  • 根据评估委员会的报告和执委会递交的候选城市单,国际奥委会在2001年7月15日莫斯科第112次全会上进行投票表决,选出2008年夏季奥运会的举办城市。
    The IOC assembly will vote for the host city and appraise the findings of the executive board's report in Moscow on July 15, 2001.
  • 她感到一种难以状的恐惧。
    The apprehension she had felt had been shapeless.
  • 他去跟一手艺人当学徒。
    He's apprenticed to a craftsman.
  • 义上是由自己照管钱财而实际上是为自己所有的欺诈犯罪行为。
    the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else.
  • 他被提为行政总裁的事被董事会批准了。
    His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.
  • 被批准的候选人单。
    a list of approved candidates.
  • 这所学校男生数约为三百
    The approximate number of boys in the school is 300.
  • 每年3000学生,这是个大约的数字。
    3000 students each year would be an approximation.
  • 他容易忘记人的字。
    He is apt to forget people's names.
  • 但是她却能敏捷地从口中蹦出导弹和坦克的数目、元帅们的姓和许多次首脑会谈的日期。
    But instead she aptly juggles numbers of missiles and tanks,names of marshals and dates of summits,’” the paper wrote.
  • 正如bretz所说,疤地恰如其,它们代表了地球表面一道无法愈合的伤疤。
    As Bretz remarked, the Scablands are aptly named, for they represent an unhealed wound in the skin of the Earth.
  • 昆斯敦市位于群峦叠嶂之下,这些山峰有个非常恰当的字--卓越峰。游览这处胜景可以从库克山乘车向南行驶4小时或从基督城乘一小段飞机。
    Queens-town, sitting under the jagged peaks of the aptly-named Remarkables, is a scenic four-hour drive south of Mount Cook, or a short flight from Christchurch.
  • 海洋公园的旅游点很多,计有吊车、多个世界级的展览馆,包括海洋馆、海涛馆、鲨鱼馆、雀鸟天堂和蝴蝶屋;还有可容纳3500观众欣赏海洋哺乳动物表演的海洋剧场,以及紧张刺激的过山车。
    The park's attractions include a cable car system, various world-class features such as the Atoll Reef, Wave Cove, Shark Aquarium, Bird Paradise, the Butterfly House, and the 3500-seat Ocean Theatre for marine mammal shows, and an exciting array of thrill rides.
  • 玻利维亚南美洲西部的内陆国家,以在1825年协助其从西班牙独立出来的西蒙·玻利维亚的字命。苏克雷是其法定首都和司法机关所在地,拉巴斯兹是其行政管理中心和最大城市。人口6,429,226
    A landlocked country of western South America. It was named after Sim髇 Bol韛ar who helped win its independence from Spain in1825. Sucre is the legal capital and the seat of the judiciary. La Paz is the administrative center and the largest city. Population,6, 429, 226.
  • 道蒂,查尔斯·蒙塔古1843-1926英国旅行家和作家,以其阿拉伯沙漠旅行记(1888年)而著
    British traveler and writer best known for Travels in Arabia Deserta(1888).
  • 作为一仲裁人的决定的行动;给出权威的判断。
    the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment.
  • 负荷构成所有电子现象(尤指电磁感应力)起因的物质的固有属性,以两种任意命的形式负和正出现
    The intrinsic property of matter responsible for all electric phenomena, in particular for the force of the electromagnetic interaction, occurring in two forms arbitrarily designated negative and positive.
  • 英国以前的法庭,因其独断的方式和严厉的制裁而声狼籍。
    a former English court that became notorious for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments.
  • 而第三仲裁员则由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会主席指定,当首席仲裁员。
    Then the third one is to be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC as the presiding arbitrator.
  • 根据中国仲裁规则,可以指定一或三仲裁员,我们双方通过协商可以共同指定一独任仲裁员,如果要指定三仲裁员,当然每方可以从中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁员单里指定一仲裁员。
    According to the Chinese Rules for Arbitration, one or three arbitrators can be appointed. We may hold consultation to appoint a sole arbitrator. In case three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party may nominate one arbitrator from the CIETAC Panel of Arbitrations.
  • 皮卡迪利大街附近的一著的拱廊街道上,几家高档商店刚刚开门。
    The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening.
  • 这个巨大的拱廊中有一家为柯特尔蒙的豪华休闲和健康中心。其中的芬兰式桑拿浴、罗马式蒸汽浴池可帮助消除因生意而产生的紧张和压力。
    Within this grand arcade is the Ko -Thermen, a luxurious haven and fitness centre where the stresses and pressures of business can be soaked away in the Finnish sauna, Roman steam bath or pool.
  • 大理石拱门是着的伦敦标志。
    Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
  • 其中一项为"香港法定古迹"的展览展出64项法定古迹和从考古遗址发掘所得文物,另一项为"香港文物六千年"的展览则介绍香港在不同历史时期的丰富遗物,并着重介绍考古文物和历史建筑物。
    The exhibition Hong Kong's Declared Monuments included 64 declared monuments and relics excavated from archaeological sites. The second exhibition Hong Kong's Heritage - A History of 6 000Years introduced the very rich relics of Hong Kong from different historical periods with an emphasis on archaeological finds and historical buildings.
  • 在发展商慷慨捐助下,办事处邀请了一队来自北京著中国社会科学院考古研究所的专业考古学家参与这次发掘工作,共同进行野外研究计划。
    With a generous donation from the developer, the AMO invited a team of professional archaeologists from the renowned Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in Beijing to participate in this rescue operation as a joint field study programme.
  • 仪式后,我们应邀同坎特伯雷大主教共进午餐-他是一个大鼎鼎的人物!
    After the ceremony we are invited to lunch with the Archbishop of Canterbury – and there's a name to conjure with!
  • 多亏一位叫后羿的神箭手射下了9个太阳,地球才被保住。
    It was thanks to a skillful archer named Hou Yi that the Earth was saved. He shot down all but one of the suns.
  • 尽管该队世界著的女子射箭运动员金水顺已经退役,但韩国队的水平仍然比其了队的水平高出一个档次。
    Despite the retirement of the world's best know female archer Kim Soo-Nyung, the Koreans are a class above the rest of the sport.
  • 生活在十四世纪早期作为有的弓箭手的瑞士爱国者;根据传说,奥地利的统治者让他用自己的弓箭射他儿子头上的苹果(他成功地射中没有带来灾祸)。
    a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap).
  • 目前,奥运会射箭比赛的参赛选手为男女各64
    Currently, 64 men and 64 women compete in archery at the Olympic Games.
  • 他在男子个人射箭比赛中列第二。
    He ranks the second in the first round of the men's individual archery.
  • 据说,1948年6月,他最先组织了16下肢瘫痪的人参加过射箭比赛。
    It is said that in June 1948,he initially organized 16 people who had lower limbs paralysis to partic-ipate in the archery competition.