  • 一本充满着幽默的书
    A book that crackles with humor.
  • 满了幽默或者以幽默为特点。
    full of or characterized by humor.
  • 父亲的故事满了道德典范和幽默感。
    Father's stories are shot through with moral examples and good humour.
  • 接着,上帝又补说‘不过,你的妻子会是一个驼背’。”
    Then the Lord added, 'But your wife will be humpbacked.'"
  • 需要食物充饥。
    The satisfaction of hunger requires food.
  • 满了饥饿人群的世界。
    a world full of hungry people.
  • 举世瞩目的西藏羊卓雍湖水电站,从项目的确定、设计到施工建设,均分考虑了生态环境保护。
    With respect to the hydropower station at Yamzhoyumco Lake, which has attracted the attention of the world, full consideration was given to the protection of the ecological environment, starting from the decision to build the station to its design and construction.
  • 毕竟在抗衰老药物的销售中,满了天花乱坠的虚假宣传,有些干脆不如说是“万金油”。
    After all, the field of antiaging drugs is littered with compounds that failed to live up to their hype or were hardly more than snake oil.
  • 关于血的,或由血引起的。
    relating to or caused by hyperemia.
  • 理想主义艺术家作品满了理想主义的艺术家或作家
    An artist or a writer whose work is imbued with idealism.
  •  对我来说,当我离开总统宝座时,我满更多的理想,比初进白宫时更加满希望,并且坚信美国的好日子还在后面。
    As for me, I'll leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived and more confident than ever that America's best days lie ahead.
  • 假冒,冒为了欺骗而假冒身份
    To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive.
  • 满诗意的田园景色只是画面的一角。
    This idyllic pastoral scene is only part of the picture.
  • 他们充满了信心。
    They oozed confidence, ie showed it freely.
  • 他曾满蔑视和恶意地说过。
    He had spoken through ignorance and malice.
  • 当领导(尤其在违法活动中)的人。
    a person who leads (especially in illicit activities).
  • 该事实在历史中获得分的例证。
    The fact is well illustrated in history.
  • 为补课文而加的贴切的插图
    Poignant illustrations supplementing the text.
  • 补充说明;使之完整
    To add to, as by illustrations; make complete.
  • ”在2000年,德国的一家医疗成像公司开始在美国销售一种蛀牙探测器用来补传统的x光和牙医锋利的探针。
    In 2000, KaVo, a medical-imaging company in Germany, began selling a simple decay de tector in the United States that supplements conventional X rays and the dentist's sharp explorer probe.
  • 一位总统应该满对国家的责任感。
    A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.
  • 木头常涂上油漆冒石头。
    Wood is often painted to imitate stone.
  • 木头涂油漆假石头。
    The wood was painted to imitate stone.
  • 人工技术用于模仿,补,改变或抵消自然物品的人工尝试
    Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
  • 充当模仿或抄袭者
    To act as an imitator or mimic.
  • 突然精力沛地投入工作
    Fell to work immediately.
  • 我们也满信心,相信明天会更好。
    There is immense confidence, too, that tomorrow will be even better.
  • 而那些从没有遭受视觉或听觉损伤之苦的人却很少分利用这些天赐的官能。
    But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties.
  • 王平:这也是为了更分地体现奥运“公平、参与、竞争”的精神设立的。
    Wang Ping: It is set up in order to better display the Olympic spirit of "impartiality, participation and competition".
  • 如果中国大陆能够分体会,那麽两岸关系应能走出当前阴霾,找出一个双赢之道。
    And if China could keep its finger on the pulse of changes in Taiwanese public opinion, a win-win solution may be found for the current impasse in cross-strait relations.
  • 在一篇满激情的演说里吐露了心声。
    He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
  • 鼻子上翘是不耐烦的表示,鼻子下勾则表明你满激情。
    Ski-jump noses are a sign of impatience and a down-turned one means you are passionate.