  • 地区是中国贫困人口最多、贫困程度最深、贫困结构最复杂的地区。
    These regions are characterized by the largest number of poor people, and the deepest degree and most complicated structure of poverty.
  • 我们哀悼那献出自己的生命的军人,并向他们的家属表达最深切的慰唁。
    We mourn for the members of the Armed Forces who have sacrificed their lives, and extend our deepest sympathies to their families.
  • 在这深深扎根于美国人心中的教化故事中,美德并不是从理性或法律程序中产生出来,而是通过暴力来实现并保持的。
    And in these moral tales, so deepest in American mind, virtue does not arise out of reason or orderly process of law - it is imposed and maintained by violence.
  • 他没有囤积房屋、收集汽车和艺术品的嗜好,他厌恶那把钱花在高级轿车、私人餐厅和豪华地产这类奢侈品上的公司。
    He doesn't collect houses or cars or works of art, and he disdains companies that waste money on such extravagances as limousines, private dining rooms, and high-priced real estate.
  • 一个女人,尤其是如果她不幸而懂得一事情的话,就应该尽可能把它隐藏起来。
    A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, shall conceal it as well as she can.
  • 他正忙于处理一重要的事情。
    He is busy with some important work.
  • 产品的花色是目前国际市场上比较流行的。
    These patterns are relatively popular in the international market.
  • 这种产品的价格和去年比有变化。
    The price for this commodity has changed somewhat compared with that of last year.
  • 你们是不是报一下这产品的价格?
    Can you tell me the prices of these goods?
  • 请您谈谈你们对哪产品感兴趣?
    What particular items are you interested in?
  • 您这次来主要想买什么东西呀?
    What products do want to purchase this time?
  • 我们想买上海出产的真丝印花绸。
    We should like to purchase Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics.
  • 你方如果希望引进一先进技术和成套设备,我们公司可以尽力。
    If you hope to introduce some advanced technology and complete plants, wed like to offer you our help.
  • 我们公司愿为贵国的经济建设尽一力量。
    Our corporation is willing to give its help to your economic construction.
  • 你们这次来主要想谈哪方面的生意呀?
    May I know what particular line you are interested in this time?
  • 你们的进出口贸易有了一调整,是吗?
    You've made some readjustment in your import and export business, haven't you?
  • 你们主要采取了哪新的做法,能不能给我们简单介绍一下?
    Would you give us a brief account about the new practices you have adopted?
  • 我们主要是采用了一国际上的习惯作法。
    We have mainly adopted some usual international practices.
  • 你们的一具体做法比以前灵活多了。
    You have adopted a more flexible policy in your work than before.
  • 我们设法消除一死板的做法,采用国际上通用的贸易方式。
    We are trying to get rid of the over-rigid practices and adopt some general international practices.
  • 我们在外贸工作中采取了一灵活作法。
    We have adopted a flexible policy in our foreign trade work.
  • 新措施表明政府的政策彻底改变了.
    These new measures indicate an about-turn in government policy.
  • 他险些丧了命.
    being killed.
  • 食物让我们随便吃.
    We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.
  • 线索没什么实际意义.
    These clues don't really add up to very much, ie give us very little information.
  • 原则与我们的宗教信仰相抵触.
    Such principles are alien to our religion.
  • 她很快就察觉出了文中的那模棱两可的意思.
    She was quick to notice the ambiguities in the article.
  • 你的下一项任务是寻找这失踪的人.
    Your next assignment will be to find these missing persons.
  • 食物比另一食物容易吸收.
    are assimilated more easily than others.
  • 英格兰队某主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱.
    England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
  • 分数远在一般水平以上[以下].
    below average.
  • 吵吵闹闹的邻居成了我生活中的一大忧患.
    Those noisy neighbours are the bane of my life.