  • 那话剧演了两个期就停演了。
    The play folded within a fortnight.
  • 生意终于在上个期垮掉了。
    The business finally folded up last week.
  • 建立和安排好你的电子信件文件夹,将其分成与学校有关的重要信件文件夹、亲友通信文件夹和一个用于笑话、占预测及其他新闻服务等的杂项文件夹。
    Create and organize your e mail folders into important school related mail,correspondence with friends and family,and a miscellaneous folder for jokes,horoscopes,and other news services.
  • 期二不能成行,详情函告。
    Rnable travel Thursday letter follow.
  • 期二不能成行,详情函告。
    Unable travel Tursday letter follows
  • 期二总是后于期一。
    Tuesday always follows Monday..
  • 期日我本应工作的,但却闲混了一整天。
    I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day.
  • 这位影是于20世纪80年代走红的。
    The film star came to the fore during the 1980s.
  • 我们可以合作发射各种新型卫,包括用于导航、气象预报、广播、电子计算机技术等方面的卫
    New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.
  • 气象系统提高了天气预报的准确率,大幅度减少了由于自然灾害造成的经济损失;
    The meteorological satellite system has brought increased accuracy to weather forecasting, substantially reducing economic losses due to natural calamities;
  • 现今,电子计算机被广泛地应用来解决与天气预报和把卫送上大空有关的数学问题。
    Today the electric computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.
  • 这些专业机构利用国内外遥感卫开展了气象预报、国土普查、作物估产、森林调查、灾害监测、环境保护、海洋预报、城市规划和地图测绘等多方面、多领域的应用研究工作。
    These institutions have made use of both domestic and foreign remote-sensing satellites to carry out application studies in weather forecasting, territorial survey, agricultural output assessment, forest survey, natural disaster monitoring, maritime forecasting, urban planning and mapping.
  • 这些专业机构利用国内外遥感卫开展了气象预报、国土普查、作物估产、森林调查、灾害监测、环境保护、海洋预报、城市规划和地图测绘等多方面、多领域的应用研究工作。
    These institutions have made use of both domestic and foreign remote-sensing satellites to carry out application studies in different forms and at different levels such as weather forecasting, territorial survey, agricultural output assessment, forest survey, natural disaster monitoring, maritime forecasting, urban planning and mapping,etc.
  • 特别是卫气象地面应用系统的业务化运行,极大地提高了对灾害性天气预报的准确性,使国家和人民群众的经济损失有了明显的减少。
    The regular operation of the meteorological satellite ground application system, in particular, has greatly improved the accuracy of forecasting disastrous weather and significantly reduced the economic losses of the state and people from such weather.
  • 弹性带宽今天,在环地球轨道运行的约700颗人造卫中有一半左右是美国的,其中110颗是军用卫,分别用于导航、通信、天气预报、成像、侦察和导弹发射的早期预警。
    Elastic bandwidth Approximately half of the roughly 700 operational satellites in orbit today are U.S. spacecraft and of those, 110 are military satellites used for navigation, communications, weather forecasting, imaging, surveillance, and early warning of missile launches.
  • 今天,党中央这样关注科学和教育事业,这样着力于培养选拔人才,我们可以预见,一个人才辈出、群灿烂的新时代必将很快到来。
    Today the Central Committee is paying close attention to science and education and laying heavy stress on the training and selection of talented people. We can foresee that a new era will soon open, in which talented people will come to the fore in great numbers like a galaxy of brilliant stars.
  • 你如果不在一期内把物品退回商店,你将丧失索回货款的权利。
    If you don't return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your right to get your money back.
  • 这座卫城市是什么时候兴建的?
    When was the satellite city founded?
  • 这个期三,我发表了第二份施政报告,为香港日后的经济发展奠下根基。
    On Wednesday, in my second policy address, I set out foundations for Hong Kong's future economy.
  • 我和她都希望您能来参加14日(期三)一点钟举行的午餐会。
    She and I are both hoping you can come to a luncheon here Wednesday, the fourteenth, at one o'clock.
  • 是太阳系的第四颗行
    Mars is the fourth planet in order from the sun.
  • 星期三一周的第四天
    The fourth day of the week.
  • 他上期多次与我们在一起玩。
    He played with us very frequently last week.
  • 如果你不是每个期都有时间看精神科医生,不用烦恼。
    If you don't have time to consult a psychiatrist each week, don't fret.
  • 小教堂门楣上那镂空的蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为是一件杰作,好似一颗用花边做成的
    The little fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and lightness—a star of lace.
  • 今天星期五。
    It's Friday.
  • 玛丽将在期五上午到达。
    Mary'll arrive on Friday morning.
  • 您能安排期见面吗?
    Can you manage Friday?
  • 这可能要延续到期五。
    It maylast till Friday.
  • 期三到期五,首尾两日包括在内。
    Wednesday to Friday inclusive.
  • 好,期五上午九点。
    Good, Friday morning at 9.
  • 怀雨德:星期五见。
    I'll see you Friday.