  • 说来奇怪,他赢了!
    Strange to say , he won!
  • 好生奇怪!
    What an exceedingly strange thing!
  • 她奇怪的眼神
    A strange light in her eyes.
  • 他有一些奇怪的想法.
    He has some very strange ideas.
  • 我们听到了怪的声音。
    Strange sounds fell on our ears.
  • 这所房子有一段怪的来历。
    This house has a strange history.
  • 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人惊
    The whole evening seems strangely unreal.
  • 整个晚上的事似乎如梦幻般令人生.
    The whole evening seemed strangely unreal.
  • 怪的是,我以前从来没有看到过那个电视节目。
    Strangely, I've never seen that television show before.
  • 但是这所房子让人感到一种令人怪的空虚。
    Still,the house was strangely empty.
  • 她与陌生人见面感到出地不自在。
    She's been strangely hanging up about meeting new people.
  • 原来我们以前是同学,多
    It turned out we'd been at school together, strangely enough.
  • 怪的是,她到现在还没有接到我的信。
    Strangely enough, she hasn't got my letter up to now.
  • 她就是想引人注意才穿得那麽稀古怪的。
    She just wants to be noticed, that's why she dresses so strangely.
  • 说也怪,我就在昨天也同妻子谈到这件事
    Strangely enough, I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday
  • 说也怪,我就在昨天也同妻子谈到这件事。
    Strangely enough, I say the same thing to my wife only yesterday.
  • 说起来很怪,最好的导电体像铜和银都不能成为接近绝对零度仍能导电的超导电体。
    Strangely, the best electrical conductors, copper and silver, do not become superconductive.
  • 他在法国已住了好多年,可是说来怪,他却不会说法语。
    He's lived in France for years, but strangely enough he can't speak Franch.
  • 怪的是,没有人惦记着也许想要在家里收听100个新台的千百万人。
    Strangely, no one thought about the millions who might want 100 new stations at home.
  • 他叫她害怕,而同时,他这样的呆望也叫她出地愉快。
    He frightened her, and at the same time it was strangely pleasant to be so looked upon.
  • 接着,他意念其他所有的人都消失。医院里变得出地安静---就算是医院也不应该这么静啊。
    Then he wished all other people out of existence and the hospital became strangely quiet even for a hospital.
  • 她在西班牙已住了十多年,但怪的是她西班牙语一句也不会讲。
    She's living in Spain for more than 10 years, but strangely enough she can not speak a word of Spanish.
  • 廿四年前,我可英俊得出;在圣弗兰西斯科的雨季里,我常被错当作天气晴朗。
    Twenty four year ago I am strangely handsome; in san francisco in the rainy season I am often mistake for fair weather.
  • 她把经过说得这么妙,使我以为她讲的是事实。
    The strangeness of her story inclines me to think she is telling the truth.
  • 尽管这样,你怎样看待我所记得的美国人眨眼的异得为呢?
    After all, how do you think I remembered the strangeness of the American wink?
  • 他的未婚妻长得像从一个世界小姐选美赛中走失的美人。他把她介绍给大家,没人表示惊
    He introduced his fiancée who looks like a stray from the Miss World Contest. Nobody raised an eyebrow.
  • 的极其新颖的、不平常的或不同的
    Strikingly new, unusual, or different.
  • 怪的有非常异的或不寻常的性质的;怪的
    Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
  • 地板上这怪的东西是什么?
    What's this strange stuff on the floor?
  • 他还惊地发现,自己非但不是上帝赐予女性的礼物,而且他所交往的女人们个个都把他看作一个大傻瓜。
    He's also stunned to find out that not only is he not God's gift to women,but every woman in his life thinks he's pretty much of a jerk.
  • 这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出
    The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.
  • 楚亚语楚马兰语系中的一个亚语系,最重要的语言是楚亚语
    A subgroup of the Quechumaran languages, the most important language being Quechua.