  • 我公司想按上次谈成的期限和件订购二百吨苦杏仁,三月底交货。
    We'd like to buy 100 tons of bitter apricot kernels as per the terms and conditions reached last time, to be shipped at the end of March.
  • 她问,把一围裙系在她那干净的黑衣服上,就这样站着,拿一匙茶叶正要往茶壶里倒。
    she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot.
  • 第三,我们相信中国人不笨。
    Third, we believe that the Chinese people are apt.
  • 有一天下班回来我发现灯罩上方挂着一水绿色的捆扎皮带子,这不是我的东西。
    I found an aqua-coloured thong hanging over the lampshade one day when I came in from work.It did not belong to me.
  • 第十一 使用全民所有的水面、滩涂从事养殖生产,无正当理由使水面、滩涂荒芜满一年的,由发放养殖使用证的机关责令限期开发利用;逾期未开发利用的,可以吊销养殖使用证。
    Article 11 If any units or individuals that use water surfaces and tidal flats owned by the whole people for aquaculture neglect them for 12 months without a proper reason, the agencies granting aquaculture licences shall order those units or individuals to develop and utilize them within a certain period of time and, if the order is not carried out within the time limit, their aquaculture licences may be revoked.
  • 第三 国家对渔业生产实行以养殖为主,养殖、捕捞、加工并举,因地制宜,各有侧重的方针。
    Article 3 In fishery production, the state shall adopt a policy that calls for simultaneous development of aquaculture, fishing and processing, with special emphasis on aquaculture and with priority given to different pursuits in accordance with local conditions.
  • 第十 县级以上地方人民政府根据国家对水域利用的统一安排,可以将规划用于养殖业的全民所有的水面、滩涂,确定给全民所有制单位和集体所有制单位从事养殖生产,核发养殖使用证,确认使用权。
    Article 10 In conformity with the overall arrangement made by the state for utilization of water areas, people's governments at and above the county level may assign state-owned water surfaces and tidal flats that have been designated for aquaculture to units under ownership by the whole people and units under collective ownership to develop aquaculture, and after examining their qualifications grant those units aquaculture licences to confirm their rights to the use of such water surfaces and tidal flats.
  • 第九 国家鼓励全民所有制单位、集体所有制单位和个人充分利用适于养殖的水面、滩涂,发展养殖业。
    Article 9 The state shall encourage units under ownership by the whole people, units under collective ownership and individuals to make the best use of suitable water surfaces and tidal flats to develop aquaculture.
  • 第二十九 偷捕、抢夺他人养殖的水产品的,破坏他人养殖水体、养殖设施的,由渔业行政主管部门或者其所属的渔政监督管理机构责令赔偿损失,并处罚款;
    Article 29 Anyone who poaches on or seizes others' aquatic products, or damages others' aquaculture water bodies and facilities shall be ordered by the department of fishery administration or its subordinate fishery superintendency agencies to compensate for the damages and shall be concurrently fined.
  • 第二 在中华人民共和国的内水、滩涂、领海以及中华人民共和国管辖的一切其他海域从事养殖和捕捞水生动物、水生植物等渔业生产活动,都必须遵守本法。
    Article 2 All productive activities of fisheries, such as aquaculture and catching or harvesting of aquatic animals and plants in the inland waters, tidal flats and territorial waters of the People's Republic of China, or in other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, must be conducted in accordance with this Law.
  • 克劳迪亚斯,阿皮尤斯4世纪至3世纪罗马检查官和执政官,修建了第一罗马高架渠并开始阿比恩大道的建设
    Roman censor and consul who built the first Roman aqueduct and began construction of the Appian Way.
  • 巨额政府开销;巨额国家财产;对于高等教育的普遍的强烈需求;巨浪;洛杉矶导风渠象一蜿蜒山底的巨蟒;大量的鸟;以巨额的(或高昂的)代价;外层空间的无限延伸;知识的无限积累……我们称作文明-w.r.因格。
    huge government spending; huge country estates; huge popular demand for higher education; a huge wave; the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains; immense numbers of birds; at vast (or immense) expense; the vast reaches of outer space; the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization- W.R.Inge.
  • 第四十三 在开采多层地下水的时候,如果各含水层的水质差异大,应当分层开采;
    Article 43 In exploiting ground water from multiple aquifers, layered exploitation shall be resorted to if the water quality differs greatly from one aquifer to another.
  • 芭蕾舞舞姿象阿拉贝斯舞姿,即芭蕾舞演员一腿站立,另一腿在膝盖处弯曲并置于膝盖前后的一种姿势
    A position similar to an arabesque in which a ballet dancer stands on one leg with the other raised either in front or in back and bent at the knee.
  • 亚洲河流;流入阿拉伯海。
    an Asian river; flows into the Arabian Sea.
  • 第二是人口多,耕地少。
    Second, we have a large population but not enough arable land.
  • 第二十一 任何单位、个人不得损坏或者擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋压、圈占消火栓,不得占用防火间距,不得堵塞消防通道。
    Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.
  • 第四十一 违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正;
    Article 41 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily hold mass activities like large gatherings, fireworks evening party, lantern party with risk of fire disaster, shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions;
  • 你们不宜人为地规定工人待遇比旧职员高,尤不可在目前件下,去提高工人待遇,因为这是不可能的,而且是带有危险性的办法。
    It is not proper for you to arbitrarily decide that workers should receive more material benefits than former employees. Particularly under the present circumstances, you should not try to increase such benefits of workers, because it is impossible at this time and besides, it would be dangerous.
  • 第四十二 违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;
    Article 42 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction, us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;
  • 在那白俄罗斯民族和乌克兰民族居住的一大块土地,还是在一九一八年订立布列斯特约的时候,就被当时的德国帝国主义从幼年的苏联手里强迫地割去,而后来又被凡尔赛约强迫地放到波兰反动政府的统治下面。
    A vast stretch of territory inhabited by Byelorussians and Ukrainians had been snatched from the new-born Soviet state by the German imperialists as far back as 1918 when the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, and it was later arbitrarily put under the rule of the reactionary Polish government by the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 大多数的合同都有仲裁款。
    Most of the contract have arbitration clause.
  • 我认为合同中的仲裁款是可接受的,我们准备接受这一款。
    I think the arbitration clause in the contract is acceptable. We are preparing to accept it.
  • 我们现在就谈谈仲裁款好吗?
    Shall we discuss the arbitration clause now?
  • 我们对仲裁款也非常重视。
    We also attach great importance to the arbitration clause.
  • 请您把仲裁款详细地解释一下好吗?
    Please explain the arbitration clause in detail, will you?
  • 编结编织或交织(如,树枝或藤),尤指在搭建篱笆或棚架中
    To plait or interlace(branches or vines, for example), especially in making a hedge or an arbor.
  • 中国山区面积占国土总面积的70%,具有发展木本食物的良好件,增加木本食物的前景也十分广阔。
    Moreover, mountainous areas account for 70 percent of China's total territory, and this favorable condition for the development of arbor foodstuffs will offer China wide prospects for increasing the supply of such stuffs.
  • 亚洲东南部和印度东部身带斑点或纹的树栖灵猫。
    spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies.
  • 广泛分布在非洲南部身上有黑色和橙色纹的树栖小蛇。
    small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange.
  • 突然,一辆大汽车开着前灯,响着喇叭,开到这拱廊街上,打破了这片寂静。
    The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.
  • 将那窄街封闭并装顶成拱廊
    Closed off and arcaded the narrow street.