  • 他刚讲完话,便响起了雷鸣的掌声。
    As soon as he finished his speech, thunderous applause broke out.
  • 他听到雷鸣的掌声时,心里充满豪情。
    When he heard the thunderous applause, his heart swelled with pride.
  • 当她移动的视线停留在一个青年人的照片上时,她站起身来,仿佛遭到雷击一震惊。
    When her wandering eyes rested on the picture of a young man, she stood up, looking thunderstruck.
  • 麻将牌一种由四个人玩的起源于中国的游戏,有多米诺骨牌绘有各种图案的骨牌,每人轮流抓牌并扔出不需要的牌,直到有一个人有了四幅三个顺连牌和一幅成对牌时才算结束
    A game of Chinese origin usually played by four persons with tiles resembling dominoes and bearing various designs, which are drawn and discarded until one player wins with a hand of four combinations of three tiles each and a pair of matching tiles.
  • 在这个阶段上,一地还不是建立社会主义的农业,但在“耕者有其田”的基础上所发展起来的各种合作经济,也具有社会主义的因素。
    In general, socialist agriculture will not be established at this stage, though various types of co-operative enterprises developed on the basis of "land to the tiller" will contain elements of socialism.
  • 来说,我们日本人在说外语时有点太胆小。
    Generally speaking, we Japanese are a little too timid in speaking foreign language.
  • 当马坎德太太在蒂摩家里用晚饭时,她的谈话就带上了一福尔赛中间所流行较广泛的社会名流的口吻;她在蒂摩家所以这样被看重,无疑就是由于这一缘故。
    When Mrs. Macander dined at Timothy's, the conversation took that wider an-of-the-world tone current among Forsytes at large, and this no doubt, was what put her at a premium there.
  • 植物经过长期乾旱之后干枯得如同火绒一
    The plant is as dry as tinder after this long drought.
  • 植物经过长期乾旱之后干枯得如同火绒一
    The plant is as dry as tinder after this long drought.
  • 那银铃的笑声再一次响起。
    The tinkling laughter burst forth again.
  • 像在印度西亚一样,在马来西亚给小费也仅限于那些价格较高的西式场所。在那里,一在就餐或旅馆房间的费用之外附加10%的服务费。
    Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to the pricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room.
  • 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一说来没有青蛙灵活
    Toad has shorter legs and is generally more clumsy than frog
  • 蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一说来没有青蛙灵活。
    Toad have shorter leg and is generally more clumsy than frog.
  • 发出长笛般的音调
    To produce in a flutelike tone.
  • 是在环境总体下分为环境种类、环境组成、环境因子及其度量值等4个层次。每个层次是一个系统。
    Usually under the totality of environment it is divided into four levels of sysrt4ema, namely environmental categories, environmental components,environmental parameters, and environmental measurements.
  • 警犬队有特别兴建的设施供训练警犬。该队除训练担任一工作的巡逻犬只外,也训练犬只应付多方面的搜查工作。
    The Police Dog Unit, which was provided with purpose-built training facilities, trains general-purpose patrol dogs and dogs for different aspects of search work.
  • 你知道一来讲男孩子喜欢枪,坦克,汽车,飞机以及变形金刚之类的东西。
    You know as a rule, boys like guns, tanks, cars, planes, and also transformers and something like that.
  • 古时认为一金属能变成黄金.
    In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold.
  • 古时认为一金属能变成黄金。
    In former times it is thought that ordinary metal can be transmuted into gold.
  • 古时认为一金属能变成黄金
    In former times it was thought that ordinary metal can be transmuted into gold
  • 茶树一修剪到70至80厘米这样便于采摘的高度。
    The bush is generally kept trimmed to a convenient picking height of 70 to 80 centimetres.
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研究方面,研究者们已然考虑到这样的事实,即那些想通过医学手段而受精生育的夫妻们年龄比一生育年龄大些,而且一次多胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 北半球冷水湖产的鲑鱼或鳟鱼的冷水鱼的肉。
    flesh of salmon- or trout-like cold-water fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere.
  • 海啸的美国流行文化把任何挡住它去路的东西都一扫而光。
    The tsunami that is American popular culture sweeps aside everything in its path.
  • (指鸟或者动物)头上有一用来装饰的一簇毛或者凸起部分;通常用于组合词。
    (of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination.
  • 父母亲把孩子送进华语补习学校,一的理由是因为它是学校的考试科目。
    The reason that parents are rushing to send their children to Chinese tuition classes is that it is an examination subject.
  • 蠕动的具有蠕虫运动的;弯曲的或扭动的
    Having a wormlike motion; twisting or wriggling.
  • 机械的人那种行动僵化、机械的、或处在无意识状态的人
    A person who acts in a rigid, mechanical, or unconscious manner.
  • 这个词是不可数名词,又是用于一语义,所以无须加冠词。
    The word is an uncountable noun and is used in general sense , hence it takes no article.
  • 这是铁一的事实,谁也否认不了的。
    This is an undeniable fact.
  • e级的人属于最下层,一就都被人们所忽略了。
    The Es are the underclass and thus usually left out of the picture.
  • 在芝加哥,“正义商店”这一名词一反指……那些买卖正义的地主。在这种情况下,为非作歹的人们取得了政治庇护的保护。
    In Chicago the term "justice shop" was commonly applied... to the places where justice was bought and sold. Under such conditions the underworld was guaranteed political protection.