  • 超过比(对手)获得更多数而取胜
    To surpass(an opponent) in the number of points won.
  • 要超过这麽高的数是很难的。
    It will be hard to surpass this very high score.
  • 比赛技巧胜于,击败在技艺、技能或在得上超过(对手)
    To surpass(an opponent) in skill or technique or in scoring points.
  •  坚持走改革和发展的道路,以全面实施全民健身计划和奥运争光计划为工作基点,推动北京体育发展模式由局部赶超型向整体推进型转变,管理方式由直接、微观管理向间接、宏观管理转变,参与方式由政府动员向大众自主消费转变,北京体育要展现北京高度、北京特色、北京风格、北京气派,成为2008年北京奥运会为中国及世界体育留下独特遗产的重要组成部,为全面促进首都经济发展、城市繁荣和社会进步做出突出的贡献。
    Adhere to the road of reform and development, implement the National Physical Fitness Programme and the Programme for Olympic Honours in an all-round way as the base point for the work, promote the change of Beijing’s sports development pattern from surpassing the advanced level in part of the sports to an overall improvement of all sports, the change of the management mode from direct and micro management to indirect and macro management, the change of the mode of participation from government mobilization to people’s voluntary consumption. Beijing sports should display Beijing’s elevation, Beijing’s characteristics, Beijing’s style and Beijing’s manner as an important component part of the unique legacy left by the 2008 Olympics in Beijing to the Chinese and world sports and make an outstanding contribution to promoting the economic development, urban prosperity and social progress in the capital city in an all-round way.
  • 分发剩余食品
    Gave out the surplus food.
  • 你应该设法使过剩的水渗出。
    You should try to sweat the surplus moisture.
  • 乡镇企业容纳了百之五十的农村剩余劳动力。
    Rural industries have absorbed 50 per cent of the surplus work force.
  • 但是醴陵等县,尚有一部地方(如醴陵之西南两区),表面上地主权力低于农民权力,实际上因为政治斗争不激烈,地主权力还隐隐和农民权力对抗。
    But in counties like Liling there are still some places (such as Liling's western and southern districts) where the authority of the landlords seems weaker than that of the peasants but, because the political struggle has not been sharp, is in fact surreptitiously competing with it.
  • 萨里只得了200,只好继续击球。
    Surrey scored only 200 runs and had to follow on.
  • 战士的处境十危险。
    The soldiers were surrounded by dangers.
  • 我们的处境十危险。
    We are surrounded by/with dangers.
  • ”像美国地质勘测局的科学家迈克尔·卡尔,他认为海洋覆盖了火星的大部地区。他的观点现在也面临着来自全球监测机构研究结果的挑战。
    Scientists like Michael Can at the U.S. Geological Suwey who believe oceans once covered much of Mars face a serious challenge from the Global Surveyor studies.
  • 根据《土地测量条例》,担任土地测量监督的测绘处,负责审核由认可土地测量师提交的土地割图则的质素,并备存这些图则的记录,以供其他土地测量师参考。
    The office, being the Survey Authority under the Land Survey Ordinance, is responsible for checking the quality of land subdivision plans submitted by Authorised Land Surveyors and maintains a record of these plans for reference by other land surveyors.
  • 由于飞机集操作与维修于一体,从大量民用的、废弃或损坏的机场起飞都成为可能,这些机场的数量和布进一步增强了e-4b的生存能力。
    As aircraft operations and maintenance are self? contained,operation are possible from a large number of civilian,abandoned or damaged airfields whose number and distribution further increase the E? 4B's survivability.
  • 日本百货公司、日式产品,如日本寿司和卡拉ok等,已成为香港人生活中不可或缺的一部
    Japanese products and department stores, like sushi and karaoke, are an integral part of Hong Kong's life.
  • 我有充理由怀疑他。
    I have good reason to suspect him.
  • 被拘留者是敌方的外来人和被怀疑的恐怖子。
    the internees were enemy aliens and suspected terrorists.
  • 他受到停止出赛三个月的处
    He was suspended from competition for three months.
  • 与溶液或悬浮液开。
    cause to separate from solution or suspension.
  • 用地球引力强行离悬浮粒子的设备。
    uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension.
  • 化学术语,从溶液中把悬浮的固体颗粒离出来。
    separate from solution as a fine suspension of solid particles, in chemistry.
  • 有两三个可疑子在集市上闲逛。
    There were two or three suspicious characters hanging about the fairground.
  • 我今天出席「香港二十一世纪可持续发展」展览的开幕典礼,感到十高兴。
    I am delighted to attend the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition on Sustainable Development in Hong Kong for the 21st Century today.
  • 沿着船壁向上引导的以及与航行方向一致的气流足以给这种长有特大翅膀的大鸟以充的支撑力和前进力。
    The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.
  • 冠状线的冠状线的或与之有关的,按冠状线方向的,或指把身体为前后两部的平面
    Of, relating to, or having the direction of the coronal suture or of the plane dividing the body into front and back portions.
  • 公元前1000年布于整个欧洲和亚洲的西南和南部的部地区的一种语族。
    the family of languages that by 1000 BC were spoken throughout Europe and in parts of SW and S Asia.
  • 激动万的琼斯在看台下抽泣着。格林在场上的反应也出人意料:没有得意,没有骄傲,相反他大声地哭了。
    As Jones,overwhelmed,broke down sobbing under the stands, Greene was in the stadium behaving in an extraordinary manner not swaggering,but crying too.
  • 这块土地很危险,大部是沼泽。
    The land is dangerous; it's mainly swamp.
  • 长有下侧带有金黄色孢子囊的宽大复叶的低矮热带沼泽蕨(特别是布在美洲热带)。
    stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides.
  • 而用了布式操作系统,该站点将不会被冲垮,因为该操作系统已探测到对资源需求的增加,并开始在其它的计算机上缓存数据。
    With a distributed OS, the site won't get swamped because the OS has detected the increased demand on resources and started caching data onto other computers.
  • 鲍比的母亲对他的顽皮十愤怒,因而打了他屁股。
    Bobby's mother was so annoyed with his teasing that she swatted his rear end.
  • 布裹疗法在冷、热、湿或干的材料下病人或身体部的包扎,如布毛巾、床单或毛毯等
    The swathing of a patient or a body part in hot, cold, wet, or dry materials, such as cloth towels, sheets, or blankets.