  • 这两个家长想其儿子掩盖罪行。
    The parents tried to smother up his son's crime.
  • 卫兵我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。
    Guards brought us s large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.
  • 你把我的画给弄脏了!
    You've smudged my picture!
  • 言辞具有不可思议的力量。他们能带来最大的幸福,也能带来最深的失望;能把知识从教师传学生;言辞能使演说者左右他的听众,,并强行代替他们作出决定。言辞能激起最大强烈的情感,促进人的一切行动。不要嘲笑言辞在心理治疗当中的的用途。(德国精神分析学家 弗洛伊德 S)
    Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man's actions. Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy. (Sigmund Freud, German Psychiatrist)
  • 他们集中营里的同志们偷偷送进去一些食物。
    They smuggled in some food for the comrades in the concentration camp.
  • 送礼的艺术在于送别人不能自己买的东西。(英国幽默作家 米尔恩 A A)
    The art of giving presents is to give something which others cannot buy for themselves. (Alan Alexander Milne, British humorist)
  • 为此,我们组织了带群众性的缉私工作,缉私者以较高的奖励,严惩舞弊营私。
    For this purpose we have organized people to participate in anti-contraband activities, offering large rewards to them and severely punishing smugglers.
  • 我讲了在索科奇科一个咖啡馆的故事。那是丹吉尔市的贼窝。正是在这里,骗子,走私犯,毒品贩子聚集在一起,他们真是一伙十恶不赦的家伙。
    He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico, which is the "thieves' kitchen" of Tangier. It is here that crooks and smugglers and dope-pedlars congregate, and a pretty villainous gang they are.
  •  将私人收藏的珍贵文物私自卖外国人的,以盗运珍贵文物出口论处。
    Those who sell valuable cultural relics in private collections to foreigners without permission are punishable for smuggling valuable cultural relics out of the country.
  • 恐怖活动、武器扩散、走私贩毒、环境污染、难民潮等跨国问题,也国际安全造成了新的威胁。
    terrorism, arms proliferation, smuggling and trafficking in narcotics, environmental pollution, waves of refugees, and other transnational issues also pose new threats to international security.
  • 无花果受精,无花果虫媒授粉法确保花束悬挂在可食用无花果果树上的士麦那无花果和其它可食用无花果授粉,以让蜜蜂将野无花果的花粉带那些可食用无花果树种上
    A method of assuring pollination of the Smyrna and other edible figs in which flower clusters of the caprifig are hung from trees of the edible fig, allowing wasps to carry pollen from the flowers of the caprifig to those of the edible varieties.
  • 腾格拉尔一面说着一面写了起来,他用左手写下了几行歪歪斜斜的根本看不出是他自己的笔迹的文字,然后他把那篇文字交弗尔南多,弗尔南多低声读道:“检察官先生台鉴,敝人拥护王室及教会之人士,兹向您报告有爱德蒙·唐太斯其人,系法老号之大副,今晨自士麦拿经那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠费拉约港。此人受缪拉之命送信与逆贼,并受逆贼命送信与巴黎拿破仑党委员会。
    And Danglars, uniting practice with theory, wrote with his left hand, and in a writing reversed from his usual style, and totally unlike it, the following lines, which he handed to Fernand, and which Fernand read in an undertone:--"The honorable, the king's attorney, is informed by a friend of the throne and religion, that one Edmond Dantès, mate of the ship Pharaon, arrived this morning from Smyrna, after having touched at Naples and Porto-Ferrajo, has been intrusted by Murat with a letter for the usurper, and by the usurper with a letter for the Bonapartist committee in Paris.
  • 可以我们一些小吃吗?
    Could we have some snacks?
  • 我最好的一条黑裤袜划破了。
    I have a snag in my best black tights.
  • 动物保护者们说,由于牧民们没有能力喂养它们,所以那些蛇往往在卖耍蛇者之前不是被饿死就是患上严重的伤口感染。
    Since the nomads are unable to feed them, the snakes are starved and suffer from severe infections even before being sold to snake charmers, activists say.
  • 我要在这孩子朝我跑过来时,他抢拍一张。
    I'll snap the child when he run to me.
  • 我要在这孩子朝我跑过来时,他抢拍一张。
    I 'll snap the child when he runs to me.
  • 快点干吧,孩子,干完了我你们糖吃。
    Snap into it, kids. I'll giver your candy when you finish.
  • "你我滚,"他厉声叫道。
    " why do not you get the hell out of my life, " he snap.
  • 你拍了一张海滩日光浴的照片。
    I snapped you sunbathing on the beach.
  • 请把那些书我拿来,快!
    Please bring me those books and look snappy about it.
  • 我和这位女士拿一个绿豆沙、一听粒粒橙。
    Guest A Green Bean Sha and a snappy orange drink for this lady and me.
  • 任何工具可以予你的最多是及时的瞬态情况,为了使工具有用,你需要使安全审计成为正常的网络维护工作的一部分。
    The most that any tool can give you is a snapshot in time, and for a tool to be useful you will need to make security auditing part of normal network maintenance.
  • “我们的快照还没被洗出来“;他尝试着没有摆好姿势的朋友照相。
    my snapshots haven't been developed yet; he tried to get unposed shots of his friends.
  • 他们我们看曼梯·里孩提时的快照和放在镜框里的穿制服的像片。我们还看到了在他死后授予他的紫红色心形奖章。
    We were shown snapshots of ML as a boy and a framed photograph of him in uniform, and we also saw his Purple Heart medal -- awarded to him posthumously.
  • 她把故事告诉了同伴,很快,大家都沉浸其中了。随着布伦斯威克的接近,大家凝神屏气。文戈他们看了几张已经被触摸了很多次的照片,那是他的妻子和3个孩子的照片:妻子穿戴朴素,一副精明强干的样子;孩子们仍天真稚气。
    She told the others, and soon all of them were in it, caught up in the approach of Brunswick, looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children : the woman handsome in a plain way, the children still unformed in the much handled snapshots.
  • 俄国人对把阿拉斯加廉价割让美国人一直感到懊悔。
    The Russians have long regretted selling Alaska to me Americans for a mess of pottage.
  • 俄国人对把阿拉斯加廉价割让美国人一直感到懊悔。
    The Russians have long regretted selling Alaska to the Americans for a mess of pottage.
  • 那时威胁来自美国,最突出的就是朝鲜战争,后来还有越南战争、朝鲜战争,中国出了志愿军,同美国直接较量,苏联供的军火还要中国付半价。
    At that time, the threat came from the United States. Glaring examples were the Korean War and then the Vietnam War. In the first, China sent volunteers to fight the United States. The Soviet Union supplied us with arms but asked us to pay for them, albeit at half price.
  • 当你认识到他在长相方面像伍迪·艾伦,头脑方面像吉米·康纳斯,言谈方面像索尔仁尼琴,身体方面像阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,无论在哪一方面都不像罗伯特·雷德福——但你却偏偏要嫁他,这才是真正的爱。”
    Love is when you realize he is as gorgeous as Woody Allen, as smart as Jimmy Connors, as funny as Solzhenitsyn, as athletic as Albert Einstein, and nothing like Robert Redford in any category-but you’ll take him anyway.
  • 昨天正当葛市长替戈尔参议员总统竞选打气的时候,州长科莫却杰克逊浇冷水说:他缺乏从政经验,在十一月可能成为竞选障碍。
    While Mayor Koch was boosting the presidential campaign of Sen. Albert Gore Jr. yesterday, Gov.Cuomo was letting some air out of Jesse Jackson's sails by asserting that his lack of government experience could be a campaign handicap in November.
  • 能拿影集我看看吗?
    Can you show me some photo album?