  • 竟是什么东西使他策划这么一个恶毒的计谋?他要毁了自己的。
    Whatever made him embark on such a vicious scheme? He'll be ruined.
  • 如果我有眼睛,我会多么幸福地从事如此迷人的研
    If I had eyes, how happily would I embark upon so fascinating a study!
  • 将芯片植入人体并非一项全新的研
    The research of embedding microchips isn't entirely new.
  • 这种重复使用和自包含的本质来自于微软公司更早的面向对象应用程序研,即对象链接和嵌入(ole)标准。
    This recyclable and self-contained nature is a legacy of Microsoft's earlier object oriented applications effort, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standard.
  • 第四十五条 动植物检疫机关检疫人员滥用职权,徇私舞弊,伪造检疫结果,或者玩忽职守,延误检疫出证,构成犯罪的,依法追刑事责任;
    Article 45 Where a quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ who abuses his or her power, practises favouritism or embezzlement, forges a quarantine result, or neglects his or her duty or delays the performance of quarantine inspection and the issuance of certificates, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the offence constitutes a crime;
  • 上级政令中既然贯彻了党的政策,所以研政府法令就是研党的具体政策,不应该再等待上级党部的指示。
    Since higher-level government decrees embody Party policies, to study government decrees is to study specific Party policies; there is no need to wait for instructions from higher Party headquarters.
  • 坚持和完善支持文化公益事业发展的政策措施,扶持党和国家重要的新闻媒体和社会科学研机构,扶持体现民族特色和国家水准的重大文化项目和艺术院团,扶持对重要文化遗产和优秀民间艺术的保护工作,扶持老少边穷地区和中西部地区的文化发展。
    We must continue to improve the policies and measures for the development of public cultural undertakings. We must give our support to the major news media and research institutions of social sciences of the Party and state, to the major cultural projects and art schools and troupes that are up to national standards and embody national characteristics, to the protection of major cultural heritage and outstanding folk arts, and to the cultural development in the old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, remote areas, impoverished areas and the central and western regions of the country.
  • 苏州刺绣研究所
    Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute
  • 与胚胎相比,研者能大规模获得和培养成体细胞。
    Researchers can harvest and grow adult cells in large amounts compared to embryos.
  • 现在,刘博士准备继续这一研,让胚胎在人造子宫里生长14天。这是体外生育规定所允许的最长时间。
    However, Liu now plans to continue with this research and allow embryos to grow in the artificial wombs for 14 days, the maximum permitted by IVF legislation.
  • 大多数研人员曾认为克隆老鼠非常困难,因为老鼠胚胎的dna转换很早,可能在卵子分裂为两个细胞的阶段就进行了。
    Most researchers had thought mice would be particularly difficult to clone, because the DNA in mice embryos switches on very early, possibly as soon as the egg splits into the two-cell stage.
  • 克隆胚胎的技能在20世纪90年代后期由苏格兰科学家研成功并日臻完善;把干细胞培养成组织和器官的技术正由美国研人员加以开发。
    The ability to clone embryos was perfected11 by scientists in Scotland in the late 1990s and the ability to grow stem cells into tissues and organs is being developed12 by American researchers.
  • ibm创导了一项对交易排队和分布的研,约在五年前这项研形成了mqseries系列产品。
    IBM initiated a research program on queuing and distributed transactions, which led to the emergence of its MQSeries product line about five years ago.
  • 根据曾在约翰斯·霍普金斯大学从事医学心理学和儿科学的名誉退休教授约翰·莫奈的研,在影响我们择偶的诸多因素中,最说明问题的是一种被称为“爱图”的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。
    One of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according to John Money, professor emeritus of medical psychology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, is what he calls our " lovemap" -- a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes.
  • 此外,基金也主办客席教授计划,推动教育及文化交流,提升本港在研发展方面的形象。年内共有四位着名的海外教授获赞助来港访问。
    It also sponsored visits of four eminent overseas professors to Hong Kong under its 'Visiting Professorship Scheme' which aims to promote educational and cultural exchange and to enhance Hong Kong's image concerning research and development.
  • 此外,基金也举办客席教授计划,推动教育及文化交流,提升本港在研和发展方面的形象。年内,共有三位着名的海外教授获赞助来港访问。
    It also sponsored visits of three eminent overseas professors to Hong Kong under its 'Visiting Professorship Scheme' which aims to promote educational and cultural exchange and to enhance Hong Kong's image concerning research and development.
  • 人员称,它们还拥有记录到的最高和最稳定的电子发射率。
    They also have the highest and most stable electron emissions rate recorded, researchers say.
  • 通过对比主要的模式数据和二十世纪的气候记录以及推算目前气体排量的变化趋势,研人员计算出这个星球到二十一世纪四十年代有90%的可能性会升温1对到2.5度。
    By comparing the output of leading models to 20th-century climate records and extrapolating present trends in gas emissions, the researchers calculated a 90 percent chance that the planet will warm by 1.0 to 2.5 degrees C by the 2040s.
  • 多尔的报告将强调,需要更多的研来证实高压电线致癌的运行机制。
    Doll's report will emphasise that more re search is needed to confirm the mechanism.
  • 重点开展微小卫星设计研制及应用;奥运新闻中心数字新闻信息系统开发;高速信息示范网关键技术研;北京空间信息工程关键技术研;多语言智能信息服务系统研;数字奥运基础信息服务软件研;高速数据传输技术;城域接入网示范工程;高亮度彩色显示材料及显示设备开发及应用;数字有线电视系统(传输、接收)的开发应用;高清晰度数字电视(hdtv)开发与应用等。大力发展第三代移动通信技术。
    This project includes as follows: emphatic development and application of mini-satellite design, and the development of digital news information system at the Olympic press centers, and the research on key technology of High speed information demonstration network, and Beijing space information project and multiple languages intelligent information service system, and digital Olympics-based information service software and high speed data transmission technology and demonstration project of city access network as well as the development and application of high light color display material and device, the development and application of digital cable TV system (transmission and reception ), and high definition digital television (HDTV) etc. we shall energetically develop the mobile communication technology of the third generation.
  • 重点开展奥运开闭幕式的科技创意研;三维虚拟现实技术在开闭幕式中的应用等。
    We shall emphatically study the technical innovation of the ceremonies and the application of three dimensions fictitious reality technique to the ceremonies.
  • 重点开展北京市近郊区空气污染预测预报研与应用;北京市氮氧化物污染发展趋势及关键控制技术研与应用;
    We shall emphatically make a study of prediction and forecast of air pollution nearby Beijing suburb, the trend of nitroxide pollution of Beijing and its key control technology and its application.
  • 重点实施北京智能交通系统(its)规划;先进交通管理系统(atms)的研;交通紧急事件处理系统开发与应用;奥运交通智能管理和调度系统示范应用工程等。
    We emphatically carry out Beijing intelligent traffic system (I T S) plan, study advanced traffic management system (ATMS), develop and apply traffic emergency handling system, and demonstrate and apply the Olympic Games' traffic intelligent management and dispatch system etc.
  • 重点开展防沙治沙生态建设布局、规划和治理模式研;常绿林草优化种植、防沙治沙抗旱常绿植物的选育及装备技术研与应用;
    We shall emphatically study the layout and planning and control mode of ecological construction of sand protection and control, and research and apply optimized plantation of indeciduous forest and grass, and selection and breeding of indeciduous plant for sand protection and control and drought resistance and its facility and technology.
  • 自然科学基于逻辑推理而不是凭经验得来的方法来探事物的本质
    Inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.
  • 超心理学补充心理学中经验科学研的哲学研,研意识思想中那些不能基于客观或经验证据来评价的方面
    Philosophical inquiry supplementing the empirical science of psychology. Metapsychology deals with aspects of the mind that cannot be evaluated on the basis of objective or empirical evidence.
  • 宪法中著作权条款是用来最终提高公共福利的,对此机制,一直缺乏经验主义研
    There is an embarrassing lack of empirical research on the issue of the mechanism bywhich copyright law furthers the end of the public welfare designated in the Constitution.
  • 为履行职能,消委会致力倡议消费者保障政策、调解投诉、提供谘询服务、测试产品、进行市场调查及服务研、出版刊物和举办消费者教育活动。
    The council seeks to empower consumers and strives for a fair market through its consumer policy work, complaint and advice service, research and survey programmes, publication and consumer education activities.
  • 我想,即使我的假设正确,我们也只能靠运气发现它:研生物系统中我们不太理解的边缘领域,接着让机器人或人工智能系统迸行生物仿真,看看我们的理解在哪些地方出了差错。
    I think we can only hit upon it, if my hypothesis is right, by looking at the edges of where we don't quite understand things in biological systems, and then getting robots or Al systems to emulate what biology does and see where our understanding breaks down.
  • 他沉迷于科学研究。
    He is enamored with scientific research.
  • 他沉迷于科学研究。
    He is enamoured with scientific research.
  • 因此,研者研出了更复杂的第三代血液替代品,它将血红蛋白以及在人造血红细胞内所需要的酶包裹起来。
    Thus, researchers are working on more complicated, third-generation blood substitutes that will encapsulate hemoglobin and the required enzymes inside artificial red blood cells.