  • 在4世紀侵略洲的遊牧民族的一支。
    a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th century.
  • 匈奴人一個遊牧民族的成員,該民族公元4至5世紀入侵洲,455年被打敗
    A member of a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded Europe in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d. and were defeated in455.
  • (正式)任何一個非洲人非白人人種。
    (formal) any non-European non-White person.
  • 西方國傢洲和南北美洲的非共産主義國傢
    The noncommunist countries of Europe and the Americas.
  • 唯一來自北以外的金牌是主是夫蘭可·農斯——一位來自意大利卡特拉飛亞馬山村的27歲海關官員。
    The only gold medalist from a non-Nordic nation has been Franco Nones, a 27-year-old customs officer from the village of Catella di Fiemma of Italy.
  • 有北人身型特徵的人
    A person of the Nordic physical type.
  • 例如,如果我們看一下人均攤款,就會發現名列榜首的會費繳納國中有三個較小的國傢和四個北國傢。
    If we look at per capita contributions, for example, we see three smaller countries and four Nordic States among the top contributors.
  • 據英國學者薩姆·牛頓1993年的研究結果認為,《貝奧武甫》是11世紀時英國人根據5世紀和6世紀一係列口頭傳誦而流傳下來的北民謠,用書面語的形式編寫而成。
    According to the result of British scholar Sam Newton's research (1993), Beowulf was written by anonymous Anglo-Saxon authors in the 11th century on the basis of Nordic ballads passed down orally from the 5th and 6th centuries.
  • 冥界北神話中非戰死者幽靈所去之處
    The Norse underworld of the dead not killed in battle.
  • 乾坤樹北神話中以其根部和枝幹聚攏土地、天堂和地獄的大桉樹
    The great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches in Norse mythology.
  • 哈默菲斯特挪威北部一個城市,位於大西洋的一個島上。它是洲最北部的一個城市,從5月17日至7月29日終日可見太陽。人口7,208
    A town of northern Norway on an island in the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost town of Europe, with uninterrupted daylight from May17 to July29. Population,7, 208.
  • 沒有種植任何莊稼。除洲西北部和再靠北方的地區外,人類要想在那裏生存是不容易的。
    No crops were planted. Except in north-west Europe and the far northland it was all Man could do to exist.
  • 洲南部,非洲西北部和亞洲西南部野生或種植的一種大喬木。
    wild or cultivated throughout southern Europe, northwestern Africa and southwestern Asia.
  • 洲北部和亞洲的一種高大的雲杉;與洲雲杉相似。
    tall spruce of northern Europe and Asia; resembles Norway spruce.
  • 洲北部一個由挪威和瑞典占有的一個半島。
    the peninsula in northern Europe occupied by Norway and Sweden.
  • 她去過挪威和西班牙,但她沒有出過洲。
    She has been to Norway and Spain, but she has not been outside Europe.
  • 我去過挪威和西班牙;但我還沒有出過洲。
    I have been to Norway, and to Spain; but I have not been outside Europe.
  • 我去過挪威和西班牙;但我還沒有出過洲。
    I have is to norway , and to spain; but I have not is outside europe.
  • 島上的居民是北海盜的後裔,性情暴烈而又獨立,他們從來就不接受同挪威分離的現實。
    Their inhabitants, Viking descendants with a fierce, independent attitude, have never gotten over being separated from Norway.
  • 蒲公英亞大陸的一種菊科植物(藥蒲公英蒲公英屬),長有許多放射狀的黃色花頭,和具有很深鋸齒狀的基生葉。在北美洲是一種生長很廣的野草,用來做沙拉和製酒
    A Eurasian plant(Taraxacum officinale) of the composite family having many-rayed yellow flower heads and deeply notched basal leaves. Widely naturalized as a weed in North America, it is used in salads and to make wine.
  • 通過unicode支持windows95/nt上可得到的所有語言,包括東和亞洲語言。
    Support for all language available in window95/nt through unicode, including eastern European and Asian language.
  • 通過unicode支持windows95/nt上可得到的所有語言,包括東和亞洲語言
    Support for all languages available in Window 95/nt through UNICODE, including eastern European and Asian Languages
  • 因為戰爭的領導藝術和人的活躍性,臨到像第一次世界大戰的中期以後西地區那樣的陣地戰,就死了一大半。
    For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I.
  • 小的結果兒的樹,主要分佈在洲。
    small nut-bearing tree much grown in Europe.
  • 洲南部和亞洲西南的燕麥。
    oat of southern Europe and southwestern Asia.
  • 燕麥是洲廣泛種植的作物。
    Oats is a crop grown widely in Europe.
  • 這股源於美國的肥胖風正在蔓延開來,現在已經傳遍了洲,澳大利亞,美洲中部和中東。
    The obesity pandemic - an extensive epidemic - which started in the US, has now spread to Europe, Australasia, Central America and the Middle East.
  • 歐洲史前器具藝術
    prehistoric object art of Europe
  • 洲中部和南部及小亞細亞的一種樹,葉呈長橢圓形,毛尖狀,有穗狀花序裂片。
    large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having oblong-lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes.
  • 沙棗樹一種短小的亞樹木(沙棗鬍頽子屬)有長方形的銀色葉子,淡緑色芳香花朵和橄欖狀果實
    A small Eurasian tree(Elaeagnus angustifolia) having oblong silvery leaves, fragrant greenish flowers, and olivelike fruit.
  • 廣泛分佈洲的雜草,有黃色類似雛菊的花;牲畜大量食用會有毒害作用。
    widespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity.
  • 馬拉的犁在洲多數國傢均已不再使用。
    The horse-drawn plough is now obsolete in most European countries.