  • 一种不耐烦的表示;装感兴趣的样子。
    made a display of strength; a show of impatience; a good show of looking interested.
  • 这种缺乏耐心的急躁情绪在美国的饮食习惯方面则表现得最为突,悠闲自在地坐下来吃顿饭似乎是一种奢侈。
    Nowhere is this impatience more evident than in American eating habits. Sitting down to a leisurely meal seems to be a luxury.
  • “现在请您上船来吧,莫雷尔先生,”唐太斯说,他看到船主已经有点着急便说道,“你的押运员腾格拉尔先生已走船舱了,他会把详细情形告诉您的。
    "Now, if you will come on board, M. Morrel," said Dantès, observing the owner's impatience, "here is your supercargo, M. Danglars, coming out of his cabin, who will furnish you with every particular.
  • 热切的具有或显浓厚的兴趣、强烈的愿望或迫不及待地期望
    Having or showing keen interest, intense desire, or impatient expectancy.
  • 忍受不了责难,他离开父母走了。
    Impatient of reproof, he left his parents and went away.
  • 具有或者表现极大的兴趣、强烈的渴望或者焦急的期待。
    having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy.
  • 我想,孔夫子当日一车两马,栖栖皇皇,忽而兴“可以走”之嗟,忽而发“归与归与”之叹,大概也是如此吧!
    I guess even Confucius is not spared this uneasy and anxious state of mind whenever he embarks on a journey. Even he could not make up his mind, sometimes saying in excitement , "Let's go, let's go. Let's depart and then chang his mind suddenly, impatiently commanding, "Let's go home, let's go home." That's such or so.
  • 只有众议院具有提弹劾案的权力。
    and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
  • 了批评、攻击或指摘的范围之外。
    beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment.
  • 于是,里查德·尼克松,这位唯一因受到弹劾威胁而辞职的美国总统,后来却因在对华政策上所显示的才能而成了一名资深政治家。
    Thus, Richard Nixon, the only U.S.president ever to resign under threat of impeachment,became an elder statesman in his later years on the strength of his China policies.
  • 数日未露面的菲律宾总统埃斯特拉达,在星期三弹劾案开审前表示,他将把他的命运交给上帝及将会作裁判的参议员。
    Philippine President Joseph Estrada, appearing in public on the eve of his impeachment trial, said on Wednesday he would leave his fate in the hands of God and the senators who judge him.
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三分之二多数通过,可提弹劾案,报请中央人民政府决定;及。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision;
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三分之二多数通过,可提弹劾案,报请中央人民政府决定。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the Council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision; and
  • 他可以要求每个行政部门的主管官员提有关他们职务的任何事件的书面意见,除了弹劫案之外,他有权对於违犯合众国法律者颁赐缓刑和特赦。
    he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
  • 关键是要健全干部的选举、招考、任免、考核、弹劾、轮换制度,对各级各类领导干部(包括选举产生、委任和聘用的)职务的任期,以及离休、退休,要按照不同情况,作适当的、明确的规定。
    What is essential is to improve the systems of election, recruitment, appointment, removal, assessment, impeachment and rotation of cadres and, in the light of specific conditions, to work out appropriate and explicit regulations for the terms of office and retirement of leading cadres of all categories and at all levels (including those elected, appointed or invited).
  • 他为他身于名门望族而骄傲。
    He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
  • 一部小说里说,一个人写一本书也是由于一种虫在作祟,激动他无缘无故创造一本书来。
    The writing of a book, say a novel, is again due to a species of worms which impel and urge the author to create for no reason whatsoever.
  • 抛掷的,弹射的能够被推进的或向前甩
    Capable of being impelled or hurled forward.
  • 他们觉得时机成熟了,可以采取行动这种想法促使该党作更大的努力。
    Their feeling that the moment was ripe for action impelled the Party to still greater efforts.
  •  这次事件爆发来,很值得我们思索,促使我们很冷静地考虑一下过去,也考虑一下未来。
    The outbreak of this incident has given us much food for thought, impelling us to reflect soberly on the past and the future.
  • 答:我在1994年所提的论点不是针对危机即将发生而做的预言,至少我不这么认为。
    A: The stuff I talked about in 1994 wasn't a sign of an impending crisis -- at least I didn't think so.
  • 中国外销产品相当多的和东南亚的产品重复,经济形态也有很多相似之处(如大家都有很多劳动密集型的加工口企业),中国入世贸后,外资活力必然大增,东南亚诸国要和中国竞争,岂不是更为吃力?
    China's exports are similar to those of South-east Asia,and its labour-intensive and export-oriented industries more or less duplicate those of the region. So, with a China made economically stronger by its impending WTO membership, South-east Asian countries will surely have a tougher competitor to cope with.
  • 中国外销产品相当多的和东南亚的产品重复,经济形态也有很多相似之处(如大家都有很多劳动密集型的加工口企业),中国入世贸后,外资活力必然大增,东南亚诸国要和中国竞争,岂不是更为吃力?
    China's exports are similar to those of South-east Asia, and its labour-intensive and export-oriented industries more or less duplicate those of the region. So, with a China made economically stronger by its impending WTO membership, South-east Asian countries will surely have a tougher competitor to cope with.
  • 我们要尽快做出决定.
    It is imperative that we make a quick decision.
  • 为说明人类现在的缺点起见,基督徒提一种新成分,和人类原来的天真与完美互相对照,这种新成分自然是魔鬼,它大抵是由肉体方面去活动,而人类较高尚的天性则由灵魂方面去活动。
    In contrast with man's original innocence and perfection, a new element was introduced to explain his present imperfection, and that is of course the Devil, working chiefly through the body, while his higher nature works through the soul.
  • 马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移
    The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
  • 正像列宁指的,帝国主义就意味着战争。
    As Lenin pointed out, imperialism means war.
  • 在一九三八年和一九三九年间,英美帝国主义曾经几次酝酿卖中国来换取同日本帝国主义的妥协。
    In 1938 and 1939, British and U.S. imperialism made several moves to reach a compromise with Japanese imperialism by sacrificing China.
  • 他们希望从帝国主义列强的控制下摆脱来。
    They wished to break free from imperialist powers.
  • 绝不允许宣传什么包括反革命分子在内的言论版自由、集会结社自由;绝不允许任何人背着党同这些人发生联系。
    It is absolutely impermissible to propagate freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly and of association in ways implying that counter-revolutionaries may also enjoy them, and it is absolutely impermissible to make contacts with counter-revolutionaries and other criminals unbeknownst to the Party organization.
  • 判决说:"由于杰克逊法官同外界进行了法律不允许的接触,比如同媒体进行秘密谈话,在法庭外公开对微软做了许多攻击性的评论,因此给人留下一种对微软持有偏见的印象,因此我们推翻原判,以进行补救。"
    ``We vacate the judgment on remedies, because the trial judge engaged in impermissible ex parte contacts by holding secret interviews with members of the media and made numerous offensive comments about Microsoft officials in public statements outside of the courtroom, giving rise to an appearance of partiality,'' the court said.
  • 伊丽莎白一吃过晚饭就回到吉英那儿去。她一走饭厅,彬格莱小姐就开始说她的坏话,把她的作风说得坏透了,说她既傲慢又无礼貌,不懂得跟人家攀谈,仪表不佳,风趣索然,人又长得难看。
    When dinner was over, she returned directly to Jane, and Miss Bingley began abusing her as soon as she was out of the room. Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no stile, no taste, no beauty.