  • 让我们到外面去呼吸点新鲜气。
    Let's go out for a breath of fresh air. (喻)
  • 当我们吸气时,把气吸入肺里。
    When we breathe, we draw air into our lungs.
  • 气很干净时,我才能呼吸的更顺畅一些。
    I can breathe better when the air is clean.
  • 苍穹奥林匹斯山诸神所呼吸之洁净上层气的诗体拟人化表达
    The poetic personification of the clear upper air breathed by the Olympians.
  • 当你深呼吸时,你吸入一些新鲜气。
    When you are breathing deeply , you are breathing some fresh air in.
  • 当她纵身腾然后又重重落地时,她兴高采烈,为自己成功的扑救而咯咯地笑得喘不过气来。
    She is exuberant as she flies, then tumbles, giggling breathlessly at her own successful effort.
  • 流行时尚从虚的头脑和鼓胀的钱包中产生
    Fads breed in empty heads and full purses.
  • 一阵温和的微风搏动着气。
    A soft breeze pulsed the air.
  • 在真状态下,近于绝对零度的低温中(℃)使金属板受超强紫外线照射,令其温度上升。
    The team then deposited its brew on thin sheets of metal and subjected the sheets to intense ultraviolet radiation in a vacuum at temperatures approaching absolute zero (minus 273 degrees Celsius). The mixture was permitted to warm;
  • 上校美国陆军、军或海军陆战队中校之上准将之下的军衔
    A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general.
  • 美国陆海三军陆战队中军衔高于陆军中尉低于准将的委任军官。
    a commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general.
  • 天空[天气]转晴.
    The sky/weather is brightening.
  • 星星在晴朗的夜闪亮。
    Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
  • 贪婪到头一场空。
    Covetousness bring home nothing.
  • 气是快近海的前兆。
    The briny air gave a foretaste of the nearby sea.
  • 他一边轻快地走著, 一边用手杖在中旋转.
    He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air.
  • 他一边轻快地走著,一边用手杖在中旋转。
    He walks along briskly, twirl his cane in the air.
  • 父亲打开窗户让早晨的清新气进来
    Father opened the window to let in the briskness of the morning air
  • 有很大的间或者按很大的间(分布等)。
    with or by a broad space.
  • 一种放松和扩大支气管道以及促进气进入肺腔的药物。
    a drug that relaxes and dilates the bronchial passageways and improves the passages of air into the lungs.
  • 讲空话,不办实事。
    Much bruit, little fruit.
  • 香港华民航有限公司(香港华民航)继续以3架b747-200型货机,经营飞往曼彻斯特、布鲁塞尔、都拜及大阪的定期货运服务,以及飞往亚洲区内多个地方的不定期货运服务。
    AHK Air Hong Kong (AHK) continued to operate scheduled all-cargo services to Manchester, Brussels, Dubai and Osaka, and non-scheduled cargo services to various destinations in Asia using three B747-200 freighters.
  • 前一代人制造出来的洞理论,下一代人把它们打破。
    One generation blows bubbles, and the next breaks them.
  • 荣誉只是一只水泡。
    Honour but an empty bubble.
  • 满屋子的人所谈的都是洞琐碎的事情。
    The room was full of the bubble and the squeak of conversation.
  • 在血液中循环的反常的粒子(例如一个气泡或一部分血液凝块)。
    an abnormal particle (e.g. an air bubble or part of a clot) circulating in the blood.
  • 早晨新鲜的气使他精神抖擞。
    The fresh morning air makes him buck up.
  • 早晨的新鲜气使他精神抖擞。
    The morning fresh air bucked him up.
  • 但是我之包围好似如来佛的手掌,它将化成一座横亘宇宙的五行山,把这几个新式孙悟——法西斯侵略主义者,最后压倒在山底下,永世也不得翻身。
    But our encirclement, like the hand of Buddha, will turn into the Mountain of Five Elements lying athwart the Universe, and the modern Sun Wu-kungs -- the fascist aggressors -- will finally be buried underneath it, never to rise again.
  • 在佛教徒的眼里,人世上一切事情都是的。
    In the eye of the Buddhist, every worldly affair is vain.
  • 我们不能用过时的作法来处理太时代的问题。
    We cannot apply horse-and-buggy approaches to space-age problems.
  • 新的威胁将来自在电脑间拉帮结伙的*团体,他们运用新型战争武器--病毒、干扰、蠕虫和逻辑炸弹等进行攻击。
    the new threat will be groups who will bond in cyber-space and attack using the new weapons of war:viruses,bugs,worms and logic bombs.