  • 中央人民政府主持了中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立和誓仪式。
    the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was sworn in by the Central People's Government.
  • 总统誓就职后,当晚在好几处舞会露面。
    The president put in an appearance at several dances the evening after he was sworn in.
  • 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老。
    By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other.
  • 美国40多岁的人有3500万,谁也不知道其中究竟有多少人患有斯通综合症。但有位医生称,每年有数千人可能死于该综合症。
    Nobody knows how widespread Stone syndrome is among America's 35 million 40-somethings, but one doctor claimed thousands could be dying each year.
  • 但用财富这个词指人类从事工业活动的能力,在一般人看来,似乎总是心照不地和物质产品相关联。
    But in applying the term wealth to the industrial capacities of human being, there seems always, in popular apprehension, To be a tacit reference to material products.
  • ——从1996年4月起,大幅度降低关税,涉及4000多个税号,平均关税水平从35.3%降低至23%,并布在2000年使总体关税水平降至15%。
    -- A massive cut in the import tariffs of more than 4,000 tariff lines was introduced in April 1996, bringing average tariff from 35.3% down to 23%. It has also pledged to further lower overall tariff rate to 15% by the year 2000.
  • 对于反共顽固派的一切反动的法律、命令、传、批评,我们应提出针锋相对的办法和他们作坚决的斗争。
    We must take tit-for-tat action and conduct a determined struggle against all the reactionary verbal attacks, propaganda, orders and laws of the anti-Communist die-hards.
  • 最受欢迎的葡萄是化的“牛奶葡萄”。
    The most sought-after grapes are the"Cow's Teat" from Xuanhua.
  • 现在,我布,第四届中国国际高新技术成果交易会开幕!。
    I now declare China Hi-tech Fair 2002 opened!
  • 事实上,她这个夏天已经布推出另一系列产品的计划,目标是十几岁的少女。
    " Indeed, already this summer she announced plans to launch another new line of business -- selling to teenage girls.
  • 1994年4月,中国政府副总理兼外长钱其琛在会见联合国前秘书长瓦尔德海姆时重申:“中国尊重《世界人权言》、《德黑兰言》、《发展权言》等国际人权文书”,并“将一如既往地同国际社会一道,为更好地加强人权领域的国际合作而共同努力”。
    In April 1994 Qian Qichen, Vice-Premier and concurrently Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese government, reiterated while meeting with the former UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, "China respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Proclamation of Teheran, the Declaration on the Right to Development and other international documents related to human rights" and "will, as always, make a joint effort with the international community to further strengthen international cooperation in the sphere of human rights."
  • 听到布什在《国情咨文》中向世界称伊朗是"恐怖之源"后,25岁的内达·卡西米在德黑兰家中的起居室接收记者采访时说,她怀疑西方国家将永远不会对伊朗有正确的认识。
    Sitting in a Tehran living room just days after Bush told the world her country exports terror, 25-year-old Neda Ghasemi said she wondered if the West would ever get the picture right.
  • 海报上传他是继caruso之后最伟大的男高音。
    He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso.
  • [3]所以,在1964年,特里和他的吸烟与健康咨询委员会就明白了,在他们布“吸烟危害健康,在美国应引起人们足够的重视,有必要采取适当的补救措施”时,他们就踏人了一个争论的大坑中了。
    [3] So in 1964, Terry and his Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health knew they were stepping into a major pit of controversy when they announced "cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action".
  • 誓称自己当时不在犯罪现场。
    He testify under oath that he have not is at the scene of the crime.
  • 在法官让证人誓说实话后,他才能提供证词。
    The witness could not testify until the judge had administered an oath to him to tell the truth.
  • 有个所谓“解冻社”,发表了一个言,公开反对无产阶级专政,说这是分裂人类的。
    There is also a so-called Thaw Society which has issued a declaration openly opposing the dictatorship of the proletariat on the ground that it "divides mankind".
  • 这个男子被判有盗窃罪。
    The man was convicted of theft.
  • 关于实践是检验真理唯一标准的讨论,关于党的历史特别是建国以来历史的科学总结,关于建设有中国特色的社会主义,关于经济和政治体制的改革,关于建设社会主义精神文明和加强共产主义、爱国主义思想教育,围绕这些,理论界做了许多研究、论证和传工作,发挥了积极的作用。
    Our theorists have contributed a great deal by studying, expounding and publicizing the theory that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, the scientific analysis of the Party's history, especially in the period since the founding of the People's Republic, and the need to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, to reform the economic and political structures, build a socialist society advanced in ethics and culture and to educate people in communism and patriotism.
  • 人智学由神智学发展出来的现代宗教派别的教条和信仰,称要发展关于精神实在的知识和理解
    The doctrines and beliefs of a modern religious sect derived from theosophy and claiming to develop knowledge and realization of spiritual reality.
  • 实践证明,现行的政策经过深入的传教育,得到了人民群众的理解和支持。
    As experience proves, the policy has been understood and supported by the masses after thoroughgoing publicity and education.
  • 我们过去做了许多事,有的并不登报,不登报不等于不普遍深入地传,如整顿社会治安、社会风气,都做到家喻户晓。
    In the past, we accomplished a great deal. Sometimes we got things done without publicizing them in newspapers. This did not mean that we failed to conduct extensive and thoroughgoing publicity. For example, we made known to every household our effort to improve public security and the general mood of society.
  • 这两件事无法协调;把影片传与作品销售联系起来
    Two events that do not tie in; tying the movie promotion in with the book sales.
  • 正因为这亲,长期以来中国政府始终把传教育工作放在首位,通过坚持不懈地向群众进行传教育,使全国人民真正懂得实行计划生育是关系到国家富强、民族繁荣、家庭幸福的根本大计,从而自觉地实行计划生育。
    Given these factors, the government has always given priority to tireless publicity and educational work among the masses to enhance public awareness that birth control, as a fundamental policy, has a direct bearing on the nation's prosperity and people's happy family life.
  • 最后必须指出,许多华文论者在评论“一边一国论”之时,顺应台独传而将陈水扁演讲所用的闽南话称之为“台语”,这是不负责任地为台独张目。
    Finally, it must be pointed out that many Chinese-language authors commenting on the “one country on each side” assertion have toed the Taiwan Independence movement's propaganda line and described the Min Nan dialect used by Chen as “Tai Yu”. It is an irresponsible practice helpful to the Taiwan Independence movment.
  • 给某事敲丧钟,告某事物告终
    Sound [toll, ring out] the death knell for [of] sth.
  • 售货员称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。
    The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all ills.
  • 真实故事:1981年,当龙卷风似的灾难突袭美国音像店的时候,斯查尔兹在停车场张贴了一个巨大的单名为‘龙卷风销售’的传单,将大批商品大肆打折出售。
    True story: When a tornado destroyed a Sound of Music store in 1981, Schulze held a huge "tornado sale" of heavily discounted merchandise in the parking lot.
  • 毛泽东思想紧密联系着各个领域的实践,紧密联系着各个方面工作的方针、政策和方法,我们一定要全面地学习、传和实行,不能听到风就是雨。
    Mao Zedong Thought is closely bound up with practice in every sphere, with the principles, policies and methods in every line of work. We must study, propagate and implement it in its totality and not base our conclusions on a partial understanding or an erroneous interpretation by others.
  • 那家新饭店是旅游局长布正式开业的。
    The minister of tourism opened the new hotel.
  • 推广活动包括:在全球主要商贸中心举办高层商务会议;巡回展览;安排代表在国际活动上发言;在世界着名的商业及贸易刊物刊登传广告;以及派发该局出版的《香港工商》月刊给全球商界领袖和高级行政人员,该份月刊现已推出网上版。
    It did this through high-level business seminars in the world's business capitals, roadshows, speaking engagements at international events, global advertising campaigns in the world's top business and trade publications, and its business publication Hong Kong Trader, distributed to senior corporate executives and decision-makers around the world and now available on-line.
  • 一九九九年,贸易发展局继续推广香港作为国际商业中心的形象。推广工作包括:举办高层商务会议和巡回展览;在全球主要商贸中心举行香港晚宴;安排代表在国际论坛上发言;在世界着名的商业刊物刊登传广告;以及派发该局出版的《香港工商》月刊给全球60000名商界领袖和高级行政人员。
    During 1999, the TDC continued to promote Hong Kong's image as an international hub for business through high-level business seminars, roadshows, 'Hong Kong Dinners' in the world's business capitals, speaking engagements at international fora, global advertising campaigns in the world's top business publications, and its business newspaper 'Hong Kong Trader' which is sent to 60 000 senior corporate executives and decision-makers internationally.