  • 1995年到1997年,口率持续稳定增长之后,1998年,价格稳步下跌,预计这一趋势会无限期地持续下去。
    The steady three-year annual rise in the export rate between 1995-1997 has been followed by steadily failling prices during 1998 and the trend is expected to continue indefinitely.
  • 长有果皮不裂的豆,带有黑种子的灌木和乔木的属;根和树皮生长对于鱼有害的物质。
    genus of shrubs or small trees having indehiscent pods with black seeds; roots and bark yield fish poisons.
  • 浆果一种从单子房生的果壁为肉质的闭果,如葡萄或西红柿
    An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary and having the whole wall fleshy, such as the grape or tomato.
  • 他们提要赔偿我们的损失。
    They offered to indemnify us for our losses.
  • 对于社会来说,甲的资本没有产生任何收益来补偿这种支
    to whom his capital is not yielding any return, to indemnity them for the payment;
  • 起草或发出定单
    To draw up or order an indent.
  • 办公室所需用品你应该及早提申请。
    You should always indent for your office requirements well in advance.
  • 最好将流程控制语句缩进排列,使读者能方便地看起点与终点。
    It is conventional to indent the body of a control flow statement so the reader might easily determine where it begins and ends.
  • 立足点在爬山中鞋尖可以找到支撑的小凹陷或岩石空
    A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.
  • 她再与也不会干涉你了,你有了独立自主权,你已经有了你自己入大门的钥匙。
    She won't interfere with you any more; your independence is achieved and you have won your latchkey.
  • 第二位医生必须提独立的分析。
    The second doctor prepares an independent analysis.
  • 设计费单独列出。
    The engineering cost is listed independently.
  • 他独立地提了一套新理论
    He put forward a new set of theories independently.
  • 两位科学家各自得了同样的结论。
    The two scientists arrived at the same conclusion quite independently.
  • 事实上,故障的原因是由中国专家独立查找的。
    In fact, the cause of the failure was found by Chinese scientists independently.
  • 律师见到这个东西,说不地高兴。
    On seeing the bronze the lawyer was moved to indescribable delight.
  • 科学家通过一系列化学方法把鲜肉密封起来,这样可以防止细菌的滋长。并且他们已经制作了意大利香肠和烤鸡肉两种口味的"防水三明治"。尽管一些士兵愿意尝试这种新型的三明治,但是他们对此还是报以小心翼翼的态度。
    Using an array of chemicals to seal the meat and inhibit bacterial growth, the scientists already have produced pepperoni and barbecue chicken indestructible sandwiches,which have been given a cautious welcome by soldiers who agreed to try them.
  • 走路的姿态可反应人的性格。
    Manner of walking gives an index to one's charactor.
  • 工业品出厂价格指数
    index of producer price of industrial products
  • 由于已编索引的信息的深度与广度(非常大),所以通常在“蜘蛛爬行过”站点的时间与现在搜索索引中的时间之间有一个延迟,有时多达几周。
    Because of the depth and breadth of information being indexed, there is usually a delay, sometimes up to several weeks, between the time when a site has been "spidered" and the time when it appears in a search index.
  • 证据披露往往是以交换计算机磁盘的形式进行的,因为将证据扫描到计算机中,制作索引,然后将证据显示在屏幕上往往是向法官和陪审团示证据的最有效、最容易理解的方法。
    Discovery often takes place through the exchange of computer disks as scanning evidence into a computer, indexing it, and projecting the evidence onto a screen is often the most efficient and understandable method of presenting evidence to judges and juries and tracking hundreds of exhibits.
  • 他上星期发前往印度。
    He started for India last week.
  • 农民偶尔能用犁翻古老的印第安人的遗物。
    Farmers occasionally plough up old Indian relics.
  • 格里菲思,戴(维·莱维林)·沃(克)1875-1948美国电影导演和制作人。他发展了许多电影技巧,如淡入、淡、特写、移动摄影和闪回。一个国家的诞生(1915年)是他众多电影中的一部
    A town of extreme northwest Indiana south of Hammond. It is mainly residential. Population,17, 916.
  • 一个路标给我们指应走的路。
    A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.
  • 正确的道路或方向。
    indicate the right path or direction.
  • 显示明确清楚地指;例证或证明
    To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove.
  • 体育运动中作决定。
    indicate a decision in regard to (sports).
  • 说明,指示表示或给指示;说明
    To be or give a sign of; indicate.
  • 由于资助他人而显示对接受者缺乏尊重。
    a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient.
  • 一种控制字符,指报头从后面的字符开始。startofheading的缩写。
    A control character that indicates that the message heading begins with the following character.
  • 表现或显示缺钱。
    characterized by or indicating lack of money.