  • 这是有关这个国家的全部息。
    This is all the news concerning that country.
  • 息与你的家乡有关系。
    The news concerns your home town.
  • 我们中华人民共和国是一个多民族的国家,只有在除民族隔阂的基础上,经过各族人民的共同努力,才能真正形成中华民族美好的大家庭。
    The People's Republic of China is a multi-national country and only by ending this national estrangement and enlisting the concerted efforts of the various nationalities can we form a truly great, happy family of the Chinese nation.
  • 知道它是什么意思吗?懵了吧,还是告诉你吧,"重大新闻--《简明牛津词典》收录了大量手机短息"("greatnews-textmessagesarenowintheconciseoxforddictionary")。
    Confused? Help is at hand. It means "Great news -- text messages are now in the Concise Oxford Dictionary".
  • 该网站更增设了一个多媒体信息广播平台,通过影音广播,提供适时的市场息,并为不通晓英语的海外买家提供不同语文的版本。
    The portal has been significantly enhanced with the launch of a multimedia broadcast platform to provide timely market information in concise audio and video clips, as well as portal interfaces for non-English speaking overseas buyers.
  • 然而,随着他夸夸其谈,他那身装束所激起的全场一片欢愉和赞叹,渐渐失了。等到末了他说出“等显贵的红衣主教大人一驾临,我们就开演”这句不合时宜的话时,他的声音被雷鸣般的喝倒采声所淹没了。
    Unfortunately, the admiration and satisfaction so universally excited by his costume died out during his harangue, and when he reached the unlucky concluding words, “As soon as his Reverence the Cardinal arrives, we will begin,” his voice was drowned in a tempest of hooting.
  • 她胡编了一通瞎话, 说什麽那班火车给取了.
    She'd concocted some unlikely tale about the train being cancelled.
  • 条件从句一个条件性的从句,比如如果天下雨就是如果天下雨运动会就会被取中的一个条件从句
    The subordinate clause of a conditional sentence, as if it rains in The game will be canceled if it rains.
  • 如果有条件地恢复(没有ucl选项)且正在进行连接测试,则恢复失败,用户还会收到一个息表明请求的apds0正在进行诊断测试。
    If you restore it conditionally (without the UCL option) and a connectivity test is in progress, the restore fails and you receive a message that the requested AP DS0 is involved in diagnostic testing.
  • 巴甫洛夫,伊凡・彼得洛维奇1849-1936俄国生理学家,因发现条件反射而著名,他1904年因在研究化作用的特征方面的贡献而获诺贝尔奖
    Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response. He won a1904 Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion.
  • 反应失产生(对条件反应的)
    To bring about the extinction of(a conditioned response).
  • 传送息情报的军火商
    An arms dealer who served as a conduit for intelligence data.
  • 老实说,听到那息我十分惊讶。
    I confess I was surprised to hear it.
  • 回避,躲避;对指责表示认罪,但暗示应取
    Confession to a charge, but suggest it shall be cancelled.
  • 也许是因为军中首要人物没有向记者们透露足够的息;不管怎么说,在印支战争问题上,美国政府受到报界的评价总的来说是有史以来所有政府中最坏的。
    Perhaps the top brass didn't confide in the journalists quite enough; at any rate, the United States government has, on the whole, had the worst press over the Indo-China was that any government has ever has anywhere.
  • 息的秘密来源通常没有暴露的秘密息的来源
    A usually unrevealed source of confidential information.
  • 秘密息一个秘密的、事先得知的或内部的
    A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information.
  • 知情人对机密息有特殊了解或可通过特殊渠道了解到机密的人
    One who has special knowledge or access to confidential information.
  • 高级配置与电源接口(acpi)用于降低功率耗;
    Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) to reduce power consumption;
  • 新加坡是一个具本地特色的繁华大都会,在这里,我们看到了语言、文化、宗教和种族的水乳交融,也看到了东西方文化的相互碰撞,相互学习,而不是相互束缚,相互抵,这种情况十分像杜维明教授所举的“我中有你,你中有我”的例子。
    Singapore is no doubt a cosmopolitan metropolis with it's own character where there is a fusion of languages, cultures, religions and races, and where the West culture and the East conflict and learn from each other, instead of confining or removing the other.Prof. Du may agree with this, given the example which he cited, in which clay figurines fuse to reach the state of "wo zhong you ni, ni zhong you wo".
  • 息加强了我的决心。
    The news confirmed my resolution.
  • 请给我来封信,好进一步证实你在电话中传达的息。
    Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.
  • 已确认息极为不好,请电告有何良策。
    Information confirm gravely advice possible countermeasure.
  • 我们正在等待证实那个息。
    We are waiting for confirmation of the news.
  • 那个消息不太可靠。
    The news lacks confirmation.
  • 我们正在等待证实那个息。
    We are waiting for confirmation of the news.
  • 他的息证实了我的怀疑。
    his story confirmed my doubts.
  • 消息得到了证实。
    The news has been confirmed.
  • 幸运的是,即便是一个程度很深的极主义者也有可能改变。
    Fortunately, even a confirmed negativist can change.
  • 我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤的信用证。
    Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.
  • 生产者与费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。
    The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
  • 息打乱了我们的计划。
    The news has confounded our plans.