  • 工商服务业广处一直致力在公务员队伍内,建立方便营商的文化和观念。
    The BSPU has continued its efforts to engender a 'helping business' culture and mindset among civil servants.
  • 混合进剂火箭发动机
    hybrid propellant rocket engine
  • 提高香港经济活力,动经济持续增长,是我们的首要任务。
    Our foremost task is to enhance Hong Kong's economic vitality and sustain economic growth.
  • 半个多世纪以来,西藏的生态建设与环境保护作为西藏现代化建设的一项重要内容,与经济发展、社会进步、人民生活的提高同步进,取得了重大成就。
    For over half a century, ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet, as an important part of the effort to modernize Tibet, has, together with economic development, social progress and enhancement of people’s living standards, pressed forward and made great achievements.
  • 美国不断向台湾出售先进的武器装备,其国内有人企图动国会通过所谓《加强台湾安全法》,还有人企图将台湾纳入战区导弹防御系统;
    The United States has never stopped selling advanced weapons to Taiwan. Some people in the United States have been trying hard to get the Congress to pass the so-called Taiwan Security Enhancement Act. And some are even attempting to incorporate Taiwan into the US TMD system.
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的预算案中公布对证券及期货市场行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研究,并提交具体的改善建议。
    As part of the three-prong strategy announced in his budget speech in March for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the SAR's financial infrastructure.
  • 财政司司长在一九九九年三月的财政预算案演词中,宣布就证券及期货市场行三大范畴的改革,其中包括成立金融基础设施督导委员会,就香港的金融基础设施进行研究,并提交具体改善工作的建议。
    As part of the three-pronged strategy announced in his Budget Speech in March 1999 for reforming the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary appointed a Steering Committee on the Enhancement of the Financial Infrastructure (SCEFI) to study and recommend the necessary improvements to the financial infrastructure in Hong Kong.
  • 同时,中国小额信贷的试点、广初步实现了本土化和规范化,进入了扩大范围、扩大规模的新阶段。
    At the same time, China has primarily standardized the experimentation with and promotion of small-amount credit loans, and has entered the new stage of enlarging the involved population, as well as the scale.
  • 通过改造中低产田、兴修水利、扩大灌溉面积、广先进适用技术等工程和生物措施,可使每公顷产量提高1500公斤以上。
    The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500 kg through the upgrading of medium- and low-yield land, beefing up water-control projects, enlarging irrigated areas and spreading the use of advanced agrotechnology.
  • 通过改造中低产田、兴修水利、扩大灌溉面积、广先进适用农业技术,可使每公顷产量提高1500公斤以上。
    The grain output per hectare can be increased by more than 1,500 kg through the upgrading of medium and low yield land, beefing up water-control projects, enlarging irrigated areas and spreading the use of advanced agrotechnology.
  • 在我们的工作人员中,曾经看见这样的情形:他们只讲扩大红军,扩充运输队,收土地税,销公债,其他事情呢,不讲也不管,甚至一切都不管。
    Here is the kind of thing we have found among some of our cadres. They talk only about expanding the Red Army, enlarging the transport corps, collecting the land tax and selling bonds, as for other matters, they neither discuss nor attend to them, and even ignore them altogether.
  • 然而我们以不足四个团的兵力,和敌人斗争了四个月之久,使割据地区一天一天扩大,土地革命一天一天深入,民众政权一天一天广,红军和赤卫队一天一天扩大,原因就在于边界党(地方的党和军队的党)的政策是正确的。
    Yet with a force of less than four regiments we fought the enemy for four long months, daily enlarging the territory under our independent regime, deepening the agrarian revolution, extending the people's political power and expanding the Red Army and the Red Guards.This was possible because the policies of the Party organizations (local and army) in the border area were correct.
  • 然而我们以不足四个团的兵力和敌人斗争四个月之久,使割据地区一天一天扩大,土地革命一天一天深入,民众政权的组织一天一天广,红军和赤卫队一天一天壮大,原因就在于湘赣边界的共产党(地方的党和军队的党)的政策是正确的。
    Yet with a force of less than four regiments we fought the enemy for four long months, daily enlarging the territory under our independent regime, deepening the agrarian revolution, extending the organizations of the people's political power, and expanding the Red Army and the Red Guards. This was possible because the policies of the Communist Party organizations (local and army) in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area were correct.
  • 知识的不断创新和科技的夹飞猛进,不仅极大地动了全球经济的发展,并越来越深刻地改变和丰富了人们的生活。
    Constant innovation of knowledge and rapid progress in science and technology have substantially promoted global economic development, and changed and enriched people's life in a more and more profound way.
  • 今年就要下决心恢复从高中毕业生中直接招考学生,不要再搞群众荐。
    This year, we must make up our minds to restore the direct enrolment of senior middle school graduates through entrance examinations, and to stop the practice of having the masses recommend candidates for admission to colleges and universities.
  • 这个歌舞团准备向音乐界出一个新歌手。
    The song and dance ensemble is about to launch a new singer on the musical world.
  • 中国自拥有核武器之日起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下都不首先使用核武器,此后又承诺无条件地不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器,并一直动所有核国家以法律形式确定上述承诺。
    On the very first day it came into possession of nuclear weapons, China solemnly declared that at no time and under no circumstances would it be the first to use such weapons. Later, China undertook unconditionally not touse or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and has consistently urged all nuclear-weapon states to enshrine these commitments in a legal form.
  • 一九九七年,海洋公园庆祝二十周年纪念,在夏季出寓教育于娱乐的"古国历险迷程"。
    The educational and entertaining Discovery of the Ancient World opened in the summer of 1997 - the park's 20th anniversary year.
  • 我们发现,在产品上追求质量,或者以此类至生活中求质量,你就必需充满热情地去找出各种失误。
    What we found is that to achieve quality in a product, or by inference, in a life, you have to look enthusiastically for mistakes.
  • 广大农村妇女积极参加以创建“五好文明家庭”和文明村镇、文明社区为主要内容的精神文明建设工作,她们带头学用科技,开展家庭读书活动;带头倡扬尊老爱幼、男女平等、夫妻和睦、勤俭持家、邻里团结的家庭美德,动文明家风的建设;
    The broad mass of women have enthusiastically taken part in the construction of spiritual civilization focusing on setting up "Five-good family" and civilized villages and townships. They take lead in using science and technology, inspiring book-reading at home, advocate the family virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, the equality between men and women, harmony between the husband and wife, managing the house thriftily and accord among neighbors, hence promoting the construction of well-mannered mood in the family.
  • 当你长大后,你的玩具会变贵,会变成要给你的朋友留下深刻印象的汽车、汽艇、大房子,”富爸爸笑着说,“恐惧把你出门外,愿望又召唤你过去,诱惑你去触礁。
    And as you get older, your toys get more expensive. A new car, a boat and a big house to impress your friends," said rich dad with a smile. "Fear pushes you out the door, and desire calls to you. Enticing you toward the rocks.
  • 在过去五年的政府工作中,我们始终坚持以邓小平理论为指导,认真贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,解放思想、实事求是,全面执行党的基本路线和基本纲领,牢牢把握经济建设这个中心,大力进改革开放,正确处理改革发展稳定的关系,积极促进物质文明和精神文明协调发展。
    In doing the work of the government during the past five years, we unswervingly took Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guide for government work, conscientiously implemented the important thought of Three Represents and carried out the Party's basic line and basic program in their entirety by emancipating our minds and seeking truth from facts. We firmly kept economic development as our central task, vigorously pushed reform and opening up, properly balanced the relationships among reform, development and stability, and actively promoted the coordinated development of material and spiritual civilizations.
  • 该处又向农友提供技术支援和低息贷款,以提高农业生产力并广安全而环保的生产方法。
    The department provides farmers with technical support as well as low-interest loans to enhance agricultural productivity and promote safe and environmentally friendly production methods.
  • 这位前总统还称赞安东尼·津尼特使,不过他没有鼓动美国在中东发挥正式的外交作用,但他去年年底私下开玩笑说,布什"完全可以派我和乔治·米切尔去那里,如果事情没成功,他可以把责任到我们身上"。
    The ex-president praises envoy Anthony Zinni, and he's not agitating for a formal diplomatic role, but he joked privately late last year that Bush "could just send me and George 〔Mitchell〕 over there, and when it fails, he can blame us!"
  • pardee测湖中曾经荡漾着2500立方公里的湖水,相当于安大略湖和伊利湖的总和。
    Pardee estimated that the lake once held as much as 2 , 500 cubic kilometres of water, the equivalent of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie combined.
  • 在搞好农田水利基本建设的同时,广农田林网化,降低风沙对土壤的侵蚀。
    While attention is paid to farmland water conservancy construction, a forest shelter network is being built to protect farmland from being eroded by sandstorms.
  • 敌军进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区.
    The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.
  • 他们以一种近似福音传道的热情来行他们的主张。
    They are pushing their idea with an almost evangelical fervor.
  • 逃避地;以托的方式。
    with evasion; in an evasive manner.
  • 这样,工作才能有秩序,有效率,才能职责分清,赏罚分明,不致拖延诿,互相妨碍。
    This is the only way to ensure order and efficiency in our work. And it is the only way to clearly define each person's duties, to distribute rewards and penalties correctly, to avoid procrastination and evasion of responsibility, and to prevent people from getting in each other's way.
  • 为了避免无限制的声明而用言语脱。
    evasively worded in order to avoid an unqualified statement.
  • 她丈夫好像认识很多被任命的人,但是当别人问他他们是谁时,他说不认识。
    her husband seemed to know many of the people who were named, but he replied evasively when asked who they were.