| - 他的健康状况显出好转的迹象。
His health is showing signs of improvement. - 事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出
An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation. - 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。
They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. - 人们或会责怪亚洲经济体系借贷过度,有欠谨慎,而事实绝对是这样的。我们也应质疑,究竟当初为甚麽会出现借贷的情况?
Whilst people may blame these Asian economies for borrowing excessively and imprudently - and absolutely, they were imprudent and they were borrowing excessively - one also has to wonder why such loans ever took place in the first place. - 他们怎么竟敢提出这样一个问题。
How did they have the impudence to raise such a question? - 这是刚酿出来的新酒,但是我认为你会发现它很有喝头。
it's an impudent young wine but I think you will find it quite potable. - 锤子一种通过敲击发出冲击力的工具,包括一个把手和一个与之垂直的由较沉、较重的金属制成的头
A hand tool used to exert an impulsive force by striking, consisting of a handle with a perpendicularly attached head made of a relatively heavy, rigid material. - 当炉中金属熔化,除去所有的杂质之后,将炉子倾斜,倒出钢水。
When the metal be molten, and all impurity is removed, the furnace is tilt and steel pour out. - 伯尔尼于1910年出生在蒙特利尔。
Beme was born in Montreal in 1910. - 投票选出自由党人任职
Vote the Liberals in - 老师因为自己答不出这个问题而感到羞怒。
The teacher was mortified by his inability to answer the question. - 已故的伟人是我们无法亲身接触的,而活着的伟人通常几乎也是同样地无法接近的,至于我们个人的朋友和熟人,我们也不能经常看见他们,他们或许已经就寝,或许已经出门旅行去了。
The great dead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living are usually almost as inaccessible; as for our personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep, or away on a journey. - 她做事马虎是出了名的。
She is a proverb for inaccuracy. - 我必须请求读者原谅可能出现的错误和疏漏。
I must ask the readers' kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may possibly occur. - 这份报告错误百出,须重写
There is so much inaccuracy in this report that it will have to be written again. - 显现出虚假或不真实
To show to be inaccurate or untrue. - 他们往往不是从客观的实际条件和人民群众的具体实践出发,来考虑和决定他们的工作,而是从不确切的情况出发,从想象和愿望出发,主观主义地来考虑和决定他们的工作。
they pay little attention to investigation and study, and are unaware of how things really stand in their work. When they consider their work and make decisions, they very often start not with the objective conditions and what the masses are actually doing, but with inaccurate information or, subjectivity, with their own imagination and wishes. - 右的倾向,表现在有的人搞土改不积极,一看见中央提出要讲政策策略,就以为有根据了,说慢慢来吧,我也讲些策略。
The Right tendency is manifested in that some comrades are not taking an active part in land reform. They take the Central Committee's emphasis on policies and tactics as grounds for their inaction, saying that the reform can wait because they have to study the tactics first. - 但是,生产的源泉却未受到损害,下一年的产量不一定会比没有出现这种停产的状况时少;
but the sources of production would be unimpaired, and the next year there would not necessarily be a smaller produce than if no such interval of inactivity had occurred; - 领导指出了我们报告中的不足。
pointed out the insufficiencies in my report; juvenile offenses often reflect an inadequacy in the parents. - 他入不敷出。
His income is inadequate to meet the expense. - 这种工资等级制度是多么成问题,只是后来才暴露出来的。
Only later did it became clear how inadequate that pay scale was. - 但是,由于当时党对于全面建设社会主义的思想准备不足,八大提出的路线和许多正确意见没有能够在实践中坚持下去。
However, because the Party was still inadequately prepared ideologically for all-round socialist construction, that line and the many correct views put forward at the congress were not fully implemented. - 在挑选时我们完全出自疏忽而漏过了这篇短文。
In making the selection we passed this short piece by quite inadvertently. - 作者在倒数第二章无意说出了凶手是谁;倒数第二根柱子上的图形。
the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter; the figures in the next-to-last column. - 暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。
The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition. - 他未能封她的努力作出正确的评价。
He was inappreciative of her efforts. - 不适当的在一个不适当的时候出现的或做的;时间上不利的
Occurring or done at an inappropriate time; inopportune. - 反应过火,起过强反作用以不必要或不适当的力量、情绪或暴力作出反应
To react with unnecessary or inappropriate force, emotional display, or violence. - 但是不能因此对伪钞作出过低的估计,过分地估计了它的动摇程度,而作出冒险的或失当的处置。
However, we cannot underestimate the puppet currency or overestimate its instability, lest we start taking risks and making inappropriate moves. - 很多时候,翻译员因不熟悉语文之间的文化差异,而做出错误或不妥的翻译。
There are many examples of mistranslations or inappropriate translations because the translators were ignorant of the cultural differences between languages. - 对于不同关系的人,所有的文化都明确指出了什么样的社交距离是恰当的,什么样的社交距离是不恰当的,而它们之间的区别则在于恰当与不恰当是如何界定的。
All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship.