  • 坚定不移的在原则、目的或坚持等面不屈服的;不动摇的
    Unyielding in principle, purpose, or adherence; steadfast.
  • 诗以生动的和充满想象的式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法
    A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
  • 火成岩产生于火山喷发和在地表或接近地表的地凝固;流纹岩或安山岩或玄武岩的。
    igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface; rhyolite or andesite or basalt.
  • 严格遵循传统的法和教义。
    strict adherence to traditional methods or teachings.
  • (在块舞中)喊出舞步
    To shout directions in rhythm for(a square dance).
  • 她演奏得不错,但是她需要在节奏面加以改进。
    She plays well but she needs to improve her rhythm.
  • 她演奏得不错,但是她需要在节奏面加以改进。
    She play will but she needs to improve her rhythm.
  • 以一个非常细心和有节奏的式来发出。
    articulate in a very careful and rhythmic way.
  • 当我们的原则和自身利益互相冲突时,我们应该服从哪一呢?
    When our principles run up against our interests, which should we adhere to?
  • 属于或关于语言节奏面的超音质现象如:音调、重音、音渡、鼻音化和语态。
    of or relating to the rhythmic aspect of language or to the suprasegmental phonemes of pitch and stress and juncture and nasalization and voicing.
  • 保持一致坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动
    To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action.
  • 我方报价...周有效。
    We will adhere to this offer for... weeks.
  • 坚持党的路线,改进工作
  • 舞步指导跳块舞的人发出的有节奏的一项或一系列指挥动作
    A direction or series of directions rhythmically called out to square dancers.
  • 此时中国尚能保有大量的正规军,不过一面因敌在其占领的大城市和大道中取战略守势,一面因中国技术条件一时未能完备,尚难迅即举行战略反攻。
    China will still retain a large regular army, but she will find it difficult to launch the strategic counter-offensive immediately because, on the one hand, the enemy will adopt a strategically defensive position in the big cities and along the main lines of communication under his occupation and, on the other hand, China will not yet be adequately equipped technically.
  • 无论是马来炒面、海南鸡饭、美国烤排骨或者是新鲜有趣、东西合并的融合菜肴,他们在这里要品尝什么食物都无所谓,毕竟我们正逐渐成为一个受四八面影响的大都会。
    It doesn't matter if they flock here to eat mee goreng, chicken rice, a US prime rib or some intriguing East-meets-West fusion dish. After all, we are moving closer to being a global city with a hodge-podge of influences.
  • 在商业银行贷款不断增加的同时,商业银行的资本金需要足够的补充,全国人大常委会己审查并通过了由财政部发行2700亿元特别国债的案。
    With the constant increase in the loans issued by commercial banks, the banks` capital needs to be supplemented adequately. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has already examined and approved the plan of the Ministry of Finance on issuing 270 billion yuan worth of special state treasury bonds.
  • 用编织的式织出竖线。
    form vertical ribs by knitting.
  • 详细的程序代码检查是最好的防御式,但多数公司没有时间或资源来全面做好这件事。
    Detailed code reviews are the best defense, but most companies do not have the time or resources to do this adequately.
  • 在使用数字术语和概念面受到了足够的教育,特别是在算术运算面。
    adequately educated in the use of numerical terms and concepts especially in arithmetical operations.
  • 在使用数字术语和概念面受教育不足。
    not adequately educated in the use of numerical terms and concepts.
  • 稻米主要产在南方。
    Rice grows mainly in the South.
  • 筹措资金,确保经费到位;
    raise funds from multiple sources to ensure adequate financing;
  • 现在世界上北发达、富裕,南不发达、贫困,而且相对地说,富的愈来愈富,穷的愈来愈穷。
    In the present-day world the North is developed and rich while the South is underdeveloped and poor. And relatively speaking, the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.
  • 理查德善于大声地把对讲得无话可说。
    Richard is good at talking his opponent down.
  • 以足够的式;或达到足够的程度。
    in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree.
  • 按照传统,他们要向对许诺无论“是好是坏,是富是穷,是生病还是健康”都要相互呵护。
    Traditionally,they promise to love each other"for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health".
  • 我童年居住的地有趣极了,蕴含丰富的多元文化色彩。
    The neighborhood of my childhood was interesting and richly multi-cultural.
  • “还有,更前面的地,就在画家门那里,还有其他一些人,衣著艳丽极了。”
    “And farther on, at the Porte-aux-Peintres, were other persons very richly dressed.
  • 她活该,我猜想她是打算利用我来再证明一下这地闹鬼罢了。
    she richly deserves it. I suppose that she wanted to get another proof that the place was haunted, at my expense.
  • 文学可以观照人类社会,文学作品可以用千百种丰富表现式,让善恶美丑现形呈现出人类万般的面貌。
    Literature is about the human society. It is about the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. It is about the human condition in all its richness, told and re-told, in a hundred different ways.
  • (勤务兵送拉兹洛朝飞机向走去)(里克从口袋里取出信件交给雷诺)。
    This way,please.(Orderly escorts Laszlo off in the direction of the plane)(Rick takes the Letters out of his pocket,and hands them to Renault.)