  • 欢迎来上海,从悉尼来,你们的旅途一定漫长而疲吧,可是很抱歉,我得告诉你运动员们在身份证颁发之前要进行性别检查。
    Welcome to Shanghai. You must have had a long and tiresome flight from Sydney, but I'm sorry to tell you that you have to have a steroid test for your players before having their ID cards issued.
  • 工作中存在着资纠纷,而作为车间的工会代表恰好处在纠纷的中心。
    There's a labour dispute at work and as shop steward I'm right in the thick of it.
  • 他们认为,如果政府官员、军官、医生、律师、教师、音乐家、舞蹈家、演员、家庭仆役等等确实完成了无愧于所获报酬的工作,并且其人数不多于对其工作的需要量,就不应把他们的动“诬蔑”为非生产性的。看来这些著述家把非生产性一词看成了浪费或无价值的同义词。
    The labour of officers of government, of the army and navy, of physicians, lawyers, teachers, musicians, dancers, actors, domestic servants, &c., when they really accomplish what they are paid for, and are not more numerous than is required for its performance, ought not, say these writers, to be "stigmatized" as unproductive, an expression which they appear to regard as synonymous with wasteful or worthless.
  • 农副产品的增加,农村市场的扩大,农村剩余动力的转移,又强有力地推动了工业的发展。
    The increase of farm and sideline products, the expansion of rural markets and the shift of surplus farm labour to rural enterprises stimulated industrial development.
  • 组织、器官或身体一部分功能减退或完全丧失,主要是由于过度刺激或长期累引起的
    The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion.
  • 嗯,这次飞行时间很长,说起来有将近10个小时而且中途没停,我肯定每个乘客都会有些疲
    Ms.Well, it was a pretty long trip, say, almost 10 hours without stopovers. I'm sure everyone will suffer from jetlag.
  • 法官认为几年役会使那个小偷改过。
    The judge felt that a few years at hard labor would straighten out the thief.
  • 不要过劳。
    Do not strain yourself too much.
  • 过度累开始对他产生影响。
    Strain began to tell on him.
  • 使自己过度累超过了健康的限度。
    strain oneself more than is healthy.
  • 不要过度劳累。
    Don't strain yourself too much.
  • 我们要保护发达地区、优势产业和通过辛勤动与合法经营先富起来人们的发展活力,鼓励他们积极创造社会财富,更要高度重视和关心欠发达地区以及比较困难的行业和群众,特别要使困难群众的基本生活得到保障,并积极帮助他们解决就业问题和改善生活条件,使他们切实感受到社会主义社会的温暖。
    We should protect the vitality for further growth of the developed regions, strong industries and people who have become rich first through hard work and lawful business operations and encouraging them to create social wealth. More importantly, we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them. In particular, we must see to it that the people in financial difficulties have subsistence allowances, and we must take effective measures to help them find jobs and improve their living conditions so that they will truly feel the warmth of our socialist society.
  • 我没有任何征兆—我从未感觉疲或不适。
    I didn’t have any symptoms —any feelings of fatigue or strangeness.
  • 斯特斯的儿子约翰·斯特斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。
    Strauss' son Johann Strauss, established himself as the waltz king in Vienna.
  • 《维也纳森林的故事》是斯特斯著名圆舞曲之一。
    Tales from Vienna woods is one of Strauss 's famous waltzes.
  • 维也纳人举行史特斯音乐会迎接新年。
    The viennese usher in the new year with a concert of music by strauss.
  • 他说,把施特斯当作轻音乐作曲家,是错误的。"施特斯与舒伯特的音乐有某种相同之处:两者都是幽默加忧伤的混合体。
    He says it's a mistake to see Strauss as a composer of light music.“ Strauss has something in common with Schubert: both mix humour with sadness.
  • 在约翰·施特斯的作品里,可以发现同样的情形,只不过笑声多一点,泪水少一点。
    In Johann Strauss it's similar,only with more of a smile,fewer tears.
  • 飘忽悠扬的旋律使人联想到河水的荡漾,这是典型的施特斯风格。
    Its swaying melodies, suggesting the flowing river, are typical of Strauss's style.
  • 施特斯住在靠近皇宫的一所豪华别墅里,越来越少进行巡回演出了。
    Strauss, living in an expensive villa near the royal palace, toured less and less.
  • 施特斯名传遗迹,并在西欧的大多数首都进行巡回演出。
    Strauss's reputation spread, and he toured most of the capital cities of western Europe.
  • 施特斯的乐队是欧洲最佳乐队之一,不但演奏他自己所作的曲子,也演奏音乐会乐曲。
    Strauss's orchestra, one of the finest in Europe, played not only his own music but Concert music, too.
  • 早在1853年,瓦格纳还在为成功而奋斗的时候,施特斯就已经演奏瓦格纳所作的《罗亨格林》和《汤豪塞》的部分段落了。
    As early as 1853, when Richard Wagner was still fighting for success, Strauss played portions of Wagner's Lohengrin and Tannhauser.
  • 施特斯写了许多其他圆舞曲,都非常美,非常优雅,如:《南方的玫瑰》、《维也纳森林的故事》、《醇酒、美人和清歌》、《艺术家的生涯》以及其他几百首曲子。
    Strauss wrote many more waltzes, all beautiful and graceful: Roses from the South; Tales from the Vienna Woods; Wine, Women, and Song; Artist's Life; and hundreds more.
  • 老约翰和小约翰·施特斯,父子二人世称“圆舞曲之王”。他们在19世纪统治着维也纳的交际舞生活,就如同哈布斯堡王室统治着奥匈帝国一样。
    STRAUSS. JOHANN SR. and.JOHANN JR. the Waltz Kings. Father and son ruled the social dance life of Vienna in the 1800’s as the Hapsburg royal family ruled the empire.
  • 繁重的动使她们失去了青春。
    Strenuous labour wore out their youth.
  • 现在搞重体力动还很艰苦,不搞好职工生活不行。
    Heavy manual labour is still strenuous, and it is essential to improve the standard of living of workers.
  • 在一个长时间的繁重的脑力动后出去散步是一个好习惯。
    It is a good practice to take a walk when you have done strenuous mental work for a long time.
  • 只有一种美的形式是不可能的,因为它是不存在的,那就是碌之美或碌的生活之美。
    There is only one form of beauty that is impossible because it does not exist, and that is the beauty of strenuousness or of the strenuous life.
  • 辛劳艰苦地工作;
    To work strenuously; toil.
  • 你不能过度劳累?
    You can not stretch your powers.
  • "他解释说,他的饮食节制得如此的严格,以致他不得不偶尔犒自己。"
    He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally.