Chinese English Sentence:
  • 宠物用于娱乐遣或陪伴的动物
    An animal kept for amusement or companionship.
  • 用于陪伴或娱乐遣的家养动物。
    a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement.
  • 而为了兼容大多数工具包,uddi规范2.0版允许即使用1.0的处理方法(为了兼容),也可以让这个字段包含api息的名字,而这个名字同时也会在soapbody元素内出现的。
    For maximum tool compatibility, UDDI version 2.0 allows either the 1.0 treatment (for compatibility) or for this field to contain the name of the API message contained within the SOAP Body element found within the request.
  • 非常抱歉,兹因购货人已向我司撤销订单,迫使我司只好向贵公司取这一次订货。
    To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods have just cancelled the order, a fact which compel me to cancel my order with you.
  • 任何的人民革命力量如果要避免为蒋介石所灭,并迫使他承认这种力量的存在,除了对于他的反革命政策作针锋相对的斗争,便无他路可循。
    If a people's revolutionary force is to avoid extermination by Chiang Kai-shek and to compel him to acknowledge its existence, it has no alternative but to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against his counter-revolutionary policies.
  • 非常抱歉,兹因购货人已向我司撤销订单,迫使我司只好向贵公司取这一次订货。
    To my deep regret, the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order, a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.
  • 补偿;抵消
    To compensate for; offset.
  • 飞机侧航部分操纵飞行器使之进入逆风以抵滑行
    The maneuvering of an aircraft partially into a crosswind to compensate for drift.
  • 在现代化生活和其他种种力量的冲击下,华人新年传统会失吗?
    Will the Lunar New Year survive modern living and competing influences in Singapore?
  • 这句话是蒙代尔借用了一则汉堡包的广告词,这句广告词暗示说,那些与之竞争的产品偷工减料,欺骗了费者。
    Mondale borrowed the line from a hamburger commercial that had used the phrase to suggest that competing products shortchanged the consumer.
  • 取消比赛资格。
    Disqualified from the competition.
  • 若试图为一个对象调用错误的方法,就会在编译期得到一条出错息。
    If you try to call the wrong method for an object, you’ll get an error message at compile-time.
  • (xiii)声明申诉方会服从至少一个指定的共同管辖区法庭的裁决,关于行政诉讼中取或转让域名的决议的回避申请;
    (xiii) State that Complainant will submit, with respect to any challenges to a decision in the administrative proceeding canceling or transferring the domain name, to the jurisdiction of the courts in at least one specified Mutual Jurisdiction;
  •  中国全国人大财经委员会委员、中国人民大学法学院副院长王利明教授提醒:关键问题在于费者是否能够举证产品质量不合格。
    To win the case, the complainant must produce evidence that the quality of the Toshiba product fails to meet the standard, advised Prof Wang Liming of People's University of China, who is also member of Financial & Economic Committee of the State Council, which is China's Cabinet.
  • 资产者的家庭自然会随着它的这种补充的失而失,两者都要随着资本的失而失。
    The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
  •  禁止使用不符合国家标准或者行业标准的配件或者灭火剂维修防设施和器材。
    It is prohibited to use complementary fire control parts, extinguishant, maintenance and fire control facilities and devices not conforming to the state standards or industrial standards.
  • 这好息使我太高兴了。
    The good news completed my happiness.
  • 这个坏息把她全然惊呆了。
    She was completely knocked over by the bad news.
  • 完全可信的证词;可靠的息。
    completely credible testimony; credible information.
  • 这条息使他极为心烦。
    The news completely upset him.
  • 完成了这项工程,将除旱涝威胁。
    Completion of this work will remove the threat of drought and water-logging.
  • 处处存在的目录服务除了复杂性。
    A ubiquitous directory service eliminates complexity.
  • 这个信息就是在bindingtemplateb中所能找到的accesspoint元素。该服务知道如何响应getbindingdetail息。
    This information is in the accessPoint element found in bindingTemplate B. This service, to be compliant, knows how to respond to a get_bindingDetail message.
  • 发布者api描述了一些息,这些息用于控制一个操作入口站点所管理的数据,同时它们也能被兼容的非操作入口站点的具体站点实现所使用,而这些兼容的站点实现必须与程序员参考规范中描述的行为相一致。
    The Publishers API describes the messages that are used to control the content contained within an Operator Site, and can be used by compliant non-operator implementations that adhere to the behaviors described in this programmers reference specification.
  • 网络计算机提供了简洁性,去掉了使pc应用复杂化的软硬件,只留下网络访问与显示功能,实际上,网络计算机在软件、服务、处理、数据和资源上全部都依赖网络。这就除了周而复始的台式软硬件升级,而是把这个负担放到了网络上。
    The network computer offers simplicity. Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate the PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data, and resources. It eliminates the continuous cycle of desktop hardware and software upgrades, pushing that burden instead on to the network.
  • 如发现业主未有按照法例规定采取防安全措施,便会加以检控。
    We will prosecute owners who do not comply with the statutory fire safety requirements.
  • 大风使防队员的灭火工作更加困难
    High winds compounded the difficulties of the firefighters.
  • 本想多了解国际动态,但我还是要化一大堆名词,报道也看不大明白,结果发现读英文报比较通畅。
    They slow down reading and make news reports harder to comprehend. It is comparatively easier to obtain information from English-language newpapers.
  • 我更赞赏新加坡市政设施的配套完备,因而才能在人口高度密集、全年皆夏、气温较高、雨水充沛的国度灭了蚊蝇。这些都不能不说是一个奇迹。
    I admire the comprehensiveness of Singapore's municipal facilities even more. In a densely-populated country with high temperatures all year round and heavy rainfall, it is indeed a miracle that the problem of mosquitoes and houseflies has been taken care of.
  • 通过蒸发使水分失的牛奶。
    milk concentrated by evaporation.
  • 饮食的,营养的与食物、营养或化有关的
    Concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion.
  • 关于皇家婚礼的息不胫而走。
    News is flying about concerning a royal wedding.