  • 伟大的真理似乎是可以从偶然中偶尔发现的,阿基米德的洗澡水和牛顿的苹果就是著的例证,但是……
    Great truths may seem to have been discovered by accident, witness the classic examples of Archimedes bathwater and Newton's apple, but…
  • 有长的鳍状肢的大型须鲸,以其潜水时背部为拱形或有肉锋而闻
    large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives.
  • 他以成功的建筑师闻
    He is known as a successful architect.
  • 他们把自己的建筑家的誉完全抹煞。
    He completely obliterated himself as an architect.
  • 汤,伊斯尔1784-1844美国建筑学家,特别因其桁架桥的设计和建造而闻
    American architect particularly known for the design and construction of truss bridges.
  • 新剧场的建造委托给一位著的建筑师办理。
    The commission for the new theatre was given to a well-known architect.
  • 这座新楼是根据一位著建筑师的设计建成的。
    The new building was build from the design of a famous architect.
  • 一位著的中国建筑师曾经说过:“人民共同建造的东西能够存在一千年。
    A famous Chinese architect once said: "The things which people make together can last a thousand years.
  • 这首歌仿效一首著的咏叹调。
    This song takes off from a famous aria.
  • 到1599年,出现了第三种意思“指那些被授权以长官的义处理事务,特别是政府事务的人,因此出现了当今对美国以总统的义办事的内阁成员的称呼。
    By 1599, a third sense had arisen, that of someone authorized to act in the name of the principal, especially in matters of government affairs. Hence the titles of US cabinet members who act in the name of the president.
  • 而今,ceo已经被普遍视为一个新的人团体——甚至可以说是一个新近产生的贵族。
    But today, CEOs are popularly regarded as a new celebrity class--even a nouveau aristocracy.
  • 在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著演员有一次被选派扮演一贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。
    A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
  • 伍德霍斯,佩(勒姆)·格(伦维尔)1881-1975美国作家,以反映贵族贝帝伍斯特和他的男管家吉夫斯的幽默故事的小说而著
    British writer known for his humorous novels and stories that feature the aristocrat Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves.
  • 据史料记载,1943年,大贵族车门·罗布旺杰把100农奴卖给了止贡地区噶珠康萨的一僧官,每个农奴的价钱是60两藏银(约合四块银元);
    According to historical records, in 1943 the aristocrat Chengmoim Norbu Wanggyai sold 100 serfs to a monk official at Garzhol Kamsa, in Zhigoin area, at the cost of 60 liang of Tibetan silver (about four silver dollars) per serf.
  • 我跟着那些比我先来的好奇的媛淑女在住宅里漫步溜达。
    I wandered from room to room in the wake of these inquisitive aristocratic ladies who had arrived before me.
  • 哥达德国中部一城市,埃尔富达的西面。第一次有该市称是在10世纪,是工业和文学中心。哥达的建筑,一本对欧洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿出版。人口57,662
    A city of central Germany west of Erfurt. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial and cultural center. The Almanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in1763. Population,57, 662.
  • 周伊特,本杰明1817-1893英国古典学者,以翻译柏拉图和亚里士多德的作品著
    British classical scholar known for his translations of Plato and Aristotle.
  • 大约两千三百年以前,在希腊住着一位叫亚里斯多德的伟大的思想家。
    About 2, 300 years ago, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.
  • 亚利桑那州因科罗拉多大峡谷而著
    Arizona is famous for the Grand Canyon.
  • 一天下午,基米·范林丁带着他的手提箱在阿肯色州的一个叫爱尔摩的小镇下了火车。
    One afternoon Jimmy Valentine and his suitcase climbed out of a train in Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.
  • 罗杰斯,布鲁斯1870-1957美国图书设计师和活版印刷师,因其使用设计反映一卷书的主题而闻
    A city of northwest Arkansas north of Fayetteville. It is a processing center in a farming and tourist area. Population,24, 692.
  • 品不拉夫美国阿肯色州中部偏东南的城市,在小洛矶山脉的东南偏南。1820年建成,那时称为蒙特玛丽,1832年更。人口57,140
    A city of southeast-central Arkansas south-southeast of Little Rock. Founded c.1820 as Mount Marie, it was renamed in1832. Population,57, 140.
  • 温泉城美国阿肯色州中西部一城市,位于小石城西南偏西部。此城是以其四十七处温泉而闻的疗养胜地。埃尔南多·索拉于1541年首次访问此地。人口32,462
    A city of west-central Arkansas west-southwest of Little Rock. It is a health resort noted for its47 thermal springs. Hernando de Soto first visited the site in1541. Population,32, 462.
  • 这个月(3月)他们还计划提出一项(索赔)50亿美元的讼案。在该案中将点指控食品和药物管理局,阿肯色州和路易斯安那州,两个州的监狱系统以及各种为监狱犯人提供医疗护理的机构,其中包括卫生管理协会(hma)。该协会从1978到1994年经营阿肯色州的监狱血浆项目并且还从路易斯安那州购买监狱血浆。
    This month, it plans to bring lawsuits in the $5 billion range which will name the FDA, the states of Arkansas and Louisiana, their prison systems and various medical-care providers for the prison inmates, including Health Management Associates (HMA), which ran the Arkansas prison plasma programme from 1978 to 1994 and also bought prison plasma from Louisiana.
  • 在fortran语言中,由符号标识的非数组或非数组元素的一种数据项。
    In FORTRAN, a data item that is not an array or array element, identified by a symbolic name.
  • 包含有序排列的条目(称或主题)的数据库。
    a database containing an ordered array of items (names or topics).
  • 警察不能逮捕任何人,因为篮子里载着两国会议员和基地的司令官。
    The police could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the commanding Officer of the station!
  • 那位著的流行歌曲歌手即将到来。
    The famous popular singer's arrival is imminent.
  • 这位音乐家在职业上已经成
    The musician has arrived professionally.
  • 这个被指控犯有纵火罪的男人在初审时被判罪成立,他的律师当庭提出异议。
    In the first trial of the man accused of arson, who was found guilty, his counsel filed a bill of exceptions.
  • 西九龙填海区将为超过10万居民提供住所,并设有商业用地。该填海区也为连接九龙与新机场和新界西北部的重要道路及铁路干线,提供土地。
    The West Kowloon Reclamation will provide housing for more than 100 000 people, commercial space and vital road and rail arteries linking Kowloon with the new airport and north-west New Territories.
  • 不过,称尽管各异,街道始终只有两条。这是两条母体街,是两条繁衍街,是巴黎的两条大动脉,向三座城池的一切大小血管输送血液或回收血液。
    However, under all these names, there were but two streets, parent streets, generating streets,--the two arteries of Paris. All the other veins of the triple city either derived their supply from them or emptied into them.