  • 他们不得不承受那不可避免的结果。
    They will have to abide by the inevitable.
  • 等待阁下的到来。
    I will abide the coming of my lord.
  • 她将遵守她的诺言。
    She will abide by her promise.
  • 热水会使毛线衫收缩。
    Hot water will shrink the sweater; Can you shrink this image?
  • 他将等待我的到来。
    He will abide my coming.
  • 我注意到这位祖父开始慢慢地向前俯下身体,两只胳膊弯成一个括号,这个小小的身体从头到脚抱住,把脸贴在孩子的身上,一动不动。
    As I watched the grandfather slowly leaned forward, curved his arms like parentheses around the head and feet of the little form, then pressed his face to the shroud and remained motionless.
  • 第二天彬格莱小姐跟达西两人在矮树林里散步,彬格莱小姐说:“我希望来有一天好事如愿的时候,你得委婉地奉劝你那位岳母出言吐语要谨慎些,还有你那几位小姨子,要是你能力办得到,最好也得把她们那种醉心追求军官的毛病医治好。
    "I hope," said she, as they were walking together in the shrubbery the next day, "you will give your mother-in-law a few hints, when this desirable event takes place, as to the advantage of holding her tongue; and if you can compass it, do cure the younger girls of running after the officers.
  • 她将烦恼置之脑后。
    She just shrugs off her troubles.
  • 海底隧道及香港仔隧道于一九九三年八月装设自动收费系统;狮子山隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道及西区海底隧道也分别于一九九四年八月、一九九五年九月、一九九六年五月及一九九七年四月装设自动收费系统;而城门隧道及军澳隧道,也于一九九七年十月装设了自动收费系统。这套系统可让司机通过指定的缴费处而无须停车。
    An automatic toll collection system was installed at the Cross-Harbour Tunnel and Aberdeen Tunnel in August 1993, the Lion Rock Tunnel in August 1994, the Eastern Harbour Crossing in September 1995, the Tate's Cairn Tunnel in May 1996, the Western Harbour Crossing in April 1997, and the Shing Mun Tunnels and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel in October 1997,enabling motorists to drive through designated toll booths without stopping.
  • 由于不需要设计复杂的asic,甚至潜在地不需要印制电路板设计,网络处理器也有助于进一步缩短产品开发周期,实际上最近几年开发周期已经缩短了50%。
    By eliminating the need for complex ASIC design and potentially even printed circuit board design, network processors will also help further reduce product development cycles, which have already shrunk by up to 50% in recent years.
  • 海底隧道及香港仔隧道于一九九三年八月装设自动收费系统;狮子山隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道及西区海底隧道也分别于一九九四年八月、一九九五年九月、一九九六年五月及一九九七年四月装设自动收费系统;而城门隧道及军澳隧道,也于一九九七年十月装设了自动收费系统。至于大榄隧道及青屿干线的自动收费系统,则分别于一九九八年六月和七月装设。
    Automatic toll collection systems (auto systems) were installed at the Cross-Harbour and Aberdeen Tunnels in August 1993, Lion Rock Tunnel in August 1994, Eastern Harbour Crossing in September 1995, Tate's Cairn Tunnel in May 1996, Western Harbour Crossing in April 1997, Shing Mun Tunnels and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel in October 1997, Tai Lam Tunnel in June 1998 and Lantau Link in July 1998.
  • 政府拥有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。
    The government owns six of the road tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 狮子山、香港仔、机场、城门、军澳及长青6条港府拥有的隧道,已交由私营公司根据管理合约经营管理。
    The six government-owned tunnels - Lion Rock, Aberdeen, Airport, Shing Mun, Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Tsing - are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts.
  • 波士顿的aberdeen集团数据集市叫做“数据仓库一种最佳的实践”。
    Aberdeen Group in Boston called data marts "a kind of best practice of data warehousing".
  • “快划吧,”阿贝说道。两个男孩子于是桨深深地划进棕褐色的水里。
    "Let's get a hump on," Abe said; and the two boys dipped their oars deeper into the brown water.
  • 扳起(准备使用)(一个装置,诸如照相机)放在准备使用的位置
    To set(a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.
  • 区间公共汽车游客载至狄斯奈乐园。
    The buses shuttle visitors to Disneyland.
  • 航天收音机于当地时间10时正发射升空。
    The space shuttle will blast off at ten, local time.
  • 我们使用直升飞机往返不停地旅客运送到市中心。
    We shuttle the passenger to the city center by helicopter.
  • 1994年和2000年,国家航空航天局利用航天飞机成功地该雷达系统送入了轨道。
    And in 1994 and 2000, NASA successfully orbited radar systems on the space shuttle.
  • 通过麻醉剂注入硬闹膜上的空间而导致的局部麻醉。
    regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord; sensation is lost in the abdominal and genital and pelvic areas; used in childbirth and gynecological surgery.
  • 肠系膜任一种小肠和腹腔后壁联结起来的腹膜,尤指包被着空肠及回肠的这种腹膜
    Any of several folds of the peritoneum that connect the intestines to the dorsal abdominal wall, especially such a fold that envelops the jejunum and ileum.
  • 厌倦了为签字而文件往返递送,秘书决定所有的签字人叫来。
    Tired of shuttlecock the document for signature, the secretary decide to call in all the signer.
  • 日本威胁南洋和威胁西伯利亚,较之过去更加严重,甚至爆发新的战争。
    Japan's threat to Southeast Asia and Siberia will become greater, and there may even be another war.
  • 算命者预言胜利至。
    The sibyl prophesied victory.
  • “我跟这个傻瓜打交道是搞不出什么名堂来的,”他默默地自语道,“我竟在这儿夹在了一个是醉鬼,一个是懦夫中间,这真让我不安,可这个迦太罗尼亚人那闪光的眼睛却象西班牙人、西西里人和卡拉布兰人,而他不仅要娶到一位漂亮的姑娘,而且又要做船长,他可以嘲笑我们这些人,除非——”腾格拉尔的嘴边浮起一个阴险的微笑——“除非我来做点什么干涉一下。”他加上了一句。
    "I shall get nothing from these fools," he muttered; "and I am very much afraid of being here between a drunkard and a coward. Here's an envious fellow making himself boozy on wine when he ought to be nursing his wrath, and here is a fool who sees the woman he loves stolen from under his nose and takes on like a big baby. Yet this Catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful Spaniards, Sicilians, and Calabrians, and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow. Unquestionably, Edmond's star is in the ascendant, and he will marry the splendid girl--he will be captain, too, and laugh at us all, unless"--a sinister smile passed over Danglars' lips--"unless I take a hand in the affair," he added.
  • 该海峡西西里岛和意大利大陆分隔开来。
    the strait separating Sicily from the tip of Italy.
  • 波旁,查尔斯·德1490-1527神圣罗马帝国查理五世时的法国军,领导过一次侵略法兰西遭致失败(1524年),在一次领导袭击罗马城的日耳曼-西班牙战争中阵亡
    French royal family descended from Louis I, Duke of Bourbon(1270? -1342), whose members have ruled in France(1589-1793 and1814-1830), Spain(1700-1868,1874-1931, and since1975), and Naples and Sicily(1734-1860).
  • 汤姆他的病归因于吃了变质的食物。
    Tom lays his sickness to the bad food.
  • 工作背景:1984年,在看起来董事会欲ceo的职位交与他人之手的时候,依斯勒通过一场激烈的竞争赢得了迪斯尼公司高层领导赛德.巴斯、艾尔文.詹科布斯和伊凡.伯依斯奇的大力支持。
    How he got the job: In 1984, staged an intense campaign to get the backing of top shareholders Sid Bass, Irwin Jacobs, and Ivan Boesky when it looked as if the Disney board would give the job to someone else.
  • 〔19〕唐生智是当时站在革命方面参加北伐的一个军。
    [19] Tang Sheng-chih was a general who sided with the revolution in the Northern expedition.
  • 艾比,我给他的钱是银行信用贷款,下月即到期。他令我简直不知如何是好。我实在需要他欠我的这笔钱,可是他当我不再存在。你看我该怎么办?
    Abby, the money I gave him was from my line of credit at the bank and payment is due next month. He has put me in a terrible bind. I really need the money he owes me, but he acts like I no longer exist. Any suggestions?