  • 多年来我一直在努力学英语,但并没有完全掌握它,可我们移美国后,我们的孩子很快就学会了。
    I had struggled with English for many years without completely mastering it, but when we went to live in American our children picked it up like greased lighning.
  • 希腊人土生土长的希腊人和希腊的住者
    A native or inhabitant of Greece.
  • 青年看出了从他邻那黑眼睛里流露出的贪婪的目光。
    The young man remarked the greedy glance which shone in the dark eyes of his neighbor.
  • 他移居到希腊。
    He immigrated into the Greek.
  • 爱斯基摩人住在北美地区的北冰洋海岸与格陵兰岛部分地区以及西伯利亚的东北地区的土著民,通常用来指住在阿拉斯加和加拿大的北美土著民族
    A group of peoples inhabiting the Arctic coastal regions of North America and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia. The Eskimo are generally considered a Native American people in Alaska and Canada.
  • 的鸟类;人是群动物。
    gregarious bird species; man is a gregarious animal.
  • 东半球土产的群鸟。
    gregarious birds native to the Old World.
  • 比丝鼠大的成群的穴啮齿动物。
    gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchillas.
  • 北美洲群的迁移鸽子,现已灭绝。
    gregarious North American migratory pigeon now extinct.
  • 北美和南美形似猪的夜间活动的群野生动物。
    nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America.
  • 几种群蛾子的幼虫,在它们吃的叶子上吐丝结网。
    several gregarious moth larvae that spin webs over foliage on which they feed.
  • 社交场合;享受一场愉快的交谈;友善的交谈;美国人好社交且喜群
    a sociable occasion; enjoyed a sociable chat; a sociable conversation; Americans are sociable and gregarious.
  • 南美洲象鹤的大型草原栖息的群鸟,羽毛黑亮,叫声洪亮高远;容易饲养。
    large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated.
  • 红鹤,火烈鸟一种热带地区的红鹤科的群大涉禽中,具有淡红色或淡粉色的羽毛,长腿、长而灵活的颈和顶端朝下的喙
    Any of several large, gregarious wading birds of the family Phoenicopteridae of tropical regions, having reddish or pinkish plumage, long legs, a long flexible neck, and a bill turned downward at the tip.
  • 属于或关于格林纳达、格林纳达民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Grenada or its inhabitants.
  • 北美土拨鼠,美洲旱獭北美北部和东部的一种普通的穴啮齿类动物(北美土拨鼠),有短腿、健壮的身体和灰棕色的皮毛
    A common burrowing rodent(Marmota monax) of northern and eastern North America, having a short-legged, heavy-set body and grizzled brownish fur.
  • 大海鲈一种大西洋暖水大鲈鱼,(大海鲈),于美国东南海岸附近
    A large grouper(Epinephelus nigritus) of warm Atlantic waters off the southeast coast of the United States.
  • 看起来对你的邻满怀怨恨
    You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge.
  • 要是你连打个招呼都办不到,恐怕也不会下楼参与什么“委日”还是中秋节庆祝会。
    If you grudge a greeting, then you won't be enthusiastic about the RC Day or Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations held downstairs.
  • 美国人诺曼·c·霍尔著《美国、西藏和中国》披露,1957年,美国中央情报局从旅国外的藏人中挑选六名青年,送美国的关岛,接受识图、收发报、射击和跳伞训练。
    In his book The United States, Tibet and China American Norman C. Hall reveals that in 1957 the CIA culled six young men from among Tibetans residing abroad and sent them to Guam of the United States to receive training in map-reading, radio transmission, shooting and parachuting.
  • 米密尔住在乾坤树的根部守卫智慧之泉的北欧巨人
    A Norse giant who lived by the roots of Yggdrasil, where he guarded the well of wisdom.
  • 危地马拉那的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Guatemala.
  • 属于或关于危地马拉、危地马拉民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Guatemala or its residents.
  • 马雅人中美洲印第安人,住在墨西哥的东南部、危地马拉和伯利兹,其文明在大约公元300年-900年发展到最高点。马雅人以其建筑、城市规划、数学、历法和象形文字著称
    A member of a Mesoamerican Indian people inhabiting southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, whose civilization reached its height around a.d.300-900. The Maya are noted for their architecture and city planning, their mathematics and calendar, and their hieroglyphic writing system.
  • 阿拉瓦克人南美印第安族成员,早先住在大安的列斯群岛大部,现在主要生活于圭亚纳的某些地区
    A member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana.
  • 一个几内亚土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Guinea.
  • 巴布亚新几内或新几内亚的土著或
    A native or inhabitant of Papua New Guinea or New Guinea.
  • 属于或关于几内亚、几内亚民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Guinea or its inhabitants.
  • 圭亚那的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Guyana.
  • 属于或关于圭亚那、圭亚那民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of Guyana or its inhabitants.
  • 那是第四届奥运会的马拉松比赛,意大利的一个经常糖果的商人皮特里参加了这次比赛,他第一个跑完42公里冲进运动场,当时神志都有些不清了,然跑错了方向。
    That was in the marathon race of the 4th Olympic Games. An Italian candy businessman called Peter Lee participated in it. He was the first to complete the 42 kilometers and dashed into the gymnasium.
  • 盐灶下也属禁区,是本港最多鹭鸟聚的地方之一。
    Yim Tso Ha, also a restricted area, is one of the largest egretries in Hong Kong.