  • 牡蛎;固海洋动物和植物。
    an attached oyster; sessile marine animals and plants.
  • 向光性,趋光性无柄(固)的生物朝向或远离某光源生长或运动的特性
    Growth or movement of a sessile organism toward or away from a source of light.
  • 型海藻样水栖动物,在触须的头外有珊瑚虫的肛门。
    sessile mosslike aquatic animal having the anus of the polyp outside the crown of tentacles.
  • 原始的多细胞海洋动物,其多孔的身体由纤维性骨骼构架支撑;通常以固的群体形式出现。
    primitive multicellular marine animal whose porous body is supported by a fibrous skeletal framework; usually occurs in sessile colonies.
  • 生物固生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固在突出淡水水底环境的表面上
    Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.
  • 被新教牧师广泛穿的一种黑色学袍。
    black academic gown widely used by Protestant clergymen.
  • 经济倒退,劳工市场在二零零一年明显放缓。
    Amidst the economic setback, the labour market eased visibly over the course of 2001.
  • 然而,由于货物及服务进口均随货物及服务出口放缓而回落,综合有形和无形贸易帐在二零零一年仍录得可观盈余。
    Nevertheless, as imports of both goods and services came down in tandem with the setback in exports of goods and services, the combined visible and invisible trade account still yielded a further sizeable surplus in 2001.
  • 通宵聚会黎明时回到家里。今天早晨我下来时看到他躺在长靠椅子上睡了。
    Martin came home at dawn after an all-night party and when I came down his morning I found him flat our on the settee.
  • 一个聪明的二传手能通过变换进攻战术使对手摸不头脑。
    A smart setter can constantly keep the opponents guessing by varying the attack tactics.
  • 落山的太阳为小山上一层金黄色。
    The setting sun complexioned the hills.
  • 每个进餐面前的餐布。
    table linen for an individual place setting.
  • 他们向太阳落下的地方奔去。
    they traveled westward toward the setting sun.
  • 这个宗教行列夹杂圣像和教士的法衣,五光十色,缓缓地沿大路走下坡来,往约旦走去。
    The procession, glittering with the settings of the ikons and the vestments of the clergy, comes slowly down the road and turns towards the Jordan.
  • 4.在你想要个性化项目旁边的方框中标入一个记号,这意味任何时候你在装置上所做出的变化将只出现在你的使用区域内,而不会出现在其他使用者的区域内。
    4.Put a tick in the box next to the settings you want to personatise. This means that any time you make a change to the settings you have selected the change will only appear in your user area rather than in any one else's Click.
  • 家具上积着灰尘。
    Dust has settled on the furniture.
  • 十月、十一月红军打败白军,土籍农民跟反动派逃走,客籍农民又去没收土籍农民的财物。
    And when the Red Army routed the White troops in October and November, the native peasants fled with the reactionaries, and their property in turn was seized by the settler-peasants.
  • 沉淀固体颗粒在液体中的
    A settling of solid particles in a fluid.
  • 您知道现在17岁意味什么吗?
    Do you realize what means these days to be seventeen?
  • 十七岁那年,她嫁给了比她年长20岁的col.danielparkecustis,住在一个被称为“白宫”的大庄园,并共同管理这片广阔的房产。
    At the age of seventeen, she married Col. Daniel Parke Custis, twenty years her senior. They lived in his estate called White House and ran his extensive estate.
  • 例如,十七世纪的儒家大师颜元在年老的时候,带感伤的心情出门去寻找他的哥哥,因为他没有子嗣,希望他的哥哥有一个儿子。
    We have, for instance, the case of Yen Yuan, one of the greatest Confucianist leaders in the seventeenth century, who in his old age started out on a pathetic journey of search for his brother, in the hope that his brother might be found to have a son, since he himself had none.
  • 尽管对科幻小说的作者和嗜读这类小说的人来说,已是陈腔老调,大众对这个问题的兴趣骤增。五月份生活杂志有一篇长文专门讨论开辟另外星球的想法。封面是一幅巨形火星照片,火星周围漆黑一片。照片上边写耀眼的几个字:“人类下一个居所”。电台脱口秀也不停地讨论这个问题。
    Popular interest in the topic has soared, even though it is old stuff to science fiction authors and fans. Life magazine in May devoted a long article to the terraforming idea. Its cover carried a large photo of Mars surrounded by inky blackness, "Our Next Home" emblazoned above the photo. Radio talk shows are abuzz with the topic.
  • 最近的流言包围这房间。
    the room was abuzz over the latest scandal.
  • 那么为什么有那么多人对它迷呢?
    Then why are so many guys so crazy abut it?
  • 他穿着朴素。
    He dresses in a severe style.
  • 春天带往常的严寒到来了。
    Spring has set in with its usual severity.
  • 他冲着我乱骂一通。
    He flung a stream of abuse at me.
  • 在体育界在存在"滥用兴奋剂(药物)"问题。
    There exists "drug abuse" in sport.
  • 我和你在黑暗中漫步.身虽近但心已远.阴影在笑而秘密还没揭露.我须知你的心路.-------《thecolourofthenight》
    You and I moving in the dark. Bodies close but souls apart. Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed. I need to know the way you feel
  • 这个影子跟太阳移动。
    The shadow moves with the sun.
  • 我的心向阑珊的风张了帆,要到无论何处的荫凉之岛去。
    My heart has spread its sails to the idle winds for the shadowy island of Anywhere.
  • 他们把两个盛食物的大篮子拿到树荫下。
    They had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees.