  • 发生火灾、山泥倾泻及天灾时,房委会会为丧失家园的人士提供临时所。
    In the event of fire, landslips or other natural disasters, the HA provides transit accommodation for people rendered homeless.
  • 这个男孩知道他应该告诉他的邻是他把窗户打破的,但他不敢面对这一事实。
    The boy knew he should tell his neighbour that he broke the wimdow, but ha couldn't face up to it.
  • 另外,许多人都同意的是,作为一个社会我们承担着道德上的义务来保护星球的可住性,并为人类目前和未来的福利充当生物繁荣的有责任的义务员。
    In addition, many would agree that as a society we bear the ethical obligation to protect the habitability of the planet, and to act as responsible stewards of its bio logical riches for the present and future welfare of the human species.
  • 地下室可住的最低的建筑物楼层,通常在地平面以下
    The lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level.
  • 如果它们融化的话,火星能够成为一个可以住的地方吗?
    If they melted, could Mars become a habitable place?
  • 我宁愿观赏住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。
    I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.
  • 于阗系塞人居地。
    Yutian was the habitat of the Sai people.
  • 生物所的特定区间在一个栖息地内一个有机体占据的特殊空间
    The particular area within a habitat occupied by an organism.
  • 植物或动物种群在新环境中的成功移植
    The successful establishment of a plant or animal species in a habitat.
  • 这些机构包括联合国人类住区规划署(人署)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和联合国志愿人员方案。
    Women lead seven other UN institutions, including the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Volunteers.
  • 我有一个朋友,他从星期一到星期五为那些愿意出钱的人建房,而星期六则为“人道家”组织免费建房。
    I have a friend who built houses Monday through Friday for people who could pay him and then built other houses for free on Saturday with Habitat for Humanity.
  • 2003年国际淡水年期间,联合国人类住区规划署(人署)正在围绕着“水与城市”主题制订其一些关键倡议,将在2003年3月在日本举行的第三次世界水论坛予以显著展示。
    During the International Year of Freshwater, 2003, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)is organizing some of its key initiatives around the theme “water and cities”, which will be prominently displayed at the Third World Water Forum, to be held in Japan in March 2003.
  • 游牧者没有定居处。
    The nomads have no habitation.
  • 这所房子不适合人住。
    This house is unfit for human habitation.
  • 建筑物,房屋为人类住而建筑的东西;建筑物
    Something that is built, as for human habitation; a structure.
  • 这些房子不适于人住。
    These houses are not fit for human habitation.
  • 那地方因缺水已无人住。
    The area fell out of habitation for lack of water.
  • 他在故乡本来是早就有了妻子的,第一个死了之后,在他驾驶的汽车中,又相识了一寡妇,彼此经二小时的自我介绍,认为志同道合,便由友谊进而实行同起来。
    He already had a wife in the village back home. After his first wife's death and while driving ,he met this widow. Within two hours of a mutual self-introduction, they decided that their ambitions in life was fully compatible and that their friendship had advanced to a stage where they were ready for co-habitation.
  •  第三十四条在中国没有经常所或者营业所的申请人,申请专利或者要求外国优先权的,国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求其提供下列文件:
    Rule 34 Where an application for a patent is filed or the right of foreign priority is claimed by an applicant having no habitual residence or business office in China, the Patent Administration Department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, require the applicant to submit the following documents:
  • 你顶好把悬到邻花园上的那根枝桠砍掉。
    You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's gardon.
  • 硬件商店的一个客户或者在街上碰到的某位邻赞美她新的发型时,她的面颊会变得绯红。
    A customer at the hardware store or the neighbor down the street compliments her on a new hairstyle, and she glows.
  • 海地人海地土著民或本地
    A native or inhabitant of Haiti.
  • 我们的邻愿意与我们妥协分担两家间篱笆的款子。
    Our neighbours are willing to meet halfway between our houses.
  • "'小淘气'最棒的是,"一个邻说"它没有意识到自己身体上有障碍,要不然就是它不介意有障碍。
    " The best thing about Scampy," a neighbor said," is that he doesn't know he's got a handicap.
  • "一个残疾姑娘然自食其力,独自生活,简直难以想象。"
    It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
  • 有计划地在国外巡回展出系列文物,适时在海外举办长城艺术、古代院落、四合院民、民间工艺、古钟、汉唐文化等体现中国传统文化的展览。
    Exhibition tours shall be planned conducted overseas to features particular aspects of China’s traditional culture. At the appropriate times, exhibitions shall be held overseas to present, respectively, the Great Wall art, traditional housing compounds, courtyard housing, handicrafts, ancient bells, and the cultures of the Han Dynasty or Tang Dynasty.
  • 澳门的民认为这次移交仅仅是一个管理上的变化。
    Maucau inhabitants regarded the handover as a mere change of administration.
  • 在政权交接之前数年和一九九七年,数以万计移海外的香港人回流香港,他们为顺利回归而感到自豪。他们意识到回归后的香港充满机会,希望回来为更美好的明天叁与建设香港。
    Immediate years before the Handover and during 1997, tens of thousands of Hong Kong people who have previously migrated overseas have been returning home . They feel the pride, they sense the opportunity and they want to participate in building a better tomorrow.
  • 美国人会就近把责任推出去——父母、政府、配偶、邻
    Americans shift the blame on to any handy object-their parents, the government, their spouses, the neighbours.
  • 各种独的蜜蜂,用硬泥和沙子筑巢。
    any of numerous solitary bees that build nests of hardened mud and sand.
  • 邦加岛的繁荣和发展,就是靠千千万万热爱住国,有拼搏精神的四五代华人血汗和生命的无私奉献和许多当地土著人民并肩战斗的结果。
    The development and the prosperity of Bangka is the result of the Indonesian natives working side by side with the hardworking Chinese Indonesians who had shed blood and tearsover four or five generations on their beloved adopted country.
  • 邦加岛的繁荣和发展,就是靠千千万万热爱住国,有拼搏精神的四五代华人血汗和生命的无私奉献和许多当地土著人民并肩战斗的结果。
    The development and the prosperity of Bangka is the result of the Indonesian natives working side by side with the hardworking Chinese Indonesians who had shed blood and tears over four or five generations on their beloved adopted country.