  • 一些心理学家试图区回顾与内省。
    some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection.
  • 从时间关系讲,可为对己建工程影响的回顾评价,对在建工程环境影响的施工评价和对拟建工程环境影响的预评价,一般讲,环境影响评价多指预评价。
    From temporal dimension it can be further classified as the retrospective environmental impact assessment for exiting projects, the present environmental impact assessment for project under construction and the prospective environmental impact assessment for projects under planning. Generally speaking, the environmental impact assessment refers almost all to the prospective EIA.
  • 是……的一部或者附属。
    be a part or adjunct.
  • 她是在傍晚时回来的。
    She returned in the late afternoon.
  • 制止裂,实现祖国完全统一。
    To stop separation and realize complete reunification of the motherland.
  • 坚持统一,反对裂,增加了解,化解歧见。
    Persist in reunification, oppose separation, increase understanding and iron out differences.
  • 台湾的前途只有一条,就是走向与祖国大陆的统一,而决不能走向裂。
    The only future for Taiwan is reunification with the China mainland, and certainly not separation.
  • 凡是中华民族子孙,都希望中国能统一,裂状况是违背民族意志的。
    All members of the Chinese nation want to see China reunified. The present state of division is contrary to our national will.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台湾是中国领土一部的地位从未改变,由此,中国拥有对台湾的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits have not been reunified, Taiwan's status as a part of Chinese territory has never changed, neither, therefore, has China's sovereignty over Taiwan ever changed.
  • 台湾有些人主张用第二次世界大战后德国被裂为两个国家后又重新统一的所谓“两德模式”来处理两岸关系。
    Some people in Taiwan have suggested that cross-Straits relations should be dealt with according to the "two German states formula," since Germany was divided into two states after World War II, and was later reunified.
  • 台湾有些人主张用第二次世界大战后德国被裂为两个国家后又重新统一的所谓“两德模式”来处理两岸关系。
    Some people in Taiwan have suggested that cross-Straits relations should be dealt with according to the "two German states formula," since Germany was divided into two states after the Second World War, and was later reunified.
  • 在海峡两岸实现统一后,台湾同胞更能够与全国各族人民一道充共享中华人民共和国在国际上的尊严与荣誉。
    When both sides of the Taiwan Straits are reunified, Taiwan compatriots will, together with people of all ethnic groups in the country, have more possibilities to fully enjoy the dignity and honour of the PRC in the world.
  • 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台湾是中国领土一部的地位从未改变,由此,中国拥有对台湾的主权也从未改变。
    Although the two sides of the Straits remain to be reunified, the long-term existence of this abnormal situation has not imbued Taiwan with a status and rights in international law, nor can it change the legal status of Taiwan as a part of China.
  • 他们口头上虽声称“中国必须统一”,但行动上却总是背离一个中国的原则,继续维持与大陆离的局面,拒绝就和平统一问题进行商谈,甚至设置障碍,限制两岸交往的进一步发展。
    They talk about the necessity of a reunified China, but their deeds are always a far cry from the principle of one China. They try to prolong Taiwan's separation from the mainland and refuse to hold talks on peaceful reunification. They have even set up barriers to curb the further development of the interchanges across the Straits.
  • 某些国际势力不希望中国统一,仍千方百计插手中国内政,支持台湾当局的“反共拒和”政策和岛内的裂势力,为中国的和平统一制造障碍,严重伤害了中国人民的民族感情。
    Certain foreign forces who do not want to see a reunified China have gone out of their way to meddle in China's internal affairs. They support the anti-Communist stance of the Taiwan authorities of rejecting peace talks and abet the secessionists on the island, thereby erecting barriers to China's peaceful reunification and seriously wounding the national feelings of the Chinese people.
  • 在漫长的历史过程中,中国虽然经历过改朝换代、政权更迭,出现过地方割据,遭遇过外敌入侵,特别是近代史上曾饱受外国列强的侵略和瓜,但统一始终是中国历史发展的主流,每一次裂之后都复归统一,并且都赢来了国家政治、经济、文化、科技的快速发展。
    Over the long course of history, the Chinese nation has witnessed changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, local separatist regimes, and foreign invasions, especially the untold invasions and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. However, unity has always been the main trend in the development of Chinese history. After every separation, the country was invariably reunified, only to be followed in its wake by rapid political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological development.
  • 他们别了24年,最后在济南重新团聚了。
    Separated for 24 years, they were finally reunited in Jinan.
  • 父子在离十年之後重聚。
    Father and child were reunited after ten years of separation.
  • 瓦伦丁和奥森,这对被离的双胞胎后来相遇、战斗,最终认出对方并重新团聚。
    Valentine and Orson, the parted twins, meet, fight, recognise each other, and are reunited.
  • 我们感到自豪,是因为我们与祖国隔了一百五十六年后终於团聚了。
    Pride in that after 156 years of separation, we are at last reunited with our own country.
  • 对于那些与爱人居两地的业务骨干,要优先把他们的家搬来。
    With regard to key personnel who because of their different places of work must live in different localities from their spouses, priority should be given to reuniting families.
  • 这是我们期待已久和深感自豪的日子,因为我们终於能够回归中国,能够当家作主,怀着充的信心管治自己的地方。
    It was a day that we had looked forward to with a natural pride in at long last being reunited with China, and with a happy confidence in finally being masters of our own home.
  • 在ibm的通信系统软件acf/tcam中,磁盘记录的一部,它保存在可再次使用磁盘信息队列数据集的某个四之一区内。
    In ACF/TCAM, a portion of disk records that resides in an algebraic quarter of a reusable disk message queues data set.
  • 那些在寻找建立更复杂应用的公司可以把应用服务器连到开的软件服务器上,而这些软件服务器处理订单和其他事务,把那些称作对象的可重用的应用程序代码发给用户。
    Companies looking to more complex applications can hook application severs to separate software servers that process orders and other transactions and that distribute reusable chunks of application code called objects to users.
  • 事实上废物是很有价值的资源,但是我何尚未学会如何尽可能充地重新利用它们。
    Actually wastes are valuable resources, but we have not yet learned how to reuse them as fully as we can.
  • 由于大部运往堆填区的建筑及拆卸废物都可以循环再用,当局鼓励承建商在工地即时开处理可循环再用的废物。
    Since much of the construction waste delivered to landfills could be reused,contractors are encouraged to segregate and sort their waste at source before disposal.
  • 我提议休会10分钟。
    I move that the meeting shall adjourn for ten minutes.
  • 西尔斯百货公司昨天宣布结束“大本”商品目录(邮购业务)。……(这本目录在乡间美国家庭里与圣经并列已有九十七年。)作为公司重整计划的一部。此外公司将关闭113家店,解雇5万人。
    Sears, Roebuck & Company announced yesterday that it was pulling the plug on its "big book" catalogues, …as part of an extensive revamping that will close 113 of its stores and carve 50,000 jobs from its payroll.
  • 之一尸体动物尸体的一条腿,通常包括连接部
    One leg of an animal's carcass, usually including the adjoining parts.
  • 他没有透露他的身
    He did not reveal his identity.
  • 她拒绝透露自己的身
    She refused to reveal her identity.
  • 代词性的与代词相似的,如主要作为谈话的另一部时指代人、地方或事的。his在hischoice中是代词性形容词
    Resembling a pronoun, as by specifying a person, place, or thing, while functioning primarily as another part of speech. His in his choice is a pronominal adjective.