  • 个人诚信是至关重要的。只实话。上司可以原谅你的错误,但是如果你谎,你完了。
    Personal integrity is crucial. Tell nothing but the truth.
  • AdvantageCareerSolutions公司的老总RichardPhillips:“在经济低迷时期有大批比你更有资历的人愿意以更低的薪水接受这份工作。
    "There's a bigger pool of more highly qualified people who arewilling to work for less money" in a downturn, says Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions.
  • 要确保你不是从一个濒临死亡的产业跳到了另外一个。WashingtonCareerServices公司的持有者之一,也是一位职业专家的MelissaFireman:“要弄清楚‘这是否是个有潜力的行业?’”
    Make sure you don't jump from one sinking industry to another. "Ask, 'Is this a growth area?'" says Melissa Fireman, a careercounselor in Washington, D.C., and co-owner of Washington CareerServices.
  • 在你做出改变之前,你要弄清楚“这项工作或该领域实际上涉及到什么,而不是靠你的臆测。”Phillips
    Before you make a change, you need to find out "what the career and job really involve--not your fantasy, " Phillips says.
  • 比如,对很多从室内设计转行到财政规划的工作人士来,可能需要在做好工作之余还要销售出去。又或者你被理想工作的高薪吸引,最后发现原来那个行业里只有少数人才能挣到大量的钱,大部分的人工资都很低。
    For example, many careers, ranging from interior design tofinancial planning, may involve selling your services in addition to performing them. Or you may be enticed by the high average salary of your dream job, only to find that it's a field where a few people makea lot and most people make very little.
  • 并非所有转行的困难都是相当的。最难的是进入到一个与你以前的工作经历完全不相关的行业。虽然通常来,你可以在尝试新事物的时候应用自己以前的经验。
    Not all career changes are equally difficult. The hardest is tomove to a field where none of your previous experience is relevant. Often, though, you can find a way to build on your previous experience while doing something new.
  • 考虑呆在你目前的行业,但是找份不同的任务,这样你就可以积累行业知识。比如,你可以继续在金融方面工作,但并不是为一家出版社工作,而是为一家生物科技公司工作。这样的话,即使是在新行业,你也可以自己已经有了这样的工作经验了。
    Consider staying in your industry but moving to a new role so youcan play up your industry knowledge. Or you could keep working in finance, for example, but for a biotech company instead of a publisher. In that case, you can show that you have already done the job, even if the industry is new.
  • 应聘者往往会以一种过于亲昵的语气与招聘经理交谈--根据20%受访者的反馈,这是一个普遍问题。纽约州罗切斯特市残疾人维权中心的人力资源主管玛丽·维罗比,有一次她面试的应聘者自我感觉过于良好,居然评论起她眼角的一颗麦粒肿。
    Often, job candidates speak in a too-familiar way with hiring managers a major problem, according to 20% of survey respondents. Mary Willoughby, director of human resources at the Center for Disability Rights in Rochester, N.Y., once interviewed someone who was so comfortable, he commented on a sty she had near her eye.
  • “当时我就做出了决定,”玛丽。那名应聘者没有得到职位
    "My mind was made up at that point, " she says. The candidate was not hired.
  • 67%的受访者认为,着装不当是个大忌--它比求职简历中出现错字都要严重(58%的接受调查者认为这是一个重大失误)。荷兰国际集团美国金融服务业务部人力资源部的负责人查恩塔尔·沃比克,如果应聘者技能出众,她可以原谅简历中出现一个错字,但衣着暴露或穿着懒散等同于立刻被拒绝
    For 67% of hiring managers who responded to the survey, dressing provocatively is a major deal breaker even more significant than having a typo in your application materials (58% found this to be an interview killer). Chantal Verbeek, head of enterprise talent at ING U.S. Financial Services, says she'll forgive a typo if the applicant's skills are extraordinary, but revealing or sloppy apparel equals an instant rejection.
  • “有些应聘者一开始就问他们能不能在家上班。”维罗比,“正确的顺序是,等我们决定你适不适合这份工作,再来讨论你愿意在办公室里呆多久。
    I've had candidates ask if they can work part-time from home right off the bat, " Ms. Willoughby says. "Let's figure out if you're the right person for this job before we discuss how little you want to be in the office.
  • 一家猎头公司VitalityGroupExecutiveSearch的总裁肖恩·戴斯格罗斯勒建议应聘者参加面试时手上一定要拿点东西--随便什么都行,这样能让你保持专注。(他建议拿一支笔、一本笔记本或一份自己的简历)“两手空空走进面试地点会让人有些手足无措,”他道。
    Shawn Desgrosellier, president of Vitality Group Executive Search, coaches job candidates to go into an interview with something anything in their hands. The step maintains focus. (He suggested a pen, a notepad or your résumé.) "It's just awkward going into an interview with nothing, " he says.
  • 虽然标题的是时间管理的五个步骤,但总的来只有一个规则,那就是:一次只做一件事情并且做好它。
    The headline promises five steps for time management, but they all come from a single principle: You can only do one thing at a time, so do it right.
  • 从小处着想。不要总是认为应该花几个小时去解决一个大而艰巨的任务中。列一份工作清单,然后按照清单来一项项的完成工作。除非有十万火急的事情,否则执行时就不要间断。就拿求职者来,不是你今天下午要找很多份工作,而是应该检查以前投递的简历是否有了回复,浏览一些适合的工作网站,写几分求职信,并认真修改你的简历,使之切实可行。
    Think small. You can't always spend several hours working straight through on a single big job. Don't think in those terms. Use a simple to-do list, and take each item to completion without interruption, unless something's literally on fire. An example for the job-seeker: It's not "I'll look for jobs this afternoon, " it's checking email for replies to previous applications, scanning preferred job sites, writing cover letters, and tweaking your resume for each solid lead, etc.
  • 喝水。“水是关键”,佛罗里达洲Aventura的普林逖长寿中心医学主任Steven Masley,“如果你不喝水,你会感到疲劳”。你大部份的身体是由水分构成,甚至一点点的缺水都会让你精力溜走。
    Drink water. "Hydration is critical, " says Steven Masley, medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Aventura, Florida. "If you don't hydrate, you're going to feel tired." The majority of your body is made of water, even a slight deficiency can rob you of your “oomph”!
  • 这么广告很成功,听到这个我很高兴。一旦我帮您走上正轨,您会成为亿万富翁的,而不知识我的小客户。
    So our advertisements have been successful. I'm glad to hear that. Once I help you start on the right foot, you will become a billionaire but not only a small account for my agency.
  • 我听他们将从我们做广告的费用中提取15%的折扣。事实上我们不直接付钱给他们。
    It is said that they may have 15% of the amount of money in our advertisement. As a matter of fact, we don't pay them directly.
  • 哦,顺便一声,这是我给你们设计的两份广告,您想看一下吗?
    Oh, by the way, here are two advertisement I've created for you. Would you like to have a look at them?
  • 如果想在哪儿停下来,不要不好意思
    If there's some place you'd like to stop, don't hesitate to ask.
  • 你们工厂逐渐采用机器人设备了。
    I've heard your plant is phasing in robots.
  • 什么时候都方面。
    Any time you say.
  • 史密斯先生,很高兴和您通话。我是中国M&H公司的刘放。想要接受本公司的新产品给贵公司,不知道您是否有兴趣?您听过本公司的挂地毯吗?
    Nice to speak to you, Mr.Smith.My name is Liufang from M&H Company, a company in China. I called because I was wondering if your company would be interested in a new product we have developed. Have you heard about our “tapestry”?
  • 在12000人回应的调查中,有41%他们在早上更有效率,38%他们在晚上才能使出干劲.ChrisIdzikowskii博士"调查显示大多数人在中午不完全活跃-这个时间是炎热的国家的午休时间""我们刻意从这个调查中得出结论:大多数人不适合朝九晚五的工作时间"他建议允许工人们按照自己自然的睡眠习惯,从而延长工作时间,这样真正对老板有好处也更有生产力.
    Forty-one percent of the 12, 000 people who responded to the council's survey said they were most productive in the morning, while 38 percent said they hit their stride in the evening. “The implication is that the majority are not fully alert in the middle of the day – the traditional time for a siesta in hot countries.” said sleep expert Dr. Chris Idzikowskii. “We must conclude from this survey that the traditional nine-to-five working day does not suit the majority.” He suggested that allowing workers to follow their natural sleeping habits would actually benefit employers by allowing them to expand their working hours and be more productive.
  • 许多女雇员也喜欢有一个男主管,因为他们“更权威”,而且比女主管“话更坦诚”。
    Many female employees also like having a man in charge because they are "more authoritative" and "more straight-talking" than their female counterparts.
  • 在开始前,我先明一下,这只是个非正式会谈。
    Before I begin, let's make it clear that it's only a casual talk.
  • 让我看一下。哦,是的,布莱克先生。我这就通知经理的秘书,您已经来了。
    Let me see. Ah, yes, Mr. Black. Please take a seat. Mr. Black, I'll tell the manager's secretary you are here.
  • 了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗?
    Stop! I can't take any more. So, what can I do for you, Jacques?
  • 是的,他以后还有更多。所以我应该有一张公司信用卡。但问题是我不知道如何申请,而且不想让老板知道。你能帮我吗?
    Yeah, and he said there'll be more coming up, so I should get a corporate card. Problem is, I don't know how to proceed, and I didn't want the boss to know that. Can you fill me in?
  • 你收到我们的装箱明书了吗?
    Did you get our packing specifications?
  • 我已经安排了一位口译员,不过我听这些外宾都会讲英语。
    I've arranged for an interpreter to be present. But it is said these foreigners could speak English.
  • 看样子我们似乎低估了成本。根据制造厂商的法,成本会比原计划的高出约8%.
    Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected.
  • 换句话,你只需要增加第一批订单的成本。
    In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order.