  • 五、一些具有特殊才干的人,如艺术杰出运动员等。
    5. People with special talents, like artists, sportsmen,etc.
  • 五、一些具有特殊才干的人,如艺术杰出运动员等
    5. People with special talents, like artists, sportsmen, etc.
  • 他天生就有搞体育运动的细胞,因为他上几代不是出了这种运动员就是出了那种运动员。
    He's got sport in his blood; for generations back his family has produced sportsmen of one kind or another.
  • (或许有些运动在奥运会上报喜是基于金钱上的回报,但他们也得热爱他们的运动项目,还要作出不少的牺牲。)
    (Certain sportsmen might have achieved Olympic success due to monetary incentives, but they still had to love their sports event and make many sacrifices).
  • 在我40余年的体育生涯中,我亲身感受到了中国人民和国领导人对体育运动,对奥林匹克运动执着的热爱和支持,对体育精神和奥林匹克精神的深刻理解,我已记不清有多少次为此而激动过。
    I have personally experienced the deep passion of the Chinese people and our Government leaders towards sports, towards sportsmanship, and towards the Olympic Ideals. I cannot remember on how many occasions I was moved and touched by this passion.
  • 我发现:体育大学的学生乍一看,都是穿运动衣,大都一样;
    I find that students of the University of Physical Education all wear sportswear at first sight. Ev- erybody looks the same.
  • 虽然西式泳装在埃及这个非常保守的国并没有明令禁止,但这种衣服在公共海滩还是颇为罕见。一般情况下,女士们下海游泳的时候,都会穿得严严实实,或者穿着一种叫做"伊斯兰泳装"的特殊运动长装。
    Western-style bathing suits are not forbidden in Egypt, a highly conservative country, but it is rare to see them on public beaches where most women go for a dip either fully clothed or wearing "Islamic swimsuits," a kind of sporty over-garment.
  • 他把里收拾得很整洁。
    He keeps his house spotless.
  • 国际恐怖主义的威胁,使回教徒成了瞩目的焦点,也突显了国人以国为重,抛开种族、宗教和文化的差异,互相了解和团结一致的重要。
    The threat of global terrorism has put Muslims under the spotlight. It has also shown how important it is for Singaporeans to understand each other and pull together as a nation regardless of race, religion and culture.
  • 老师在他的庭作业中看出了一个错误。
    The teacher spotted a mistake in his home work.
  • 他们为属领到了免费的票。
    They get free ticket for their spouse.
  • 如果他捐一畿尼给这个团体,他就指望人给他大量的特权,他是要求一本万利的。
    If he pays a guinea to that society, the will expect them to grant him considerable privileges; he's throwing a sprat to catch a whale.
  • 我回后发现父亲已醉了,四肢伸着躺在床上。
    When I came borne I found Father drunk, sprawled out on the bed.
  • 公司正在迅速发展。
    This firm is now spreading out rapidly.
  • 我们足球队获奖以后,全队外出狂饮作乐,第二天早晨才回
    When we won the prize the whole football team went out on a spree and didn't get home till the morning.
  • 但是,随着国经济发展的要求,我们也要有一个清醒的头脑注视环境的变化,注视今天内地投资市场对我们提出新的挑战:
    However, with the demands springing up from our country's economic development, there is a need for us to keep a sober mind, to be alert about the changing circumstances, as well as the new challenges posed by the investment market in the Mainland today:
  • 他出身于农民家庭。
    He springs from a peasant's family.
  • 俱装坐垫使(俱)具有填塞物,弹簧,坐垫和用来覆盖的织物
    To supply(furniture) with stuffing, springs, cushions, and covering fabric.
  • 伴随计算机革命的到来,新一代思想已经脱颖而出。
    A new generation or visionaries has sprung up,enabled by the computer revolution.
  • 用在里纺织的布匹做成的。
    made of cloth spun or woven in the home.
  • 她们为人纺织衣服。
    They spun and wove the clothing for the family.
  • 她一怒之下离开了这个国
    She got her spunk up and left the country.
  • 他经过一旅行社时,一时兴起,决定外出度假。
    At he was passing a travel agency, he decided on the spur of the moment to go away for a holiday.
  • 我们碰巧去具店看看,一时决定买了张新床。
    We happened to be looking in a furniture shop and, on the spur of the moment, we bought a new bed.
  • 柏柯夫希望对动物感情有了更多理解后,就应制定出正确对待动物的更严格规则。这些规则无论是在动物园、马戏团、农场、还是在普通人的院内都适用。
    Bekoff, hopes that greater understanding of what animals are feeling will spur more stringent rules on how animals should be treated, everywhere frm
  • 今晚步行回非常寒冷,但是想到能在舒适、温暖的里喝上一杯热饮我感到来劲了。
    It was bitterly cold walking home tonight but the thought of a hot drink in a nice warm house spurred me on.
  • 正在忙着,比尔气急败坏地闯了进来。
    We were all very busy when Bill blew in with a great sputtering.
  • 那个伙是来这儿监视我们的。
    That boy came here to spy on us.
  • 我回总是发现你和你妹妹争吵。
    I always arrive home to find you squabbling with your sister.
  • 有了“班长”,大就要帮助他当好。
    Once that body has a "squad leader", everyone should help him perform his duty well.
  • 由于罗纳尔多的出色表现,他被选入巴西国足球对。
    Owing to his fantastic performance, Ronaldo got the call-up to the full Brazil national squad.
  • 浪费我们国的自然资源是一种罪恶
    It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.