  • 把那湿衣服拧一下。
    Give the wet clothes a wring.
  • 解决这难题得要几周时间。
    It will take weeks to get all the wrinkle iron out.
  • 硅芯片已导致了数不清的发明,如便携式电脑和传真机,而且已经将智能添加到现今的汽车和手表中。
    These silicon chips have led to countless inventions, such as portable computers and fax machines, and have added intelligence to modern automobiles and wristwatches.
  • 广大农民购买力增加了,不仅盖了大批新房子,而且自行车、缝纫机、收音机、手表“四大件”和一高档消费品进入普通农民家庭。
    The purchasing power of peasants increased and many new houses were built. The "four big items"--bicycles, sewing machines, radios and wristwatches--entered ordinary peasant households, along with some more expensive consumer goods.
  • 我希望他来信更勤
    I wish he would write more often.
  • 一个能写并且已经写出了一东西的人。
    a person who is able to write and has written something.
  • 要写一封情书,我们应该不知道打算说什么就开头,不知道写了什么之后就搁笔。
    To write a love letter we must begin without knowing what we intend to say, and end without knowing what we have written.
  • 也有作家埋怨说他们写不出东西来,因为蚊子太多,稿纸发光,或马路上的声响太嘈杂。
    And there are writers who complain that they cannot write because there are too many mosquitos, or the writing paper is too shiny, or the noise from the street is too great.
  • 多年来,这诗歌被误认为是马洛的作品。
    For many years these poems were wrongly ascribed to Marlowe.
  • 现在,不管正确与否,有人对以太网还在做着同样的梦。
    Now, rightly or wrongly, some people are dreaming the same dream about Ethernet.
  • 信都是她写的匿名信。
    she wrote these letters anonymously.
  • 她写信索取一目录。
    She wrote off for some catalogues.
  • 有一回,这个乐队的领队语带滑稽地回顾着:“当时我们常常去招引那到大城市来的外地人。这(欣赏乐队演奏)对他们来说是个难得的外出玩乐的之夜。可遗憾的是,他们把另一种人——上流社会的人——给‘撵走’了。当时我们是太大众化了。”
    The bandleader once looked back wryly: “We used to at tract people from the provinces. It was their big night out. But unfortunately they drove the other people-high society- away. We were over-popular.”
  • 我可以复印缩微胶片上的上资料吗?
    Can I get a xerox of some material on microfilm?
  • 你好,请马上把这文件打印、复印出来,明天一早我谈判时用。
    Good afternoon. I'd like to have these documents typed and Xeroxed immediately, because I need them for a negotiation early tomorrow morning.
  • 108.为了建立一个明确的教育和培训晋级体制,让受雇人士和失业人士接受教育和培训时,能逐步提升技术和资格,我们会就职业训练局和雇员再培训局的课程,订定评核学员技术水平的客观标准,使雇主对这课程更有信心,并承认所颁授的资格。
    108. To help ensure that both employed and unemployed people can benefit from a well-structured education and training ladder, we will develop a qualifications framework for programmes provided by the VTC and the ERB. This will provide an objective yardstick for assessing the skills standards of trainees and will help secure employers' confidence in and recognition of the qualifications.
  • 然而,衡量的准绳究竟由谁、用什么办法来制定,这是一新加坡人的疑问。
    The questions then that needed to be asked are: What yardsticks do we use to determine this is indeed the case and who decides on the yardsticks to use?
  • 把这纱线成一个球。
    Wind the yarn into a ball.
  • 然而它真能迷惑并控制那见识浮浅或胆量不足的人,而这种人又是数目最多的。更甚者,勇气也能把有智之人在他们意志不坚强的时候克服了。
    But nevertheless, it doth fascinate, and bind hand and foot, those that are either shallow in judgment, or weak in courage, which are the greatest part; yea, and prevaileth with wise men, at weak times.
  • 他渴望一见那熟悉的老面孔。
    He yearned for a sight of the old, familiar faces.
  • 深深地同情那穷孩子的命运
    Yearned over the poor child's fate.
  • 他渴望见到那熟悉的老面孔。
    He yearned for a sight of the old , familiar faces.
  • 因此,他们看中的是一个巨大的市场,需要那非纯种白人,或极渴望美国成为真正大融炉的漂亮人儿来招徕顾客。
    So, what they see is a big market out there that is reached by beautiful people who are not exactly white, or who are yearning for a melting pot America."
  • 这种布可以穿好年。
    That cloth will wear for years and years.
  • 你会呼叫要小心,注意点。
    You'll yell to watch out and pay attention.
  • 于是一曾经侵略或试图侵略她的人高喊,她受到了侵略;
    So those who once committed or attempted aggression against her yell at the top of their voices that Tibet is being invaded;
  • 我还想把一日元换成美元。
    I'd also like to change some yen into American dollars.
  • 刚才我问什么? 哦, 有了, (想起来了)我是问你昨天做了什么。
    What was I asking about ? Ay, yes, I was asking what did you do yesterday.
  • 在某方面是安全一点。
    In some aspects, yes.
  • 你昨天也是吃这些。
    You had that yesterday.
  • 果树今年获得了大丰收。
    These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year.
  • 产这些种子的植物
    A plant yielding these seeds.