  • 续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前後衔接.
    Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scenes.
  • 这篇文章缺乏贯性, 作者一味东拉西扯, 格局无章.
    This article lacks continuity; the writer keeps jumping from one subject to another.
  • 词典的主题是没有续性的。
    There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary.
  • 中断续性的突然中断;缺口
    A sudden interruption of continuity; a gap.
  • 断断续续不贯,缺乏逻辑关联,不团结
    Lack of continuity, logical sequence, or cohesion.
  • 改变或打断一致性或贯性。
    vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity.
  • 耽误或打断贯性的行为。
    an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity.
  • 那两段间无连续性。
    There is no continuity between the two paragraphs.
  • 空白,空处续中的空处或中断;间断
    An open space or a break in continuity; a gap.
  • 我们的政策是否有续性,主要看两条。
    The continuity of our policy depends mainly on two things.
  • 续的场景中使用同样的道具以确保前後衔接。
    Continuity is ensured by using the same props in successive scene.
  • 道理很简单,就是不能中断学习的续性。
    The answer is simple: so as not to break the continuity of studies.
  • 流,流动如同有了液体特性似的续不断地移动或流淌
    To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.
  • 大刀阔斧地砍去几个小时的录音带材料,同时还要使节目有贯性,这就要求他有高超的技术才行。
    It takes a lot of skill on his part to chop up hours of tape and give the programs continuity.
  • 我们常说,干部的新老交替,是从组织上保证我们党的政策的续性。
    We often say that having new cadres succeed old provides the organizational guarantee for the continuity of our Party's policies.
  • 十三大要使领导班子更加年轻化,这样就会使党和国家的领导层更具有活力,同时保证我们政策的续性。
    The Thirteenth National Party Congress will also add some younger members to the leadership of the Party and government, making it more energetic while ensuring the continuity of our policies.
  • 如果政策对,能推动社会主义社会生产力发展,使人民生活逐步好起来,这种政策本身就保证了它的续性。
    If the policy is right and can promote the development of the productive forces in a socialist society and gradually raise the people's living standards, the policy itself ensures its continuity.
  • 断层由于地壳的变动或移动而引起的在岩石构成续性上的破裂,伴之以裂缝的一边相对于另一边的错位
    A fracture in the continuity of a rock formation caused by a shifting or dislodging of the earth's crust, in which adjacent surfaces are differentially displaced parallel to the plane of fracture.
  • 二是从组织上解决政策续性问题,即从中央开始逐步实现领导班子的年轻化,这次首先解决的是中央和国家领导机关。
    Second, we made organizational changes to ensure the continuity of policy; that is, the average age of leading cadres began to be lowered, starting with the Central Committee and the central government organs.
  • 对全体学生的功课作出贯性的评定。
    Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
  • 连续系统仿真语言
    continuous systems simulation language
  • 续系统模拟仿真方法
    continuous systems anglog simulation method
  • 续系统数字仿真方法
    continuous systems digital simulation method
  • 单一的;连贯的
    Of one piece; continuous.
  • 连续的低语声
    A continuous low, murmuring sound.
  • 低沉、续、模糊的声音。
    a low continuous indistinct sound.
  • 发出一种很低的续的声音。
    make a low continuous sound.
  • 多值逻辑与连续逻辑
    multiple-valued logic and continuous logic
  • 大片相区域的陆地。
    a large continuous extent of land.
  • 形成了续的一系列孔。
    forming a continuous series of pores.
  • 发出低沉续不清晰的声音的。
    making a low continuous indistinct sound.
  • 续不断的低调的跳动的声音。
    continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound.