  • “社会主义公有制消灭人剥削人的制度,实行各尽所能,按劳配的原则。”
    "The system of socialist public ownership supersedes the system of exploitation of man by man; it applies the principle of 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his work'."
  • 过时类;两个主要植物部之一,包含所有结果植物;现名显花部。
    in former classification systems: one of two major plant divisions, including all seed-bearing plants; superseded by the division Spermatophyta.
  • 首先,文化属于社会的意识形态,它是随着社会的经济基础和上层建筑的其他部的变化而变化发展的。
    First, as a social ideology, culture varies with the changes in the other parts of the social economic foundation and superstructure.
  • 展开上盖工程的建筑地盘数目,由一九九七年的276个,下降至一九九八年的213个,涉及的总楼面面积别为3426017平方米和1899033平方米。
    The number of building sites on which superstructure works started fell from 276 in 1997 to 213 in 1998, involving total floor areas of 3 426 017 square metres and 1 899 033 square metres respectively.
  • 我们要掌握和发展现代科学文化知识和各行各业的新技术新工艺,要创造比资本主义更高的劳动生产率,把我国建设成为现代化的社会主义强国,并且在上层建筑领域最终战胜资产阶级的影响,就必须培养具有高度科学文化水平的劳动者,必须造就宏大的又红又专的工人阶级知识子队伍。
    We must train workers with a high level of scientific and general knowledge and build a vast army of working-class intellectuals who are both "red and expert". Only then will we be able to master and advance modern science and culture and the new technologies and skills in every trade and profession. Only then will we be able to attain a productivity of labour higher than that under capitalism, transform China into a modern and powerful socialist country and ultimately defeat bourgeois influences in the superstructure.
  • 发挥群众监督和社会监督的作用。
    Bringing into full play the role of public supervision?
  • 违反监管规定的犯人,可能会被召回继续服刑,直至监管期余下部届满为止。
    Prisoners breaching the supervision conditions may be recalled to serve the balance of their unexpired supervision period.
  • 发给媒体成员用以增补或代替口头宣布的通告。
    an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation.
  • 特别答复申诉书中的陈述和指控,并提供所有的理由说明被申诉方(域名持有方)要保留和使用该有争议的域名(回复书的这个部应按照服务提供方的补充条例中对文字或页面限定的规定排版);
    Respond specifically to the statements and allegations contained in the complaint and include any and all bases for the Respondent (domain-name holder) to retain registration and use of the disputed domain name (This portion of the response shall comply with any word or page limit set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.);
  • 在部上,游击战是主要的,运动战是辅助的”这个提法,表示怀疑。
    With regard to the parts, guerrilla warfare is primary and mobile warfare supplementary."
  • 此外的所谓外援,即使还有可能,也只能看作是部的和暂时的。
    Anything else that might be called foreign help, even if it might become available, can only be regarded as supplementary and temporary.
  • 当然,这些部的暂时的外援,也是应该争取的,但决不可过于依赖,不可看作可靠的援助。
    Of course, China should try to obtain such supplementary and temporary foreign help, but must never depend too much on it or consider it reliable.
  • 贵方所订购货物之其余部, 一俟我方进货即可供应.
    The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.
  • 支持武力一部的射击(如在支持整体的过程中反对一般支持)。
    fire delivered in support of part of a force (as opposed to general supporting fire delivered in support of the force as a whole).
  • 一部所谓欧美派的文化人(我说的是一部),他们曾经实际赞助过国民党政府的文化“剿共”,现在似乎又在赞助什么“限共”、“溶共”政策。
    It seems that a section (and I refer only to a section) of educated people from the so-called European-American school who in fact supported the Kuomintang government's "Communist suppression" campaign on the cultural front in the past are now supporting its policy of "restricting" and "corroding" the Communist Party.
  • 她生活中的两位男士都为她担心,但又百之百地支持她。
    Even though both the men in her life worry about her, they're 100 percent supportive.
  • 我想大约10分钟吧。
    About 10 minutes, I suppose.
  • 假定“正确”的子链中有近98%确实与正确的棋子布局相对应--这一成功率对于一项初步实验来说高得有些令人吃惊。
    Almost 98 percent of the supposedly "correct" stfands did in fact correspond to correct chess configurations, a surprisingly high success rate for a preliminary experiment.
  • 香港海关继续采取严厉的执法行动,以防止及压抑非法贩卖、制造及销危险药物的活动。
    The department continued to take vigorous enforcement action to prevent and suppress unlawful trafficking in dangerous drugs and their manufacture and distribution.
  • 应该坚决地镇压那些坚决的汉奸子和坚决的反共子,非此不足以保卫抗日的革命势力。
    We must firmly suppress the confirmed traitors and anti-Communists, or otherwise we shall not be able to protect the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces.
  • 享最高行政权力的委员会。
    a council that shares the supreme executive power.
  • 鉴于汇率一再下跌,我们不得不对部旅行团收取额外费用。
    In view of the falling exchange rate, we have had to introduce surcharge on some of our tours.
  • 鉴于汇率一再下跌,我们不得不对部旅行团收取额外费用。
    In view of the falling exchange rate, we have have to introduce surcharge on some of our tour.
  • 教师还要保证每个孩子在接受教育的同时有充的时间休息和游戏。
    "The teacher makes sure, too, that the child gets enough rest and play, along with his education."
  • 我喜欢读具有动人的情节、丰富的动作和其他可靠成的小说。
    O love to read novels with a strong story line lots of action, and other surefire ingredients.
  • 现在全美超过四之一的家庭在网络上寻找信息。
    Now, more th an one quarter of all U.S households can surf in cyberspace.
  • 比如你对starcraft感兴趣,你不用看遍整个网站,你可以到专门的区来,我们尝试按不同的游戏创出不同的俱乐部。
    Instead of surfing around for a site,say,dedicated to Starcraft,you can come here.The gaming community is very tribal;we're trying to get you into the clubs.
  • 后来两条鲸又开了,但是仍鳍挨着鳍,肩并肩慢慢地游着,动作完美而和谐,忽而潜入水中,忽而游出水面,直至它们从视野中渐渐消失。
    The whales then depart, flippers touching, and swim slowly side by side, diving and surfacing in perfect unison until they disappear from sight.
  • 在外科中取出主要部,关于器官。
    bring outside the body for surgery, of organs.
  • 神经外科学神经系统中任何部的外科学
    Surgery on any part of the nervous system.
  • 移植物通过外科手术联接或植入身体一部用以替换受损部或修补缺陷的材料,尤指活组织或活器官
    Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
  • 城乡居民储蓄存款余额由1978年的210.6亿元,增加到1997年的46279.8亿元,人均储蓄存款由22元增加到3744元,别增长218.8倍和169.2倍,城乡居民利息收入高达2000多亿元,此外,还拥有400多亿美元的外币存款,8000多亿元的手持现金,4000多亿元的各种债券,2500多亿元股票,以及1000多亿元的内部职工股票,金融资产总额超过6万亿元。
    The balance of total savings deposits of urban and rural residents rose from 21.06 billion yuan in 1978 to 4,627.98 billion yuan in 1997, with the per-capita amount surging from 22 yuan to 3,744 yuan, up 219.8 fold and 170.2 fold respectively. The interest incomes of urban and rural residents alone topped 200 billion yuan. In addition, the Chinese residents have more than US$40 billion of foreign exchange savings deposits, more than 800 billion yuan of cash, 400 billion yuan worth of various kinds of securities, 250 billion yuan in stocks and 100 billion yuan of shares issued by their own units, with combined financial properties exceeding 6,000 billion yuan.