cousin couples not to have children.
  • 李光耀在香港政策研所的演讲,颇引起香港传媒和政界人士的关注,因为他确实对香港的现在和未来,提出不少启发性的问题。
    The curent speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of our mass media and political circle with the Singapore leader's enlightening views on several issues affecting the present and future of Hong Kong.
  • 李光耀在香港政策研所的演讲,颇引起香港传媒和政界人士的关注,因为他确实对香港的现在和未来,提出不少启发性的问题。
    THE RECENT speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of our mass media and political circle with the Singapore leader's enlightening views on several issues affecting the present and future of Hong Kong.
  • 约翰逊最近的这项研对科学探索领域产生了极大的影响。
    Johnson has set his mark on the field of scientific enquiry with the recent study.
  • 协会里的高级研员、科学家黛安娜·赖斯说:"我们想要在生理和心理上丰富动物们的日常生活。
    "We want to enrich the daily lives of the animals, both physically and psychologically," Diana Reiss, senior research scientist at the Conservation Society, told reporter.
  • 为扩阔本地学生的国际视野,各院校可录取非本地本科生及研院修课生,人数可达批准收生额的4%。
    To enhance the global outlook of local students, the institutions are encouraged to enrol non-local undergraduates and taught postgraduates, up to 4 per cent of their approved targets.
  • 此外,为扩阔本地学生的国际视野,各院校可录取非本地本科生及修课课程研生,人数可达批准收生名额的4%;亦可录取非本地研课程研生,人数最多为批准收生名额的三分之一。
    In addition, in order to enhance the global outlook of local students, the institutions may also enrol non-local undergraduates and taught postgraduates up to 4 per cent, and non-local research postgraduates up to one third, of their approved targets.
  • 全国研生教育招生20万人,在学研生50万人。
    There were 500,000 enrolled postgraduates in universities or research institutes, including 200,000 new entrants.