  • 近年来,中国政府在农村大力推行村委会直接选举制度,根据公开、公平、公正的原则,真正将众拥护、有能力带领众改变贫困面貌的人选举为村干部。
    In the past year, the Chinese Government has vigorously carried out the direct election system of villagers ' committees in rural areas, so that people who are really supported by the masses and are able to lead them to shake off poverty can be elected as village cadres according to the principle of openness, fairness and justice.
  • 因此橘郡的官员希望,经过一段时间,那海鸥能够把垃圾堆上空看成是猎鹰的势力范围而不再有觊觎之心。
    Over time, county officials hope, the sea gulls will begin to view the landfill as the falcons' territory.
  • “‘躲避者’/‘钢人’/‘子弹’/‘野马’/‘北方佬’/‘熊’/‘鹰隼’/‘雄鹰’/‘红袜子’队怎么样?”这样的言论也不错。
    works well, es-pecially in early January, as does the comment, "How about them Dodgers/Steelers/Bullets/Broncos/Yan.kees/Bears/Falcons/Eagles/Red Sox?"
  • 这段滑稽的幻想剧推出了一小生物,它们将在本届世界杯的决赛上营造出一种独特的氛围。故事讲述了两个淘气的太空时代的年轻人,在前往韩国和日本观看比赛路途中的历险。
    The comic fantasy presents a family of little creatures who set out to help create a special atmosphere at the World Cup finals,and recounts the adventures of two mischievous space-age youngsters on their way to the matches in Korea and Japan.
  • 农民把牛赶到自己的牛棚里。
    The farmer herded the cows into his cowshed.
  • 农民把牛赶到田野里。
    The farmer herded the cows into the field.
  • 比尔和保罗对电脑和商界的痴迷意味着他们要博览书。
    Bill's and Paul's fascination with computers and the business world meant that they read a great deal.
  • 它使千百万众认识了法西斯的危险性。
    It awakened millions to recognition of the dangers of fascism.
  • 要全心全意为人民服务,深入众倾听他们的呼声;要敢说真话,反对说假话,不务虚名,多做实事;要公私分明,不拿原则换人情;要任人唯贤,反对任人唯亲。
    I hope you will serve the people wholeheartedly, go among the masses and listen to their opinions, dare to speak the truth and oppose falsehood, not seek undeserved credit but perform real services, make a clear distinction between public and private interests, refrain from seeking personal favour at the expense of principle and appoint people on their merits rather than by favouritism.
  • 在牧场院上吃草。
    The cattle are out at feed.
  • 这使国王感到痛心疾首,因为他视儿子为他最重要的财宝,但明白儿子必须受到惩罚,但又不能对儿子处以死刑。于是他选择了一个对于养尊处优、佣人成的人来说是十分可怕的惩处办法:把王子逐出家园,流放到荒野中自谋生路,只有一个佣人相随。
    Now the king was grief stricken. His fine son was his greatest treasure, but the king knew that he must be punished. The king could not execute the boy, but he chose no less terrible a fate for one raised in comfort and surrounded by servants. The boy was banished from the kingdom, cast into the wild world to fend for himself. Only one servant could accompany him.
  • 加那利和马德拉岛的蕨类。
    fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira.
  • 女王在居的蜜蜂、蚂蚁或白蚁体中,可繁殖并发育完全的雌虫
    The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.
  • 要把计划生育的宣传教育和管理寓于为众提供生产、生活和生育服务之中。
    The publicity and education and the management of family planning programme should serve the purpose of serving people's production, livelihood and fertility.
  • 反对和赞成的人都深信他们是为了大多数人们众;一本非常固执己见的书。
    both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people; a fierily opinionated book.
  • 他们依靠众在这些领域里取得了巨大的成绩。
    By relying on the masses they have achieved a great deal in these fields.
  • 他们以言辞激烈的演讲来鼓动众。
    They hopped the crowd up with fiery speeches.
  • 宗教节日期间街道上挤满了人
    Crowd throng the street during the fiesta.
  • 宗教节日期间街道上挤满了人
    The crowd thronged the streets during the fiesta.
  • 但最近,供应商们推出了能按用户的需要而裁剪的过滤产品,工业界也开始研究允许这些产品与防火墙一起工作的标准。
    Recently, however, vendors have released filtering products that can be tailored to the needs of user groups, and industry has begun working on standards that allow these products to work with firewalls.
  • 众团体的经费,应逐渐做到自给,政府给以足够的津贴。
    Mass organizations should gradually become financially self-supporting, but the government will provide them with adequate subsidies.
  • 金丝雀一种小型雀科鸣鸟(卡纳利鸟丝雀金丝雀属),原产于加那利岛,颜色从浅绿到黄色,长期以来一直被当作一种笼鸟喂养
    A small finch(Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and has long been bred as a cage bird.
  • 你看,那边的那些雄伟建筑就是北京市精心为大运会建造的。
    Look!Those groups of tall buildings are finely built for the Universiade.
  • 你看,那边的那些雄伟建筑就是北京市精心为大运会建造的。
    Look! Those groups of tall buildings are finely built for the Universiade.
  • 次数一个有限中的元素个数
    The number of elements in a finite group.
  • 向后退,让消防员通过。
    The crowd pulled back to let the firemen through.
  • 靠向一边,让消防队员通过。
    The crowd moved aside to let the firemen get past.
  • 让开路让消防队通过。
    The crowd moved aside to let the firemen to get past.
  • 消防人员叫人离着火的房子站远点。
    The firemen asked the crowd to stand back form the burning house.
  • 今天动员了所有众来防止森林火灾。
    Today the entire population has been mobilized to prevent forest fires.
  • 汀州市众的问题是没有柴烧,资本家把盐藏起来没有盐买,有些众没有房子住,那里缺米,米价又贵。
    The problems facing the people of Tingchow city were that they had no firewood, no salt was on sale because the capitalists were hoarding it, some people had no houses to live in, and rice was both scarce and dear.
  • 第一,从组织上动员众。
    Firstly, mobilize the masses by various organizational means.